A small man with bandages all over his body was sitting on a chair, his bandaged feet were dangling in the air, his voice sounded a little strange, like a processed voice.

She is Aite, the cadre of the Bronze Tree.

At the same time, there is also a core secret that is unknown, even in the bronze tree, only a few people such as Tatara and Noro know the core secret-she is not only the cadre Aite, but also the leader of the bronze tree, the one-eyed owl.

He is also a well-known writer Izumi Takatsuki among humans.

Beside Aite, the white-haired man wearing a red mask is the core backbone of the Bronze Tree.

"Noro, you are in charge of the main building. Kirishima, you are in charge of the annex. Gecko is in charge... why hasn't the gecko arrived yet?"

Duo Duoliang looked around, only to realize that there was one less cadre gathered in the store manager's office, so he took out a walkie-talkie and adjusted the channel.

"Gecko, what are you doing?"

But what sounded on the intercom was not the sound of the gecko, but the sound of something being clipped and the man screaming.

"What time is it, are you still playing?"

Duo Liang said to the walkie-talkie dissatisfied.

"Sorry, Tatara, I'll be there later."

Jason's voice came over the intercom.

"That bastard who doesn't know how to live or die."

Aya Kirishima curled her lips, expressing dissatisfaction.

Tatara didn't say anything, but looked at Noro and Kirishima Ayano.

"Noro, and Kirishima, I leave this place to you... Aite, let's go."

Aite followed Tatara up and down, and left the store manager's office.

Duo Liang and Aite took the staff elevator to the underground parking lot, but in this underground parking lot, a large number of ghouls gathered.

These ghouls are actually the elite of the Bronze Tree. Next, they will follow Tatara and Aite to travel thousands of miles to District 23 to raid the ghoul prison Kuikulia.

As for those who stay in this shopping mall, except for the cadres, everyone else is abandoned.

And even if they are cadres, they will not fight to the end, they will only retreat after attracting enough attention from the CCG.

As for the abandoned son...

It is said that it is an abandoned child, so there is no need to go into details.

Use the news of releasing the Bronze Tree stronghold to attract CCG to come, and then raid the ghoul prison Kukulia - this is the decision made by the Bronze Tree after realizing that its stronghold was exposed.

In fact, Bronze Tree originally didn't want to carry out the tactic of changing homes so early.

And the earliest target was District 11, not District 15.

It was only because Tongzi was active in District 11 that Bronze Tree lost a large number of ghouls in District 11.

Although the loss was only insignificant cannon fodder, the important cadres only lost the two brothers Ping, and these two were not met by Tongzi, but delivered to the door by themselves...

But even so, the existence of Tongzi still greatly affected the strategy of the Bronze Tree, so the Bronze Tree changed its original battle plan and changed it to District 15, intending to turn District 15 into a tragic place where ghouls are prevalent and humans cannot live.

As a result, the Bronze Tree's development in District 15 had just started, when it was discovered by CCG's intelligence agents, and CCG assembled a large army, planning to take down the Bronze Tree in one go.

The Bronze Tree also followed suit, adopting the tactic of changing homes, leaving the stronghold to CCG, and leading the elite to raid the ghoul prison.


When Tongzi rode her bicycle to the 15th district, she asked the grandson of the sage to scan the map of the 15th district and compare it with the live broadcast on her mobile phone, so that the grandson of the sage could analyze the route.

The grandson of the sage is indeed the grandson of the sage, and cannot be compared with the great sage.

If it is the great sage, why would it be so troublesome, just eat the phone and let the great sage analyze it, so that the great sage can figure out the location, and then switch to the automatic driving mode and let the great sage control it Just let your body go there automatically.

But if there is nothing, even if you complain ten thousand times, you won't have it.

But fortunately, no matter how bad the sage's grandson is, it's not really bad, it's just that Tongzi's expectations are too high.

In the live broadcast screen, the vanguard of CCG has arrived at the shopping mall occupied by Bronze Tree in District 15, and started to surround it. At this point, the screen is switched, and it becomes an expert in ghoul research to comment.

But it was enough, Tongzi already knew where the stronghold of the bronze tree was.

It's just unexpected but also reasonable. When we were three kilometers away from the Bronze Tree stronghold, we saw a checkpoint set up by the police from a distance.

The role of this checkpoint is not only internal, but also external.

Tongzi saw dozens of security gate-like gates on the checkpoint, and next to them were armed special police officers with serious and nervous expressions.

In fact, this is not the first time Tongzi has seen it.

This is called the Rc cell test gate. When she first went to the police station, she passed the Rc cell test gate.

As the name suggests, the effect of the gate is to detect Rc cells. Rc cells of ghouls are much larger than humans, and if they pass through this gate, an alarm will be issued.

The purpose of setting the Rc cell detection gate on the checkpoint is also to prevent ghouls from escaping from the crowd.

As for the outside world, it should be easy to understand. It is to prevent people from entering by mistake. After all, the inside has to be turned into a battlefield. They originally wanted to guide the citizens to evacuate, so it is naturally impossible to let outsiders in.

So when Tongzi riding a bicycle appeared in their field of vision, a policeman immediately stepped forward and raised his hand to signal Tongzi to stop.

Chapter 152 Gentlemen, I Like 152

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