Then the man wept bitterly and told Tongzi everything he knew.

However, what surprised Tongzi was that the man actually didn't know where Dong Xiang and the others were at all, and even their names were known from Tongzi just now.

And the reason why the man lied that he knew it was because he planned to insert a needle (sensitive word) containing an anesthetic into Tongzi's body while Tongzi was unaware, and then sell it at a high price.

Tongzi, who has the petite, delicate and lovely skin of an oriental girl, and the snow-like complexion of a Western woman, is very popular in the local area. If this order is made, they will have it for at least a long time. You don't have to worry about money anymore.

From the man's narration, after realizing that she couldn't pry out any information she wanted from this guy's mouth, Tongzi was very disappointed, and didn't bother to talk nonsense with this guy anymore.

Although this guy looked pitiful with his nose and tears, he still failed to arouse Tongzi's pity and sympathy.

A few shots were shot directly at the guy's head, and then Tongzi used the "decomposition" skill to disassemble the pistol into a pile of parts and threw it on the ground.

She walked towards the door of the bar, and when she was almost there, she suddenly turned back, came to the counter, looked at the shivering bar owner hiding in the counter and smiled.

"It seems that you need to ask someone to clean it for you. By the way, the cleaning fee and compensation fee should be counted on those people."

After speaking, Tongzi pushed open the door of the bar and went out.


After coming out of the bar, she didn't go far, and she noticed another thing:

The short man who was let go by her before quietly followed behind her.

Tongzi used her super fast speed to instantly disappear from the short man's sight, then appeared behind him, and put her hand on his shoulder, making him unable to move.

Even though he was only being held down by one hand, the short man felt as if he was being held down by the mighty hand of Wu Neng, as if he would be smashed to pieces if he moved slightly.

"I'm not in a good mood right now, so unless you give me an explainable reason, I'll crush your shoulder."

Tongzi's tone did not carry any killing intent, but the short man's forehead and back were still wet with cold sweat.

He hastily called out loudly.

"I know you are looking for someone. I can introduce you to my boss. My boss has many contacts in this city. As long as the person you are looking for is in this city or near this city, he will definitely be able to Help you find it."

The short man felt the weight loosening his shoulders.

"Is what you said true?"

The short man grinned and rubbed his shoulder which had just been pressed down. It was obvious that he had just been pressed, but his shoulder was so numb that he had already lost consciousness.

"of course."

"I was cheated only once, and I don't want to be cheated a second time."

"I didn't lie to you, it's true, my boss is really capable."

"Then take me there."

In such a chaotic area, it is not uncommon for a few local snakes to exist, and these local snakes generally do have some paths that ordinary people do not have.

Rather than wandering around like a headless chicken, following the other party to meet the other party's boss is indeed a way.

Even if the other party's boss doesn't know, you can spend some money to let the other party mobilize his subordinates to find someone for him.

"Of course it's okay, it's just that miss, my service is not free."

The short man rolled his eyes slyly.

Tongzi smiled.

"Okay, how much do you want?"

The short man turned around and faced Tongzi, while rubbing his sore shoulder from just being pressed, with a sly expression on his face, he tentatively and slowly stretched out a finger.

"Ten dollars?" Tongzi raised her eyebrows.

The short man swallowed, his eyes flickered, but then he shook his head slowly.

Tongzi's face suddenly sank: "One hundred dollars?"

There was a look of surprise on the short man's face, a sly gleam in his eyes, and then he shook his head again.

"One thousand dollars?"

The short man nodded desperately, his face was like seeing a fat sheep.

"One thousand dollars? Hehe, I think you should know that it's not worth a thousand dollars just to lead the way... Either you obediently accept the ten dollars and take me to see your boss, or I can ask someone else to give it to you." I'll lead the way, and it probably won't cost ten dollars."

"Miss, my service fee is definitely more than just ten dollars."

"I'm not asking you to take me to meet the president of this country, it's fine if you don't want to."

After saying that, Tongzi planned to walk past the short man.

"Wait... wait," the short man stretched out his hand to grab Tongzi's hand, but Tongzi avoided it, and the short man was a little embarrassed, "I...I promise you."

"Let's lead the way then."

"It's just..." The short man rubbed his fingers quickly, lowered his head, not looking at Tongzi, "You have to pay first."




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