Chapter 167 Why Are You So Skilled?


At this time, the TV in the bar was still playing.

"The new director of the CCG will be the leader who personally expelled the Bronze Tree—the one-eyed owl and the ghoul investigator Jiu Taerfu. This is also the content of the suicide note left by the former chief speaker and Changji..."

On the TV screen, the figure of the new director appeared.

From the point of view of those with vested interests, the new chief of the bureau has two blessings, most of which are inseparable from the destruction of the Hexiu clan.

This possibility is very high, after all, generally speaking, the strongest fortresses are often breached from the inside.

If this old Duo Erfu and the clown colluded, it would not be impossible to wipe out the Hexiu clan.

After all, although the Hexiu clan are all ghouls and their strength is not weak, it would be much easier if there were two or five sons.

As for the so-called suicide note, you can forge as many things as you want.Anyway, the things left by the dead are called "suicide notes", and there is a saying that happens to be called "death has no proof".

"Director Kazuki Jifu (former Tajifu) said that he will definitely inherit the will of his father and brother, wipe out all the ghouls in Tokyo, and realize the super peace of mankind. For this reason, CCG will arrest humans who violate the ghoul countermeasures law, and cooperate with them. Humans colluding with ghouls will be regarded as ghouls..."

While the beautiful hostess on TV was talking, an assistant next to her suddenly ran over quickly, and slipped a small card into the hostess' hand, before running away.

The hostess glanced at the small card, and the professional expression she had maintained before suddenly froze on her face.

"Now we are going to insert an urgent news that we just received. Just now, a ghoul investigator in CCG who did not want to be named revealed that Director He Xiu Jifu's first move after he became the director was to send the special search Kosaka Yoshiko, the son of the official Kurobanyan, the fiancee of the first-class investigator Kuroban Takemitsu, was arrested and sentenced to death for violating the Ghoul Countermeasures Act..."

The hostess paused for a moment, before returning to a professional expression on her face.

"The authenticity of this news needs to be confirmed, but if it is true, the new chief will arrest the fiancee of the son of the special investigator, which will definitely cause great turmoil, regardless of this..." The hostess said, He lowered his head and glanced at the small card again, "Whether Ms. Kosaka really violated the Ghoul Countermeasures Act will cause great turmoil, because since 18 (sensitive word) 90, it was established by the patriarch of the Wazu clan at that time, Hezu Daji. After the Ghoul Countermeasure Institute (the predecessor of CCG), this kind of thing has never happened, and this station will continue to pay attention to this matter and bring you the latest reports."

After the news ended, another program began to be played on TV. Interestingly, the news just now was a small card sent by the assistant when the hostess was broadcasting the news. In this program, the host directly contacted the experts , to comment on the measures taken by the old Duoer Fuxin after he came to power.

And Tongzi was about to continue watching, when suddenly someone came to the TV and changed the channel with a snap.

He changed several channels at once, sports channel, animation channel, and finally switched to a channel he liked to hear and see.

Hearing the voice of "oh yes, oh god..." from the TV, the listless drinkers in the bar, who were still drinking heavily, suddenly regained their energy and their eyes lit up.

The Japanese's English is very bad, not only those who can't speak English, but even those who can speak English have a strange accent.

For example, a good "De Ward" is pronounced as "Smashing Walud".

And these Japanese probably also know that their English is bad, so hurry up to learn English, and their eyes are straight.

But they wanted to learn English, but Tongzi didn't want to. She wanted to continue watching the news just now.

Tongzi pushed open the door of the bar, walked in, sat at the counter, and ordered a glass of champagne.

Soon the champagne she ordered was put on the counter, but she didn't drink it, pushing the glass to the bartender.

"Help me tune back to the channel just now, this glass of wine is yours."

The bartender was stunned for a moment, probably because he didn't understand Tongzi's meaning.

After a while, he probably understood.

But he had never seen a guest like Tongzi before, so he stared at Tongzi again.

Even a bartender can't just drink the high-end wine in his store.

And if you want to drink high-end wine, you only need to change the table, so what's so difficult about it.

So after confirming that Tongzi was not joking, the bartender took out the remote control from under the counter and switched back to the channel just now.

As the channel was switched back, the guests in the bar were immediately unhappy. Although they were of all ages, their age still couldn't stop their crazy pursuit of English.

But now after the bartender changed the channel, they couldn't learn English from the women on TV, and the bar suddenly sighed.

The guest who just changed the channel stood up and walked towards the TV, probably planning to switch back.

Tongzi didn't speak, just glanced at the bartender.

In fact, the bartender is also very diligent and studious, but he accepted Tongzi's champagne before, no matter how thick-skinned he is, he will not cheat a little girl.

So he yelled at the guest's behavior with righteous words.

Tongzi didn't pay attention to so much, but concentrated on watching the picture on TV.

On the table in front of the host, there is a phone, and there is a line of small characters below the phone, which is the name, occupation, qualifications, etc. of the expert who is connecting.

"Professor Honda, what do you think of the actions of the new director of CCG?"

Professor Honda's voice came from the phone, but of course it was distorted because it came from the phone.

"To be honest, I'm more worried."

"Why is this?"

"As we all know, the death penalty has long been abolished in many civilized countries. As Japan, which is determined to catch up with Europe and the United States, naturally it should not fall behind. However, under such an international wave, it is only because of speculation without actual evidence, and will His execution as a cooperator of the ghouls may cause violent social turmoil."

"Professor Bendo, so your point of view is that you don't think the cooperators of the ghouls should be executed?"

"What I mean is that we should learn how to distinguish between real traitors and innocent people. For human traitors, execution is fine, but if there is a ghoul friend or colleague without knowing it, this kind of If you are going to be executed under such circumstances, what is the difference between that and disregarding human life?"

Listening to the dialogue between the host and the experts on TV, Tongzi fell into deep thought.

Of course she still remembered who Kosaka Yiko was.

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