On a pier that I chose to dock, several people were waiting here early.

"It's over to you."

"Do not worry."

Tongzi got off the boat with the Kamen Riders, Sifang Renshi said something to the people waiting on the pier, and then they walked to the shore, stretched out their tails, and raised the boat parked in the water.

Together, they held the wet and falling boat, walked to the warehouse, opened the warehouse, put the boat in, and closed the warehouse door.

What a clever way to hide the boat in storage.

As for these water marks, don't worry about them at all, they will dry naturally in a short time.

"Hey, newcomer, it's time to go."

Seeing that Tongzi was still watching, Nishio Jin greeted her.

Tongzi walked with them in downtown Tokyo, but Tongzi didn't know if this place should still be called downtown Tokyo, because she never knew that there was such a place in Tokyo, an international metropolis——

There was no one on the street, and there were very few vehicles. The houses on both sides were almost in a semi-abandoned state. Some houses were either missing a wall or the entire front wall disappeared. A pile of rubble piled messily together.

There was no one in the whole block, the only sound was the sound of footsteps on the road.

"We have arrived."

Dong Xiang, who was walking in the front, led everyone into an abandoned high-rise building on the side of the road. After turning a few turns inside, he entered one of the rooms.

Tongzi looked around. The furniture in this room was worn out and old. There was a thick layer of dust on the furniture and the floor. It was obvious that no one had lived in it for a long time.

But Tongzi soon noticed that there was less dust on one of the cabinets... To be precise, there were obvious traces of being touched on certain parts of that cabinet, and the traces were not left by cleaning of.

Sure enough, under Dong Xiang's signal, two ghouls stepped forward and pushed the cabinet away together.

After the cabinet was pushed away, a hole in the wall was exposed, but instead of extending inward, the hole extended downward.

Tongzi also saw an iron ladder on the edge of the hole.

One can tell at a glance that this ladder was built later.

Dong Xiang, who was walking in the front, was the first to climb down the ladder, followed by Kosaka Yiko who no longer needed to be hugged, and the others followed her and filed in.

Hei Panyan, who was basically uninjured, didn't care, but Hei Panyan, who was stabbed in the leg and beaten up, had no choice but to let the ghouls tie a few ropes on Hei Panyan's body, Put it down slowly.

Tongzi watched the person in front go down, so she followed.

Nishio Nishiki, who was the last to climb down the ladder, used Kazuo's tail to hook the cabinet that had been pushed away, and used Kazuo's strength to pull the cabinet back.

As the hole was blocked by the cabinet, the passage suddenly became pitch black.

However, these people had been prepared for a long time, and each took out a flashlight.

With the help of the flashlight, Tongzi found that he was now in a tunnel. The tunnel was reinforced with things and filled with a damp atmosphere.

Tongzi followed the others and continued walking towards the depths of the tunnel.

To Tongzi's eye-opening, there is not only one tunnel, but also many forks.

These fork roads all look similar, and there are no obvious signs. If someone who does not know the terrain rushes down, it will definitely take a lot of time to find the correct road.

In this way, Tongzi followed the team around the tunnel. Although it was not necessary, she asked the grandson of the sage to record the road she passed.

After walking in the tunnel for almost half an hour, they finally stood in front of a steel gate.

Dong Xiang knocked a few times on the heavy steel gate, and the echo echoed far in the tunnel.

A small and narrow window was opened on the steel gate. It was a very young girl. When the girl saw Dong Xiang, she immediately said happily, "You guys are back? I'll open the door for you right away."

Nishio Nishiki yelled at the girl behind the window: "How many times have I told you, You-chan, you have to answer the slogan first."

"...but," the girl seemed to retort, but she was defeated by Nishio Nishiki's "stare", "Okay, I see."

"Shijin, don't be so fierce to Youjiang, she's just a child."

"In the public, don't call me Shijin, my code name is 'Orochi', understand? It is the Yamata no Orochi that needs to gather all the heroes of the Three Kingdoms and Warring States to defeat!"

"Yes, yes, noble snake, I understand," Dong Xiang waved his hand perfunctorily, then turned to look at the girl behind the window, "Okay, give the code, or shit... Shit snake wants shit again It's been days."

The girl acted "like typing 555 on a flip phone" and held it up high: "standing by...complete!"

Dong Xiang pretended to be surprised and said, "So you are also playing with cards?"

Tongzi, who was at the back of the line, slapped her face with a slap.

It's too sandy, and I can't bear to look directly at it.


After confirming the password, you can enter the shelter.

The whole refuge is very large. I don’t know if it includes Tokyo, but at least it should be equivalent to a district of Tokyo. The place behind the steel gate is just a hall, and there are many doors around the hall, leading to different places. .

After entering the refuge, Hei Panyan was carried by two ghouls on a stretcher, pushed open one of the doors and walked through, and Hei Pan Wuchen followed closely beside him.

The others also disbanded individually.

After Dong Xiang took off his helmet, Kosaka Yiko jumped on Dong Xiang's body.

Seeing that it was indeed Dong Xiang, Tong Zi was about to step forward to talk to Dong Xiang, when she suddenly felt a weight on her shoulder.

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