Even the Hexiu clan disguised themselves as human beings on the surface, and the half-human, half-ghouls who joined V or the ghoul investigators from Bai Riting also disguised their identities.

But, these guys with big eyes and long tails, what are they?

CCG wants to drive out all ghouls, leaving no one behind...


Although it is a bit one-size-fits-all, at least from a human point of view, it cannot be said that this approach is completely wrong.

But on the one hand, CCG wants to expel the ghouls and execute the cooperators of the ghouls, but on the other hand, they cultivate ghouls to work for CCG?

what is this?

This is like talking about cracking down on pirates on the one hand, but on the other hand, issuing a private plunder certificate to the pirates to plunder the coastline of the enemy country...

There were so many slots that Tongzi didn't know how to vomit.

Tongzi really thinks that such a wonderful organization as CCG has survived from 18 to the present, and has a history of more than 90 years without being overthrown. This is simply a miracle.

How did such an organization survive?

The special class in CCG, including Arima Kisho, the white god of death, what are they doing?Could it be that they just watched CCG's high-level executives do anything wrong?

After showing He Yan and He Wei, the strength of the people in black directly doubled a few times, and rushed forward again, fighting with the Kamen Riders.

But this time, it was the Kamen Riders who fell into the disadvantage.

Even if there are store managers and the others, the number of Kamen Riders is still too small, and after the people in black reveal their ghouls, their strength increases exponentially.

Half of them were assigned to suppress Sifang Lianshi, Gujian Yuaner, Rujianxuan and Nishio Nishiki, and the other half almost suppressed and beat the other Kamen Riders.

Seeing that the situation of the Kamen Riders is not good, Tongzi no longer stands by.

She was almost sure that the person wearing the same uniform as herself must be Dong Xiang.

Although I don't know why Dong Xiang wears the uniform of Kamian Da, and why other people dress up as Kamen Riders, but these don't prevent her from making a choice.

It only took a few seconds for her to appear on the execution ground below from the hillside.

She kicked the two men in black flying, then rushed into a group of people who were fighting recently, and reached out to grab the long sword of Quinke that was slashing at a Kamen Rider.




It doesn't matter if the investigators of CCG expose Heyan and Hezi (referring to Quinkesban in the second comic, and later oggai), but the general public will be expelled if they expose Heyan and Hezi as ghouls.

Chapter 170 Escape from Flowing Island


She held the blade in her hand, and the Kuink sword, which was supposed to be stronger than steel and could pierce even the tail of a ghoul, couldn't cut the skin on her fingers.

She exerted a little force, her hands were fine, Kuink's blade shattered into several pieces and fell from the air.

Both sides in the battle were stunned for a moment, obviously they didn't expect Tongzi, a powerful foreign aid that came out of nowhere, they were stunned, but Tongzi didn't, and they punched the two men in black in front of them again. Fly out and knock down their companions.

With the addition of Tongzi, Kamen Rider regained the upper hand, and soon beat the men in black to the ground again.

But no matter whether it was the people in black who were hit by Tongzi, or cut off by other Kamen Riders, or the people in black who cut off their hands and feet, they stood up again.

The cut off tail has grown back, and the severed hands and feet can be restored as long as they are picked up and reattached.

Seeing that this is not the recovery ability that a human should have at all, Tongzi couldn't help but twitch her eyelids.

If this were some other world with superpowers, then this regenerative ability would be commonplace, but the problem is this world isn't that kind of world with superpowers.

The human beings in this world are just ordinary people, and even the special investigators have more combat skills and experience than others.

Therefore, there is only one explanation for the resilience displayed by the men in black in front of them:

It's the CCG that turned them into this.

It's not just ghouls, because even ghouls can't be taken back immediately after their hands and feet are cut off. They have been transformed into monsters that are more terrifying than ghouls.

Maybe some people would envy their recovery ability, but Tongzi would not, because after the brief confrontation just now, some of these men in black had the weird ornaments that covered their eyes that had fallen off their faces, revealing An eye with no pupils and irises, only the white of the eye, and a black eye.

From this pair of eyes, Tongzi couldn't see any emotion, anger, hatred, unwillingness...all these emotions were gone, if I had to say it, then probably there was only lifelessness left.

Like a manipulated doll, in the eyes and faces of these black-clothed ghoul investigators, Tongzi can only see lifelessness like walking dead.

Tongzi didn't know what the CCG or the Hexiu clan had done to them, but it was hard to describe their situation as "alive", and it wasn't even possible to say whether they were "human".

Looking at the men in black who charged up again, Tongzi stopped the Kamen Riders who were going to fight, and waved vigorously at them.

"You go first, leave this to me."

This is the territory of CCG. It is not good for Kamen Rider to continue to entangle, and their purpose is not to attack CCG. After saving Yoshiko Kosaka, there is no need for them to stay here.

As for myself...

The fighting power of these men in black is not as good as that of ghost-level monsters, that is, the ability similar to infinite regeneration is more troublesome, but if Tongzi plans to get serious, it is actually not troublesome.

Seeing Dong Xiang who had rushed forward to fight with the man in black, she planned to go up to help, but was stopped by Sifang Lianshi.

"Leave it to her here."

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