Dong Xiang once mentioned this name. Kosaka Yoshiko and Dong Xiang are classmates in the same school, and they are still very good friends.

Since she is a classmate, then three years later, Yoshiko Kosaka should have graduated from school a long time ago.

Although Japan has a high undergraduate rate, in fact, many people’s best memories of their school days are often high school rather than university, and the school trips in anime are almost always high school rather than university.

And there are also many people who do not choose to go to college after graduating from high school, but directly participate in work.

Yoshiko Kosaka is obviously the latter.

Tongzi didn't know why the new bureau chief executed Kosaka Yiko.

As far as Tongzi knew, when she left the ghoul world last time, Kosaka Yoshiko was not a ghoul partner at all.

She didn't even know that Dong Xiang was a ghoul.

Dong Xiang tried her best to pretend to be an ordinary person in front of Kosaka Yiko.

And after the battle to expel the owls in District [-], Dong Xiang and the others went to Central America by boat, so they had no chance to contact Kosaka Yiko.


Either that, after Dong Xiang and the others came back from Central America some time ago, Dong Xiang came into contact with Kosaka Yiko, and Kosaka Yiko found out that Dong Xiang was a ghoul and was willing to help Dong Xiang...

Either Yoshiko Kosaka still doesn’t know that Dong Xiang is a ghoul, but CCG used other methods to find out that Dong Xiang is a ghoul...

After all, CCG also has an official background. If they think who is the suspect, it should be quite simple to find out that Yoshiko Kosaka and Dong Xiang are classmates at the same school and are still good friends.

But no matter what the possibility is, Tongzi can be sure that with Dong Xiang's character, she will definitely rush to save Kosaka Yiko.

Therefore, if she wanted to see Dong Xiang, Tong Zi had no choice but to rush to the execution ground.

The hosts and experts on TV were still arguing, but Tongzi was in no mood to continue listening.

Just when she was about to leave, an old man suddenly came over and said, "Son, at your age..."

Tongzi glanced at the uncle's expression, and roughly guessed what the uncle was going to say, so before the uncle said anything, he sternly refused.

"No second child, no child, no marriage, no girlfriend, career is the most important thing, family is second, my mother didn't remind me, and you don't have to worry about it. I wish you good health and good luck in everything."

After finishing speaking, he left, leaving behind a bewildered uncle.


After leaving the bar, Tongzi took a taxi to Tokyo Bay.

The place of execution was Liushima, off Tokyo Bay.

That's right, it's the Liudao where the Bronze Tree was wiped out. I don't know what the new director of CCG is planning to execute Kosaka Yiko on the Liudao.

Taking a boat from Tokyo Bay to Liudao, when she saw Liudao in the distance from the boat, Tongzi saw the CCG ghoul investigator standing on the pier with live ammunition.

Tongzi instinctively became vigilant, but she soon relaxed again.

Her file in CCG is not like Godai Kazama, who is the object of SSS-level deportation. Her file is as blank as a virgin, and CCG has no reason to arrest her.

Tongzi checked the Internet with her mobile phone. It didn't say whether she was allowed to watch the execution, but if she didn't agree, then Tongzi would go back first and then find a way to go to the island.

When the ship arrived at Liudao, the ghoul investigator responsible for the inspection asked Tongzi to go through the Rc cell detection gate.

After Tongzi walked through and the door didn't issue any alarm, one of the ghoul investigators kindly told Tongzi that the execution would start tomorrow and asked Tongzi to find a suitable place to spend the night first.

Tongzi asked a few more questions. It turned out that citizens were not allowed to watch the execution. Anyone can come to watch. It's just that today they can't approach the execution ground, and even tomorrow they have to stand outside the cordon.

After thanking them, Kiriko headed towards the execution ground.

The so-called execution ground was actually an open space, but a wooden stake was placed on the open space.

Around the execution ground, there were ghoul investigators, and unlike the third class on the pier, there were even second or first class with silver-white suitcases.

Tongzi wanted to get closer, but was immediately warned by the search officer standing guard nearby to let Tongzi leave.

Tongzi did not conflict with these puppets of the Hexiu clan, she chose to leave wisely, but instead of leaving Liudao, she wandered around.

Soon she was nearby and found a higher ground.

This is a platform on the hillside, not far from the execution ground, and the terrain is so high that you can have a panoramic view of the execution ground below.

Tongzi took out a tent from the dimension bag and set it up.

In fact, with my current physique, even if the temperature suddenly drops in the middle of the night or it rains heavily, I won’t catch a cold or catch a cold. However, since DIY can improve my life several times, why not do it.

Tongzi didn't expect her mouth to have a hint of Xudong Daxian's skill, because it really rained heavily at night, and the dense raindrops hit the tent like drums. whirring.

Fortunately, the terrain here is high, and Tongzi dug a rain ditch near her tent.

So the rainwater did not accumulate here, but poured down in other directions.

The direction where the wind blows is also the tent with the smallest area exposed to the wind, and the ground nails are also well hit, so even though the strong wind is blowing loudly, Tongzi hiding in the tent is still not affected at all.

During the period, Tongzi went out to take a look. After the rain, the execution ground below was empty. There was a villa near the execution ground, with lights inside, and those ghoul investigators lived in it.

But now on Liudao, only these ghoul investigators who are in charge of watching the scene, none of the high officials of CCG have seen it. Presumably, they will only see it when they are executed the next day.


It was already the second day when Tongzi woke up again.

She climbed out of the tent and stretched.

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