The torrential rain has stopped, and now the surrounding ground still has traces left by the torrential rain last night.

She took a deep breath of the fresh air after the rain, and then cast her gaze down.

Those ghoul investigators got up quite early, and have already set up a cordon around the execution ground.

Tongzi took out her phone and checked the time, it was only past six o'clock.

Anyway, there is nothing left and right, so I turned on the data flow to surf the Internet, and checked the news and comments about this execution.

She found that netizens have mixed opinions on the execution.

Some of the more radical ones of course support the execution, and they also suggested that the CCG should conduct a large-scale investigation, and that anyone who had contact with the ghouls should be pulled out and shot.

There are also some netizens who do not support the execution, thinking that doing so is no different from the Gestapo.

People from both sides launched a scolding battle in various places on the Internet, and even commented on this matter under many posts or videos that had nothing to do with the execution.




Chapter 168 The Intruder of the Execution Ground


Although Japanese scolding is not like the grumpy old man in the post bar, it also has strong local characteristics. For example, when Tongzi saw a certain comment, she thought it was normal as a Chinese, but the person arguing with it seemed to be stepped on Like a cat with a tail, he responded with several "elegant language" at once.

Swiping the mobile phone and surfing the Internet, the time soon reached eight o'clock, but the execution ground below was only cordoned off, and the ghoul investigators in charge of the security probably felt that the leader hadn't arrived yet, so they started to be lazy. Either squat on the ground, or just sit on the ground if you don't think it's dirty, and have fun with one mobile phone per person.

Tongzi also stopped paying attention to the scolding war and searched for other news.

Then she was surprised to find that recently in Tokyo, there was another ghoul organization called "Kamen Riders".

This Kamen Rider Order is different from the Bronze Tree and the Clowns. Its goal is to protect humans and ghouls, hoping that humans and ghouls will coexist peacefully.

WTF? ? ?

There are a lot of slots for a while, and I don’t know how to spit it out.

Well, in fact, the concept of this Kamen Riders is naturally correct.

Because now the ghouls already have alternative artificial food and do not need to eat humans, so there is no irreconcilable contradiction between humans and the ghouls.

As mentioned earlier, the physical fitness of ghouls determines that ghouls can replace humans in many jobs.

But Tongzi also knows that although humans and ghouls have no irreconcilable conflicts, both sides have an unforgettable hatred.

Some relatives of humans were eaten by ghouls, and some relatives of ghouls were expelled by ghoul investigators. Even within humans, there is still hatred for the same kind, let alone the alien race of ghouls.

That's why Tongzi felt that it might not be an easy task for humans and ghouls to coexist peacefully.

But Tongzi thinks so, but the Kamen Riders don't think so. They have been working hard for the peaceful coexistence of humans and ghouls. Pie ghouls.

There are also some people on the Internet who broke the news that they were rescued by the ghouls of the Kamen Riders.

Of course, more people left all kinds of "comments full of fragrance" on these posts.

At this time, more and more citizens from Tokyo gathered on the execution ground below. These people were men, women, old and young, from all walks of life, and they all came to visit the execution ground.

After the citizens appeared, those ghoul investigators who were still fishing immediately stopped fishing, stood outside the cordon and prevented the citizens from approaching the cordon.

Almost another hour passed, that is, at ten o'clock, finally a siren sound came from the direction of the pier. Tongzi looked over, and with her excellent eyesight, saw that the person coming down from the pier was exactly today's main character--

Walking in the front was a girl who was nearly twenty years old. Her blond hair, which should have been as dazzling as the sun, drooped listlessly on her shoulders. She was wearing a green dress decorated with white light spots. The dress was old and dirty, obviously When she was detained by CCG, CCG did not give her due treatment.

Behind them came the execution squad, armed with live ammunition, and finally the young men in the uniforms of senior CCG officers.

Tongzi had seen his photo on the Internet, and knew that he was the new director of CCG.

When this group of people walked towards the execution ground, the ghoul investigators around the execution ground immediately cleared a passage among the crowd.

Kosaka Yoshiko was escorted into the execution ground by the team, went to the execution frame that had been prepared earlier, tied her hands and feet, and then Jiu Daerfu walked to the temporary high platform in the execution ground.

Facing the citizens gathered around, Jiu Duoerfu opened his hands pretendingly: "Welcome to the citizens of Tokyo, who have worked hard to come here. Today we gather here to witness the traitors among mankind... Kosaka Yoshiko's execution, we..."

Before Jiu Duo Erfu finished speaking, there was a commotion among the crowd, but someone pushed aside the people in front and forced their way in, even the ghoul investigator standing in front of the cordon couldn't stop him. Unable to stop, he was pushed away fiercely, and then the two rushed in forcefully.

However, the CCG seemed to have been prepared for this situation. The ghoul investigators arranged around surrounded them one after another, raised their guns and aimed at the two intruders, which made them stop.

The sudden change caused all the nearby citizens to retreat in a big circle, for fear of being involved.

Of the two people who broke in, one of them was tall and serious, with a faint aura of calm and self-importance; the other seemed to be a younger version of the former.

And Tongzi, who was still looking down from the top of the hillside platform, looked at the two people who broke into the execution ground with surprised eyes.

It wasn't because someone dared to break into the execution ground - she knew that if it was Dong Xiang, she would definitely break in to save Yiko Kosaka.

She was surprised because she knew one of the people who broke into the square.

The older man was the special investigator Hei Panyan who had seen both sides in the 15th District Bronze Tree Stronghold Crusade and the Owl Expulsion Battle.

Tongzi will remember Hei Panyan, not only because he is one of the seven special classes, but also because of his very personal appearance.

Chinese character face, thick eyebrows, plus Shaw's eyes...

It's hard not to remember.

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