Kotaro Amon didn't understand what Kiriko was trying to convey, but he nodded anyway.

"I know that besides Quink, there is also a special bullet called 'Q Barrett' for dealing with ghouls, but this bullet is limited in power, and can only deal with ghouls below S rank, and it is not enough to deal with those above S rank. gone."

"Miss Tong, what do you want to say?"

Tongzi supported her right elbow with her left hand, and patted her cheek lightly with her right hand into a fist, as if thinking.

"I just find it strange, Mr. Yamen, since the birth of human beings, it took us so long to get rid of the shackles of cold weapons and fully enter the era of hot weapons. Why did CCG pick up cold weapons again?"

"Humans are not as good as ghouls in terms of physical fitness. Why are they obsessed with fighting ghouls instead of using hot weapons?"

Amon Kotaro put the wine glass on the table, turned around, and put on an appearance of the senior teaching the junior.

"This is because... didn't you say it yourself just now? Ms. Tong, because Q Barrett can't hurt ghouls above S rank."

Tongzi spread her hands, puzzled.

"Then develop the more powerful Q Barrett. If the pistol type is not acceptable, develop the rifle type; All kinds of things that can explode and make noise?"

During the winter battle in Osaka, Tokugawa Ieyasu used a large cannon (cannon) to shoot at the castle tower outside Osaka Castle to force the Yododen of the Toyotomi family to negotiate peace.

But he never imagined that in less than four centuries, human beings had developed a terrifying weapon capable of destroying a city.

But in the 21st century, ghoul investigators are still fighting with cold weapons, isn't this a joke?

"I'm not a researcher in this area, I don't quite understand..."

Maybe it was because he was drunk, or maybe he was confused by Kiriko's question, Amon Kotarou's face flushed red.

"I'm just making an opinion. You know, I'm an enthusiastic citizen. Naturally, I hope to protect our CCG better and better. By the way, Mr. Yamen, do you need me to call a car for you?"

Seeing that Amon Kotarou really didn't know anything, Kiriko didn't press on any further, but asked with concern.

Amon Kotaro waved his hand, signaling that he was okay.

"Okay, then I'll leave first."

Kiriko patted Amon Kotarou on the shoulder and left the izakaya.

Meeting Amon Kotaro here was an accident...or a surprise.

And from Yamen Kotaro, Tongzi confirmed her conjecture.

Although Amon Kotaro did not directly answer the question in her heart, she thinks her guess should be eight (sensitive words) nine to ten:

The high-level ruling CCG, the Hexiu clan are ghouls!

In fact, this is a question that Tongzi had long ago.

Because if the ghoul investigators in this world are the same as the heroes in the previous world, they have all kinds of incredible abilities, such as the atomic samurai who can cut tanks with a single knife, and silver fangs' flowing water rock smashing fist It can crack mountains and crush rocks, for example...

Teacher Saitama can explode with one punch...

At this level, it is meaningless to be entangled in cold weapons and hot weapons.

But the ghoul investigators in this world haven’t reached that level. Rather than being superhuman, it’s better to say that they are just ordinary people who have undergone training (at this time, Tongzi didn’t know about V and Bai Riting, nor did he know about half-human, half-ghoul) .

Like ordinary people, they cannot jump to a height of tens of meters in one breath, or span hundreds of meters in one leap. Even against ghouls, they can only use Quinke battles made by ghouls...

Humans are weak, and compared to ghouls, they are basically useless except for skills.

But if this is the case, why do you still have to fight with ghouls?

Tongzi had seen it more than once on the TV news before. It was reported that traces of ghouls were found in a certain area of ​​Tokyo. In order to expel the ghouls, the search officer rushed into the building and started a fierce battle with the ghouls. In the end, all the ghouls were expelled. The search officer Several deaths and injuries and so on.

This made Tongzi more difficult to understand.

When people are killed, they die.

This is a fact that every idiot knows.

Since we knew in advance that there were ghouls in a certain building, why didn't we just bombard that building with artillery fire after issuing an evacuation warning (which could be disguised as a fire drill or something like that)?

You must know that even S-rank ghouls will die if they fall from a height of hundreds of meters or are directly hit by artillery fire.

Moreover, cold weapon training and hot weapon training are not at the same level at all.

Let’s take a saying that was very popular on the Internet before:

A farmer who has only been trained for a few months can easily kill a knight who has been trained for more than ten years with a crossbow.

This statement may be exaggerated and deliberate, but it is not difficult to see the difference between hot weapons and cold weapons in training and actual combat.

Especially in the modern age where all kinds of hot weapons have been invented, why do we have to use cold weapons?

She knew about these problems, but she couldn't figure it out before, and felt that the senior management of CCG were a bunch of idiots.

But after talking with Amon Kotaro, she figured it out.

If the senior management of CCG is a bunch of ghouls, then all these unreasonable things can make sense.

And their purpose of doing so is actually easy to guess:

Human beings are not allowed to use hot weapons, but use cold weapons to fight against ghouls. This will inevitably cause a large number of human casualties, and the results are as follows——

First, the conflict between humans and ghouls is gradually deepening and cannot be reconciled;

——Some things need to be needed to exist. Think about it, if there are no ghouls, then CCG naturally has no need to exist, and the Hexiu clan who ruled CCG will quickly lose their privileges and become an ordinary class a member of

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