So Zawan basically has no problems except that the priest's clothes he is wearing are a little dirty and old-and he even went to the hotel to take a shower before coming to this church.

Since he was escorted to the hospital by the police yesterday, he learned about Tongzi from the police.

As a genuine priest, he certainly knew that he was the one sent by the Holy Church to take over the church, and the so-called nun was just a fake.

From that moment on, Zawan felt that God still cared for him, otherwise how could he have given him a handle when he resented the other party.

So early this morning, Zawan took a taxi to this church regardless of his weakness after being imprisoned for a long time.

The reason is to see the other party's guilty and panicked expression, but what he didn't expect is...

"Then this church will be handed over to you, work hard, young man, you are young and promising, I am optimistic about you."

After reacting, Tongzi gave a thumbs up encouragingly.

On the contrary, Zawan was a little at a loss.

what's the situation?

What's the matter with this way of speaking from seniors to juniors?

Shouldn't the other party be flustered?Shouldn't it be yelling louder?Shouldn't you be hysterically driving yourself out?

But why did it develop into what it is now?

This is wrong, the script should not be performed like this!

A thought flashed through Zawan's heart like lightning.


This woman is deceiving herself!

She must have some vicious conspiracy, although she can't figure out why the other party gave up the church so generously, but there must be some conspiracy in it that I haven't seen yet!


People have feelings.

And Chinese people all have their hometown plot.

Tongzi is no exception.

Although at the beginning it was because she didn't want the old priest who took her in at the beginning and the church managed by her to be abandoned, but after living in this church for a few months, Tongzi still developed some attachment to it.

Chapter 136 Is Your Real Name Wang?


But she is attached to her, of course she knows that this place does not belong to her, and she is not affiliated with the Church of the Holy Church.

Therefore, since all the authentic priests have come, Tongzi decided to leave even though it was a pity.

Someone helps to take care of this church, the old priest can rest in peace when he goes to heaven.

Tongzi thought so.

Just when she was about to go back to her room to pack her things (putting the TV in the bedroom and

"you liar!"

Tongzi froze in place for a few seconds before she realized that the other party was blaming herself.

"What did you say?"

"I said you are a liar! Don't think I don't know what you are planning, but I will never let you succeed!"

"...Do you know what you're talking about? Are you sure it's not because of drinking too much, or getting up too early and lack of oxygen, that makes you speak without thinking?"

Tongzi stepped forward, intending to take the other party's temperature, but the other party took several steps back cautiously.

"What are you doing! What do you want to do! Okay, I understand, you want to hit someone! You want to silence me, don't you! Let me tell you, I, Zawan, will never succumb to violence, and I will never succumb to your lust. Everyone knows that you are a fake!"


Seeing the priest who became hysterical out of nowhere and crazily added drama to himself, Tongzi sighed.

They are also priests, but the old priest who took him in at the beginning, and the priest in front of him are the same as the sky and the earth.

Sure enough, no matter when, there is always a time when the truth cannot be explained.

At times like this, you have to learn from Brother Song.

I, Wu Song, only beat unreasonable people in my life.JPG

"What kind of expression do you have? Do you want to confess to me? It's too late, even if you confess to me, I will never forgive you, and the Church of the Holy Church will never forgive you for what you have done!"

"Father, you said just now that you would never submit to violence, did you?"

"That's right, even if I, Zawan, die, jump out of this church, I will never succumb to violence."

"That's good."

Tongzi grinned, revealing pearl-like white teeth.


Since she couldn't reason with this priest Zawan, Tongzi had no choice but to talk about physics with him.

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