after all……

Um, what you want to expel is SS-rank ghouls, what's the matter with me, Tongzi?

After seeing off the two ministers, Tongzi stayed in the church until the evening before going out.

Now that I have accepted the commission, I still have to put on a show, so I rode my bicycle to the 20th district.

On the road to District 20, she suddenly heard a movement beside the road.

This road is built on the mountain road, next to the cliff, and under the cliff is a dense forest.

She heard a rumor before that many people who had lost confidence in life would come here to commit suicide.

Even if the police put up placards beside the road, exhorting them to cherish life, it is also useless.

There has just been a movement from below. Could it be that after someone committed suicide, the resentment persisted and turned into a ghost?

Thinking so, Tongzi put the bicycle into the dimension bag, and then jumped off the cliff directly, grabbing the tree trunk during the fall to reduce the force of the fall.

She's not Geralt, she'll be fine if she falls from such a high height, but if there's no buffer, she's worried that the noise she makes will startle him away.

After using the buffer to fall to the ground, she didn't make a sound, and then she identified the direction, and then quietly walked in the direction of the source of the sound.

What surprised her was that she didn't expect that she would be here and see an acquaintance who had met once...


Head to the woods below the cliffs next to Highway 20.

Wanzhang Shuyi was punched hard in the face.


The bronze tree ghoul wearing the iconic red cloak still couldn't let go of his hatred, and kicked thousands of feet in the abdomen again.

Wan Zhang Shu Yi clutched his stomach and fell to the ground with a painful expression on his face.

"You soft bones, is this the only thing you can do? Letting you be responsible for collecting 'food' is the bronze tree's care for you wastes who are not good at fighting! In the end, look at yourselves, what do you look like?"

"Before, I felt that the 'food' you brought back was wrong. So that's how you fucking collected it! You are ghouls, and instead of attacking humans, you come here to pick up corpses. Are you wild dogs? ?”

The bronze tree ghoul roared angrily. If it wasn't for the mask that ghouls must wear, it is estimated that the saliva sprayed out could be sprayed on tens of thousands of faces.

The one being reprimanded by the Bronze Tree Ghoul is none other than Wanzhangshuyi and his companions.

It turned out that after being rescued by Tongzi at that time, Wanzhang Shuyi and his companions continued to live a wandering life. The ghouls would be expelled by humans, and no investigators and police could protect them. They are seen as enemies vying for territory and food.

Therefore, in the end, they still couldn't escape the fate of being absorbed by the rapidly expanding bronze tree.

The Bronze Tree reorganizes these outsiders. Simply put, they are divided into peripheral and internal personnel. Those who are considered capable by the Bronze Tree will enter and become internal personnel; while those who are incompetent will be eliminated and become peripheral personnel.

To put it more plainly, the peripheral personnel are cannon fodder.

Wanzhangshuyi and his companions are naturally peripheral personnel, and their task is to find "food" for the increasingly large bronze tree.

As the Bronze Tree grew stronger, it absorbed many idle ghouls, and the amount of food it consumed was bound to be astonishing, so it also needed a team dedicated to searching for food.

Ten thousand zhangshuyi is one such team.

They couldn't bear to hurt human beings, but they had to hand over a sufficient amount, so they could only go to places where there were many suicides to pick up corpses.

Today they are the same as before, they come here and take some back, but what they don't know is that because the "food" they bring back is not "fresh" enough, they are targeted by the bronze tree ghoul .

After they left the bronze tree stronghold, they were followed secretly.

After the bronze tree ghoul found out that they were picking up the corpses like wild dogs, he rushed out furiously, and severely beat up Wanzhang Shuyi, who was leading the team.

One of the companions who came with Wanzhangshuyi, after seeing Wanzhangshuyi's tragic situation and the tyrannical behavior of the bronze tree ghoul, couldn't help but stand up and say.

"However, since there is an easier way to find 'food', why do we have to harm humans? Why can't we coexist peacefully with humans?"

"Peaceful coexistence?"

But the Bronze Tree Ghoul seemed to hear something ridiculous, and turned his masked face to the person who spoke.

"You traitor among the ghouls! Say it again! You are a waste that even a mere human dare not hurt! You..."

The bronze tree ghouls walked forward viciously, and it wanted to educate these soft bones well, what does it mean to "eliminate human tyranny, the world belongs to ghouls".

But before it took a few steps, its ankle was suddenly grabbed. It looked back and saw Wanzhang Shuyi lying on the ground, reaching out to grab its ankle.

"What are you doing, what do you want to do? Don't you dare to resist the bronze tree? Rebel against my uncle?"

His nose was bruised and his face was swollen, his face convulsed from the pain, and he spit out a mouthful of bloody saliva.

"No... Didn't you agree, hitting that enough?"

The bronze tree ghoul looked at Wanzhang Shuyi, and then at the companion he was protecting.

"Okay, this is what you asked for, don't blame me."

Under the red cloak behind the Bronze Tree Ghoul protruded a long hentail, and the front end of this hentail formed a sharp shape, piercing down towards the tens of thousands of one's back.

But at this moment, a black light suddenly flashed past.


The bronze tree ghoul was stunned.

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