Then its head fell, and its body fell down with a thud.

"Tong...Miss Tong?"

Wan Zhangshu stared blankly at Tongzi who appeared behind the bronze tree ghoul.

She heard all the conversation between Wanzhang Shuyi and the Bronze Tree Ghoul just now.

What she didn't expect was that the group of people she saved back then were also ghouls.

"It turns out that you are also ghouls."

Looking at the black long sword that was still dripping blood in Tongzi's hand, and Tongzi's expressionless face, Wan Zhangshu shuddered violently in his heart.

He still has not forgotten the scene of Tongzi beheading several bronze tree ghouls with ease.

He also knows the irreconcilable contradiction between humans and ghouls.

"If you want to kill, I will stay and let them go."

Wanzhang Shuyi struggled to stand up, keeping his companions behind him.

"No, Mr. Wanzhang, if we have to die, we would rather die together."

His companions were unwilling to abandon him and escape alone.

"Wanzhang, do you have any last words?"

There was no emotion on Tongzi's face, and she flicked the long sword to shake off the blood on the sword.

"There are ghouls and humans in this world, and we are just very unfortunate to be born as ghouls."

Wanzhang Shuyi looked into Tongzi's eyes and said seriously.

"Then you have no excuse for cannibalism?"

"I want to live. My companions and I just want to live. Ghouls can't eat normal human food. If they don't starve to death, they can only eat people. I know this may sound like sophistry, but My companions and I have never attacked humans, we only pick up corpses to eat...Miss Tong, if you were a ghoul, what would you do?"

"This kind of empathy is meaningless, because I am not a ghoul, I am a human being, so it is impossible for me to think about the problem from the perspective of a ghoul, and it is even more impossible for me to agree that you will continue to eat the corpses of my kind in the future, even if you are just For life."

"Really? So you're going to kill us? Like those white pigeons?"

Thousands of feet trembled, but it was unknown whether it was fear or anger.

Kiriko raised her sword...

Then put the sword back into the scabbard.

She turned around and turned her back to Wan Zhang Shu Yi and his companions.

"Pack up that ghoul's corpse and follow me."

After saying this, Tongzi left on her own, as if not worried at all that they would take the opportunity to escape.

Only the first-class people were left looking at each other in blank dismay.

"Mr. Wanzhang?"

Everyone else looked at Wanzhang Shuyi, waiting for him to make up his mind.

Wanzhang Shuyi pressed the abdomen that had just been kicked by the Bronze Tree Ghoul. He only felt that there were still bursts of severe pain, and when he was holding on to confront Tongzi just now, he was pulled to the wound, which made him feel unbearable pain. Take a deep breath.

"Listen to her first. Anyway, she is going to kill us, and we have no power to fight back. Let's follow up and see what's going on."

With the strength of the other party, there is no need to play tricks on him, and the other party showed mercy to him twice, which made Wan Zhang Shu Yi think that there might be another turning point.


So just like that, Wanzhangshuyi and others followed Tongzi back to the church.

After everyone came in, Tongzi closed the electric gate to ensure that no outsiders would come in by mistake.

She checked Wanzhang's injuries first, and confirmed that Wanzhangshu's injury was only flesh and blood.

With the recovery ability of ghouls, this flesh and blood injury can heal itself only by rest.

Then she let the dust and mud and blood stained countless people go to take a bath.

While they were taking a bath, Kiriko sat on a bench in the main hall, thinking about what Wan Zhang Shu Yi had just said to herself.

Chapter 147 Isn't the weakened version of the great sage the grandson of the sage?


What is a ghoul?

"A ghoul that looks like a human, but has no emotions"-this is the idea that people are trying to instill in people on the Internet and on TV.

It was also Tongzi's previous cognition.

Tongzi hadn't thought about this issue carefully before.

And when she found out that Dong Xiang and Chu Shi were ghouls, and then found out that Wanzhang Shuyi and the group of people she had rescued before were also ghouls, Tongzi couldn't help but feel a little shaken in her heart...

Whether Dong Xiang fought against the ghoul investigator in order to protect Chushi, or Wanzhang Shuyi was willing to be beaten by the bronze tree ghoul in order to protect his companion, and willing to die under the sword of Tongzi instead of his companion...

These emotions are no different from human beings.

TV news and the Internet say that ghouls have no emotions, but judging from what Tongzi has experienced, they have the same emotions as humans.

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