Even if Heipan and his son will be sentenced to death for violating the Ghoul Countermeasure Act, it will not be executed immediately.

But Yoshiko Kosaka is about to be shot now.

Moreover, Kosaka Yiko is Dong Xiang's close friend, while Hei Pan and his son are passers-by.For this sake, Tongzi couldn't just stand by and watch like she did just now.

It seems that Dong Xiang may have been delayed by something, or she didn't know that Yoshiko Kosaka was about to be executed...

Since that is the case...

Looking at the execution squad who had already raised their guns in the distance, Tongzi decided not to wait any longer.

I don't care about so many, it's important to save people first.

Of course, since he decided to take action, heipan and his son who were beaten up should also be saved by the way.

Fortunately, when she was waiting, Tongzi had already packed all the tents and other things, and changed into a uniform that had been worn several times before, and just when she was about to act, she was executed from below. There was a sudden shout from the surrounding crowd: "Do it!"

Immediately, more than ten black shadows sprang out from the crowd and rushed towards the direction of the execution ground.

And Tongzi was also slightly taken aback after hearing the drink just now, feeling that the voice was somewhat familiar, but after seeing those black figures that suddenly rushed out, there was a big "Fuck" on his face.

Not for anything else, just because these guys who rushed out were all dressed up as Kamen Riders.

"Kamen Riders! It's Kamen Riders!"

"There is also an SSS-level ghoul card face to fight, and it is the card face to fight the Kamen Riders led by himself!"

The crowd watching around the execution ground fell into fear and panic in an instant, and then fled in a direction away from the execution ground.

As for the ghoul investigators who were maintaining order near the execution ground, when they planned to use their guns to deal with these so-called Kamen Riders, the fighting power of the opponents was unexpectedly high, and they were all knocked down in two or three hits.

But Tongzi noticed that as early as the appearance of the Kamen Riders, the old Duo Erfu sneaked down from the high platform, and under the cover of the ghoul investigator, mixed into the crowd and fled to the distance with the flow of people.

Tongzi didn't go after Jiu Duo Erfu, she didn't take this clown in her eyes at all. Compared with this, there are more important things...

She searched for a certain figure among these Kamen Riders, and it didn't take her too much effort to find a figure in the crowd whose physical parameters were close to those recorded by the sage's grandson.

After all, it's been three years, and it's normal for girls to grow up.

Tongzi suspected that it was Dong Xiang's Kamen Rider. Wearing the same uniform as Tongzi's current card face, he walked up to Kosaka Yiko and untied the rope for her, but what came out from under the helmet was after processed sound.

"I'll take you away."

"Are you... Dong Xiang?"

"No, I'm a ghoul."

"No, you must be Dong Xiang. Even though we haven't seen each other for a long time, I have a hunch that you are Dong Xiang."


All the nearby ghoul investigators were knocked down to the ground, but none of them died, they were just destroyed by Quinker weapons or firearms. Some of them fought to the end even after losing their weapons, and they suffered a lot more. punches or kicks.

But these ghouls... or the Kamen Riders, were merciful and didn't deliberately kill people.

The Kamen Riders looked around vigilantly, and one of them said to Dong Xiang.

"Sister, we'd better leave quickly."

Dong Xiang nodded, "I see."

Then she hugged Yoshiko Kosaka involuntarily.

But just when they were about to leave, a group of strange guys suddenly appeared in their field of vision.

These new guys are all wearing black uniforms that are different from those of the ghoul investigators. I don't know if there is something wrong with their eyes. It's like a moped going for a ride.

Although they appeared from a distance, they quickly approached from all directions, and soon approached to a distance of less than one or two hundred meters from the execution ground.

The surrounded Kamen Knights shrunk into a circle, protecting Dong Xiang and Kosaka Yiko in the center.

"Sister, we are in trouble."

Dong Xiang, who was holding Yoshiko Kosaka, said in a deep voice.

"The target has been rescued, don't love to fight, we will withdraw now."

Hearing what Dong Xiang and the other Kamen Riders said, the people in black who surrounded them didn't say anything. The leader waved his hand forward, and then they all rushed up on their bicycles, fighting with the Kamen Riders.

There are more people in black than the Kamen Riders, but among these Kamen Riders, there seem to be quite a few strong ones. At least even though they are wearing uniforms, Tongzi still recognizes Sifang Renshi, Gujian Yuaner, and Izumi. Xuan and Nishio Jin.

Therefore, although the number of men in black was larger, they were quickly defeated by the previous ghoul investigators.

But soon, the defeated men in black got up again one after another.

The pierced wounds gradually began to heal, and the severed hands and feet could start to recover as long as they were picked up and put back together. One of the eyes under the mask turned into a He-eye, and a red He-tail emerged from the back again.

Everything is the same as ghouls.

The only difference is that they have the conspicuous logo of CCG on their bodies.

"Ghoul... ghoul?"

Looking at this abnormality that shouldn't have appeared, someone among the Kamen Riders said something in surprise.

Not only Kamen Rider, but even Kiriko, who was watching the battle on the hillside platform, was shocked.

You must know that these weird guys on bicycles are all wearing CCG uniforms, that is to say, they are all members of CCG.

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