He didn't get into the tram, but stood at the door of the tram, holding on to the handrail next to the door, but almost one leg and half of his body were left outside.

Because doing so is not counted as "boarding the car", and naturally there is no need to pay.

It is estimated that the lady who came from a big foreign city has already passed out in the market.

The short man was very happy, he could get ten dollars so easily, and only these foreigners from the East could be so generous.

In the eyes of these Westerners, it is actually difficult to distinguish the difference between the Chinese, the islanders, and the Kimchi people. They often confuse the three, so in many cases, they simply call them Orientals.

The tram drove a certain distance, and at the next intersection, when the tram slowed down slowly, the short man jumped off the tram, and after a few jumps, he nimbly got into a dark alley beside the street.

In this city, there are many alleys like this, densely packed like a maze, but the short man deftly turns around in these alleys.Finally, when he entered a corner, a thick arm suddenly stretched out from the side and pressed him against the wall.

A guy who is very big, but he can tell at a glance that he has a bad brain. Standing in front of the short man, he pressed one hand on the short man's chest, pressing the latter against the wall so that he could not move. The hand has been clenched into a fist.

Seeing that he was about to punch it down, the short man shouted quickly.

"Don't hit me, don't hit me, I brought money back today."

The big man acted as if he hadn't heard it, and he still didn't let go of his fist until a cold voice came from behind the big man.

"Let him go."

The big man put down his fist, let go of the short man, stared at the short man and backed away a few steps before turning around and walking away.

The short man breathed a sigh of relief.

This is a small courtyard. There is an abandoned fountain in the middle of the courtyard. The water in the pool has long since dried up and is covered with fallen leaves.

Next to the courtyard is a dilapidated house, the owner of which has long since disappeared, so this place has naturally become the secret base of local snakes like them.

More than a dozen people were scattered in the courtyard, but almost all of them were young people. They deliberately showed a fierce and brutal side no matter in their attire or temperament.

The one who spoke just now should be the leader among them. He seems to have just grown up in age, but he behaved more viciously than other youths.

The short man knew that the ferocity of the rest of the gang was just a show, but only the ferocity of the boss was real.

The boss's name was Jie Luo, he had had a feud with others in the early years, and two of his fingers were cut off, but Jie Luo ripped the man open and ripped out his heart and liver.

Later, the gang he founded was called Eight Fingers.

"Show me your income today. If you don't satisfy me, don't hang out with me in the future."

It is impossible to survive in this city if you are kicked out of the gang.

The short man's face was pale, but he soon recovered.

"Boss, I have slaughtered a fat sheep. Look..." The short man quickly took out the ten dollars that Tongzi gave him, and offered it graciously.

But Zero didn't move, he snorted, someone beside him stepped forward, took the money offered by the short man, and that person handed it to Zero respectfully.

Like the short man before, Zero looked at it several times and confirmed that it was real money, so he snorted again.

"Good job, good job, I am very optimistic about you."

The short man nodded hurriedly.

"Thank you boss, thank you boss."

I received ten dollars early in the morning. It seems that today's luck is good. Thinking this way, when Zero was about to put the money into his satchel, suddenly a voice came from the alley where the short man came. There was a voice.

"The money is mine, and he hasn't done what I told him, so you can't take the money."

Accompanied by this voice, Tongzi appeared from the alley and appeared in the field of vision of everyone present.

When he saw Tongzi, Jie Luo's face, which was quite happy at first, turned gloomy in an instant.

He stared fiercely at the short man: "You even came back with a tail?"

"No, boss, listen to me..."


The short man hurriedly explained, but before he finished speaking, he was shot in the head.

Then Zero pointed the gun at Tongzi.

Tongzi was surprised and said, "So ruthless? Even if he did something wrong, you don't have to do it for this sake, right?"

"You foreigners who come here from a peaceful and rich foreign country don't understand the hard work of our local low-level people. In this city, killing people for a dollar is nothing more than normal."

As soon as the words fell, everyone in the courtyard also took out a pistol.

"I don't care about the rules here, and I'm not a partner of justice. I can turn a blind eye to your actions just now, and I can give you the ten dollars, but the premise is that you have to help me complete what he promised me."

"Oh? Why don't I make money in an easier way? Like kill you and get money from your dead body? I bet you have more dollars on you, let alone..."

Jie Luo's greedy eyes fixed on Tongzi's body, salivating.

"You may not know that in this city, women (sensitive words) are more scarce than gold."

The others suddenly burst out laughing.

Facing the other party's arrogance, Tongzi smiled, "You may not know, you made a mistake."


Before Zero finished speaking, he felt a blur in front of his eyes, and then he felt a cold touch on his neck.

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