The police responsible for the aftermath, when checking the conditions of the rescued humans, accidentally discovered that one of them was wearing a priest's uniform.

"Father, are you the priest of the Holy Church?"

Although the priest's uniform on his body has become tattered, his identity can still be identified from the iconic uniform style of the Holy Church and the holy emblem on his chest.

But Zawan didn't answer.

His eyes stared fixedly at Tongzi, who was chatting and laughing with the head of the police headquarters in District 11 in the distance—the head heard that there were humans imprisoned by ghouls, but was given by the nun. After being rescued, he rushed over in person.

Zawan was jealous.

When he was caught by the ghouls, he still maintained his firm belief and confidently told other people who were also locked up that God would definitely come to save them.

He is also praying to God every day, praying that God can rescue them from the sea of ​​suffering as soon as possible.

But it didn't work.

Every once in a while, someone will still be pulled out, and then the rest of them can only hear the screams of the person who was pulled out, and finally that person never came back.

Only the bloodied and contented ghouls came back.

They all know that those who are pulled out will never come back.

But even so, Zawan still prayed to God every day, and worked hard to maintain everyone's sanity and prevent everyone from collapsing.

But as the time of being kept longer and longer, there were more and more screams, and the people around them were pulled out one by one, and then new people were sent in...

Zawan's heart began to change.

At first it was calm and numb.

No longer feel angry and unwilling because someone of the same kind is dragged out as food for ghouls;

And then get lucky.

Fortunately, it wasn't me who was dragged out and eaten;

And finally resentment...

Resenting myself for having no strength, resenting that the beliefs I have always maintained are useless, resenting God for not saving me from the sea of ​​suffering, and even...

When Zhawan was hiding in the corner of the cage, complaining and blaming him as usual, he suddenly heard the screams of ghouls outside, and then saw the door being pushed open, and someone came in and took them away. When I was rescued...

What Zhawan felt in his heart was not gratitude, nor the sense of gratitude that he would survive the catastrophe, and no longer need to worry about whether he would survive until the next day, but resentment...

Yes, resentment.

Even though Tongzi rescued him, he still resented why Tongzi didn't rescue him earlier.

If he had been rescued earlier, he would not have suffered so much...

If he had been rescued earlier, he wouldn't have had so many profane thoughts...

If he was rescued earlier, he would not be blackened, but would always be that holy heart...

God exists...

This point can be understood just by looking at Tongzi single-handedly imprisoning them and killing all the ghouls who raised them as livestock.


Why didn't God give himself this power?

Why give that impostor?

As a genuine priest of the Church of the Holy Church, Zawan had already seen through Tongzi as a counterfeit from the very first sight, but the police who arrived, their eyes were covered with shit, and they said "nun" one by one. "Miss," he groaned disgustingly.

So he decided to do something about it.


I slept so comfortably last night that I woke up a little late this morning.

After waking up, Tongzi left her room and entered the main hall, only to find that early in the morning, there was a priest standing in front of the statue in the main hall, praying.

Has anyone come to do the confession so early?

The sleepy-eyed Tongzi felt that the priest looked familiar, but she didn't have much impression.

After praying, the priest turned around and faced Kiriko.

"I am from the Church of the Holy Church, taking over from Father Zawan of this church."

"Wait a minute if you want to confess, I'll brush my teeth and wash my face first..."

Tongzi subconsciously regarded the other party as a confessor, so she said it casually, but it took a while to realize what the other party just said.

"You said you took over from the Church of the Holy Church?"


Zawan puffed out his chest proudly.

During the time he was imprisoned by those ghouls, Zawan was not abused in any way.

Because ghouls treat them as food, just like humans don't do anything to pigs and sheep...

Even the ghouls will give them the minimum food to ensure that they will not starve to death.

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