Me: I have always been curious why some girls like to go to the bar alone to get drunk, are they not afraid of being...

Friend: What if that's what they're after?

Me (didn't react at first, after being stunned for five seconds): Where is the nearest bar? GOGOGO!

Chapter 165 Are You Eight Fingers Too?


Tongzi looked at him, but he didn't dare to look into Tongzi's eyes, his eyes wandered around, after a while, he raised his head to look at Tongzi, but after seeing Tongzi still looking at himself, he lowered his head again .

"Lead the way."

After staring at the other party for a while, Tongzi took out ten dollars and threw it over.

Talking to this kind of person, only money and violence are the most effective. Tongzi doesn't like to use violence first when encountering anything, but first treats with courtesy and then fights.

But if this short man is dishonest, then Tongzi has no choice but to use violence to teach him how to be an honest person.

The short man hastily stretched out his hands to catch the banknote, his face full of surprise.

He put the banknotes under the sun, looked at them again and again, and checked repeatedly with various methods, until Tongzi showed a look of impatience, and the short man was satisfied to hide the dollar in the inner pocket of his clothes .

"Please come with me."

So the short man walked in front and led the way, and Tongzi followed behind.

There is no distinction between sidewalks and roadways on the roads in this city, there are no lines drawn on the ground, and there are no traffic signs or the like. Both people and cars are crowded on the roads.

However, the cars in this city are not sedans, but three bungees.

Even in the small county town on the [-]th line where Tongzi lived, Sanbengzi's means of transportation gradually disappeared. Unexpectedly, it can be seen everywhere in this city.

Tongzi and the short man followed the crowd on the road, but then Tongzi heard a shrill horn sounding behind him, and then the vehicles that were stuck in the middle of the road retreated to both sides as if avoiding something , leaving a path in the middle.

Then Tongzi saw two army-green trucks whizzing by full of soldiers, the soldiers in the trucks were loaded with live ammunition and fully armed.

Tongzi pulled the short man in front and asked, "What's going on? What happened?"

The short man's face looked normal: "It's nothing, maybe there was a little commotion ahead."

"Riot?" Tongzi was surprised, "Need to dispatch the army to settle it?"

"After all, there are a lot of guns here, how can we suppress it without sending out the army?"

After the military vehicles passed by, the road was blocked again.

The two walked among the crowd for a while, and finally turned from the road into a market full of people coming and going.

It was originally supposed to be a small square, but many people brought things here to sell, there were freshly picked tropical fruits, all kinds of freshly salvaged seafood, and Tongzi even saw someone in the corner of the market, A floor spread was laid out, on which were some worn and stained gold and silver nuggets.

As soon as the stall owner saw Tongzi’s appearance and dress, which was obviously a foreigner, he sold his products to Tongzi in broken English. Fortunately, Tongzi has the skill of knowing languages. No matter what language, as long as it is not Chinese, it will be automatically translated into Translation cavity.

It turned out that the gold and silver nuggets placed by the stall owner were all the treasures of the Inca Empire. His father's generation risked their lives and emptied them from the royal tombs of the Inca Empire.

Tongzi found it funny when she heard the Central American version of the Tomb Raider Notes.

At this moment, the short man pulled Tongzi, and then pointed in a certain direction: "Look, is that the person you are looking for?"

Tongzi was startled, and subconsciously looked around, but in the crowd, there was nothing else to be seen except the crowd.

"Where did you say it? Why didn't I see it?"

She turned her head, but the short man who was beside her just now had disappeared.


The short man flitted through the crowd like a fish in water.

He didn't know what kind of person Tongzi was looking for, and he didn't plan to take him to meet his boss.

The reason is simple, because his boss is a ruthless master.

He didn't know the origin and identity of that girl, but it must not be as simple as it appeared on the surface.

Maybe she was Interpol, or a bounty hunter, but whatever it was, taking her to meet his boss would definitely not do any good.

In fact, if possible, he really wanted to take all the money from that girl.

But he, who had a miss experience once, knew that this girl was not an easy prey for him.

That's why he would settle for the next best thing...

But having said that, it's pretty good to get ten dollars.

You must know that in this city, the combined monthly income of an ordinary family of three is only three hundred dollars.

And the reason why he purposely lured Tongzi here before he escaped, on the one hand, of course, was because there were many people in this market, which made it easier for him to escape, and there was another reason besides that...

The short man went out from another exit of the market. He stood on the street, looking around anxiously, as if waiting for something.

At this moment, there was a sound of "Dangdangdang", and the anxiety on the short man's face instantly turned into joy.

A tram appeared in his field of vision.

This kind of streetcar is rare in most countries today, but it is still an important means of urban transportation in this country.

The short man skillfully waited on the side of the road, and when the tram passed by him, he skillfully jumped onto the tram.

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