Second, humans only use cold weapons to fight against ghouls. Although they have an advantage in numbers, they do not have an advantage in personal combat quality (Arima Kisho is just an example), so it is bound to be impossible to completely eliminate the ghouls;

——Let human beings abandon their best hot weapons and only use cold weapons to fight against ghouls, so that even if they know that there are a lot of ghouls in a certain place, they can only send investigators in to die instead of directly using Missiles leveled it.

In this way, the loss on the human side is not low, and the "balance" expected by the Hexiu clan can be achieved.

Third, the source of food for the Hezu clan.

——That's right, don't forget, since ghouls rule the top of CCG, they need food just like ordinary ghouls.

And this food is human beings.

Such a large family must have a large population, and the amount of food they need must be an astonishing number. If the citizens are robbed, the excessive disappearance cases will definitely cause social turmoil and a lot of attention.

But if you eat the corpse of the searcher who died in battle, it won't attract attention—after all, except for the Hexiu family, there will be no one else who will risk the taboo of desecrating the dead and dig up the grave to disturb the rest of the dead.




Chapter 149 Changes in the World Line?


Tongzi sighed, although she knew this, it seemed useless.

Even if she said it, no one would believe it, and instead, she might be lured to the door by a killer trained by the Hexiu clan.

As the ghouls hidden among human beings, the Hexiu clan is even a senior member of the CCG. There must be a force under their command that only obeys their orders, and this force is usually unknown, and it specializes in eliminating threats to the Hexiu clan. object.

She wasn't afraid of the thugs of the Hexiu clan coming up to assassinate her, she just didn't want to do useless work.

Who would have imagined that the boss of the ghoul investigator was also a ghoul?

At the same time, she secretly rejoiced in her heart that she didn't watch Dong Xiang and Chu Shi being killed by Mado Wu Xu and the others.

Thinking of Tongzi here, I couldn't help thinking, if Mado Wu Xu, a workaholic who desperately killed ghouls, knew that his immediate boss turned out to be a ghoul, how would he feel?

Will he be so angry that he will explode on the spot?Or take Quink to destroy the Hezu family?

At this moment, Tongzi's cell phone in her pocket suddenly rang.

She took out her mobile phone, glanced at the screen of the mobile phone, and then froze.

Because the one displayed on the screen is none other than Dong Xiang.


half an hour ago.

On the top floor of a building, there are three people standing.

One of them has blue-purple curly hair and a red scarf around his neck. He is a young boy who doesn't look very old.

But he looked very tugged, with his hands in his trouser pockets, letting the strong wind that is typical of high-rise buildings blow his hair.

Standing next to him was a man with short yellow hair, a dark red shirt with a yellow vest, and a white suit on the outside.

Although he was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, his appearance was too fierce. He didn't look like a salesman at all, but he looked like a member of the extreme way who couldn't get along with the way and started a company.

And after these two people, there is another person.

What to say?

Whether it's clothing, or temperament and behavior, they are all extremely feminine and enchanting.

But the person wearing this suit and doing these actions is an out-and-out man.

The full beard and the butt-shaped chin are really unappetizing.

The boy's name is Kirishima Ayato, the man in the suit is Jason (Gecko), and the last one is the shemale Nick.

Both Kirishima Ayato and Jason are the cadres of the Bronze Tree. They came to District 20 to find the whereabouts of Godai Rishi under the order of the leader of the Bronze Tree.

——Their mission is to bring Shendailishi or people who have the scent of Shendailishi back to the bronze tree.

"If there is no mistake in the information, the last place where Shendai Lishi disappeared was the 20th area, so there is nothing wrong with starting the search from the 20th area."

Ayato Kirishima stood on the edge of the top floor, overlooking the city below.

"I heard that in District 20, there seems to be a coffee shop dedicated to protecting weak ghouls. I heard that the coffee shop treats all weak ghouls and humans kindly. I think it's very interesting. Why don't we go there and have a look?"

Jason grinned.

Hearing Jason's words, Kirishima Canto's eyelids twitched, and then a figure appeared in his mind.

He shook his head, erased that figure from his mind, and then mocked.

"Helping weak ghouls? Treating humans well? It's really sad... There is nothing to go to that kind of weak place. It is impossible for God Dai Lishi to be with those incompetent guys."

"Huh? You seem a little strange, Mr. Xuanto?" Jason deliberately approached Kirishima Xuanto with a ferocious smile, "Why, is there anything special to you in that coffee shop?"

Kirishima Ayato's heart skipped a beat, but she still tensed her face, trying to put on a natural look.

"Huh? What are you talking about, gecko?"

Gecko is Jason's code name in Bronze Tree, but in fact Jason is not his real name, his real name is Omori Yakumo, and Jason is the code name given to him by CCG.

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