——When Tongzi was saving Kanekiken and Yongjin Yingliang, although he met Nishio Nishiki, he didn't know his name. Later, after Nishio Nishiki was rescued by the store manager, he has been in charge of logistics. Tongzi went to the coffee shop. I've seen him before, so I don't know that he is the ghoul who was almost killed by me back then.

Tongzi can ignore Xiwei Jin, but she can't ignore Dong Xiang.

After Jason came to Antique and beat Dong Xiang seriously, his end was also doomed at that moment.

After returning to the church, Tongzi immediately asked Wanzhangshou and the others for the location of the Bronze Tree stronghold and information about Jason.

Unfortunately, due to the fact that Wanzhangshuyi was coerced into joining the Bronze Tree for a short period of time, little information was known about Jason, except that Jason was one of the cadres of the Bronze Tree.

As for the location of the bronze tree stronghold...

I don't know that the leader of the Bronze Tree, who knows things like a god, has long thought that there will be betrayal by unfaithful peripheral members, or it's just a coincidence. Randomly occupied a vacant room outside.

Not wanting to miss even the slightest chance, Tongzi immediately asked Wan Zhangshu to go to the place where they used to stay...

This is an old urban area. Whether it is the appearance of the buildings or the design of the surrounding area, they are all products of the last century. Most of the buildings are only a few stories high, which is completely incomparable with the newly built urban area, which is dozens of times. Compared with floors.

"It's there, the only place where there are security nets on the windows."

Kiriko confirmed the target in the direction she pointed at.

"It's just Miss Tong, I'm not sure there are still people living there now, after all, even at that time, only a few of us and that bronze tree ghoul lived, and the food we collected was also taken away by that bronze tree ghoul , apart from him, we have no contact with other people from the Bronze Tree."

"I see, thank you, Wanzhang, you can find a place to hide nearby, and I can go up by myself."

Tongzi nodded, and at the same time patted Wanzhangshuyi on the shoulder, then found the stairs of the building and climbed to the floor where the target was.

Without saying a word, Tongzi kicked the door open and rushed in.

However, to her disappointment, there really was no one living here.

The room itself is not big, only less than twenty square meters, the floor is messy, there are all kinds of garbage, not to mention the air is filled with a bad smell.

And whether it's the floor, walls, or the garbage on the ground, they are all covered with a thick layer of dust.

Apparently, no one has been to this place since they were rescued by themselves and killed the bronze tree ghoul that enslaved them.

As for the bronze tree, they probably guessed that the ghouls on their side were killed, so they didn't send anyone over.

Fuck (Chinese-Japanese bilingual)!

Tongzi punched the wall, and the wall shattered directly.

But when Wan Zhang Shu Yi told her the location, she also had some mental preparations in her heart.

At this time, Tongzi was a little annoyed, why the bronze tree ghouls he encountered before were killed directly, and he knew that he should keep a few alive.

Of course, she also knows that many things cannot be viewed with an afterthought.

He could only try his luck at night and try to catch the ghouls of the bronze tree alive.

Tongzi, who was thinking this way, was about to leave here when she suddenly heard a series of footsteps coming from the stairs.

But it was a figure one in ten thousand, appearing at the door.

Wan Zhang Shu Yi's face was full of joy, and when he saw Tong Zi, he handed over the mobile phone he was holding carefully in his hand as if offering a treasure.

"Miss Tong, look at this."

Tongzi was taken aback for a moment, then took the mobile phone Wan Zhang Shuyi handed over.

The picture displayed above is exactly the image outside the CCG headquarters building in District 1.

It can be seen that outside the CCG main office building, a large number of ghoul investigator teams have assembled. They are arranged in several dense square formations, and beside them are dozens of armed vans.

Afterwards, everything in the picture was switched to a picture of an uncle with a split head facing the camera.

The subtitle is marked at the bottom—Marute, the commander-in-chief of the large-scale annihilation operation in the 15th area.

"The evacuation of the citizens within 3 kilometers around the site has been completed. Now our CCG is going to the location of the bronze tree. All of our CCG staff assure the citizens that ghouls will never be allowed to mess around in the 15th district. The peace of Tokyo is up to us to protect! "

After Marutesai finished his impassioned speech, there was thunderous applause from below, and then the screen switched to the outside of the CCG Headquarters building again.

The investigators who lined up neatly before were running towards the armed vans in an orderly manner at this time, and boarded the armed vans one after another.

The picture was shot from top to bottom, and the photographer is estimated to be on a news helicopter, shooting from top to bottom, and the camera lens of the picture moves with the leading armed van.

Seeing this, Tongzi already had some calculations in her heart.

If you follow the CCG investigators in the screen, you will definitely be able to find the Bronze Tree stronghold in District 15. Even if Jason is not there, you should be able to catch the ghouls who know the information.

After thinking clearly, Tongzi didn't continue to read, but patted Wanzhangshuyi on the shoulder, and left here with him.

After coming out of the building, Tongzi let Manjo Shuichi go back to the church by himself, she had no plan to let Manjo Shuichi go with him.

The fighting power is one of the most impressive. When you get into a battle, not only will you not be able to help, but you will need Tongzi to rescue you;

Secondly, he is a ghoul, and he has to worry about being expelled by CCG if he is exposed.

He was the bicycle he rode on, and rushed towards the 15th district.


In the 15th district, in the shopping mall occupied by bronze trees, in the store manager's office.

A group of people are watching the live broadcast around the 4K LCD screen, and the picture on the TV is the CCG crusade team on their way to the 15th district.

"CCG's movements are also quite fast."

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