
"Since he is left alone, he must have the confidence to retreat." Sifang Lian looked at Dong Xiang's eyes...to be precise, he should look at the eyes on Dong Xiang's mask, "Dong Xiang, even if you don't Think for yourself, at least Miss Kosaka, and everyone else."

Dong Xiang bit her lip: "I see."

Then she looked into the distance: "Hey, you must come back alive."

Tongzi didn't speak, just waved his hands to tell them to leave quickly.

The Kamen Riders withdrew towards the distance, and some men in black wanted to go around Tongzi and attack them, but how could Tongzi let them pass, and kicked away those who planned to go around.

When Dong Xiang and the others turned into a small black spot in the distance, Tongzi moved her neck and shoulders.

She no longer intends to keep her hand.

After the fight just now, she has been able to confirm that the opponent is indeed not human anymore.

It can barely be counted as ghouls. After all, these men in black have Heyan and Hezi, and for some reason, their hair has changed from black to white.

"Kill you, kill you, kill you..."

"Unforgivable, unforgivable, unforgivable..."


While murmuring repeated words in a low voice, Kiriko was surrounded in the middle.

"Just now I said you are dolls, I was wrong, I apologize to you."

Tongzi took out the dark sword from the dimension bag.

"You are not dolls, but tool people with the function of a repeater."

Since they are not human beings, nor are they moderate ghouls, there is no need to show mercy.

One minute, just one minute, Tongzi with the long sword in hand, it only took one minute to turn these men in black into a pile of minced meat.

As she expected, after turning into minced meat, these guys can no longer be resurrected.

She put away her long sword and chased in the direction where Dong Xiang and the others left.


In a mansion next to the execution ground.

This mansion used to be the property of a rich man a long time ago, including this flow island, but it is a pity that some wandering ghouls broke into this small island and killed the rich man's family. Including the mansion was abandoned because of this.

During the period when Bronze Tree occupied Liudao, Fangcun Aite did not use this mansion, but gave it to his subordinates as a dormitory. The ghouls of Bronze Tree are a group of militant guys, whose life style is no different from that of pirates. up and down.

Therefore, one can imagine how dirty and messy the environment of this mansion is.

Later, after CCG occupied Liudao, they just took away the corpses of ghouls and investigators who died here, without even cleaning up the bloodstains, let alone the litter everywhere.

Now, Jiu Duoerfu, the new director of CCG, is standing in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, with his hands behind his back, looking into the distance.

Behind him, a young girl was sitting on the dusty desk, dangling her legs that couldn't reach the ground, she seemed very cute.

The girl's appearance looks to be around twenty years old, with a cute face, and she is the favorite type of dead house.

Eight out of ten people who can appear next to the new director of CCG will think that this girl is an employee of CCG.

As for the remaining two, they will think that the girl came to aid (sensitive word) to hand in.

But in fact, the relationship between the girl and Jiu Duoerfu is very pure, and it's not about who reveals the relationship.

Just a very pure partnership.

Because this girl is none other than the mastermind behind the extermination of Hexiu's family - the leader of the ghoul organization "Joker", an SSS-level ghoul named Roma, codenamed "Mother of Chaos".

And her age is not twenty, but fifty.

The reason why the clown disappeared was because he was defeated by the former chief speaker and Xiu Changji, but He Xiu Changji didn't know that she was the leader of the clown, and just regarded her as a dangerous ghoul and locked her in Kukulia.

Later, when the Bronze Tree attacked Kuikulia, Roma took the opportunity to escape, and gathered a group of old men of her own to cooperate with Jiu Duoerfu.

During the Battle of Liudao, the old Duoerfu fought against the one-eyed owl on the front line of Liudao, but he decided to follow the old Duoerfu's V, and mixed the Rc inhibitor into the corpse of the ghoul investigator, so that the After the Hexiu clan in the court ate the corpse of the ghoul searcher, their combat effectiveness was greatly weakened due to the effect of the Rc inhibitor.

Afterwards, V even introduced Roma and her clown into the Bairi Court, massacred the Hexiu clan in the Bairi Court, and finally the Hexiu clan in the Bairi Court was wiped out. Even the powerful Hezu Changji was suppressed by Rc. Potion, [-]% of his strength could not exert [-]%, and was killed by Roma himself.

The reason why Jiu Duo Er Fu wants to join forces with the clown to eliminate his own people, apart from some problems in his own spirit and thinking mode, there is another very important reason is that Jiu Duo Er Fu came from a branch of the Hezu clan.

As a ghoul from a separate family, either as a ghoul investigator, expel ghouls for CCG (such as Yi Bingrui); or as a V, do dirty work for CCG (Takasho Arima is a combination of both) .

Both have the blood of the Hexiu family, so the family obviously wants to live a glamorous life and enjoy the glory and applause from the outside world. The positions of CCG director and general speaker have always been held by the family.

Those from a separate family must serve as dogs for their own family, either by joining the ghoul investigator or by joining V.

Not only because of his status, Jiu Duoer Fu also has a morbid possessive desire for his childhood sweetheart, Shendai Lishi, and cannot allow other people except himself to touch her.

However, Shendai Lishi has long been regarded as the mother to produce the next generation and He Zu. In other words, in order to ensure the purity of the bloodline, Shendai Lishi cannot be betrothed to Jiu Duo Erfu, but is destined to be married to Xiu Changji and He Xiuji. , He Zuzheng and other people from the same family took turns to desecrate.

I come from a humble background and don't deserve the surname "He Zu", that's all.

And the woman I love will be defiled by my father and brother (He Zu Chang Ji, He Zu Ji Shi), and even my nephew (He Zu Zheng)...

How could Jiu Duoer Fu bear this tone?

So he secretly recruited and united the people in V who were also dissatisfied with the family, first removed all the people in V who were loyal to the family, and then sent most of the ghoul investigators to Liudao when CCG was fighting in Liudao When the Bronze Tree was expelled, a coup was launched, and the ghoul organization "Joker" was united to bloodbath the Hezu clan.

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