She turned her head and found that Nishio Jin stretched out her hand to hold her down.

"Come with me, I have something to tell you."

As he said that, Nishio Nishiki could not help but pull Tongzi's shoulders, and pushed her towards another door.

In fact, with Tongzi's strength, it was easier to break free from Nishio Nishiki than to QTE, but she was a little confused, what was Nishio Nishiki going to tell her, so she let Nishio Nishiki push her away.

When passing by Dong Xiang, Xi Weijin also said to Dong Xiang: "We have something to do, so we are leaving first."

Although Dong Xiang felt that Nishio Kam's behavior was a little strange, he didn't say anything in the end.

So Kiriko and Nishio Nishiki left the hall and proceeded through the passage behind the door.

There are energy-saving lamps at every other section above the passage, in addition to emergency lights, and there are also escape signs that emit fluorescence in a completely dark environment on the ground.

Tongzi had a very strange feeling, she felt as if she was walking through the underground fortress of human beings.

After going through many passages, Nishio Nishiki finally brought Kiriko to a room with windows on one wall.

"Please come in."

Because it was Nishio Nishiki who led the way for her, Tongzi didn't suspect him, pushed the door open and walked in, but just after she walked in, the door behind her was slammed shut with a bang.

She subconsciously went to open the door, but the lock didn't budge.

"Be honest, who are you?" Nishio Jin stood in front of the window, took off his helmet, with a serious expression.

At this time, no matter how unresponsive Tongzi was, she still knew what Nishio Nishiki had done to her.

This guy is probably suspicious of his identity, suspecting that he is an undercover agent of CCG.

That's why I deliberately said to myself, "I have something to do with me", and tricked myself into it.

Tongzi looked around, except for the wall where Nishio Nishiki was standing was made of glass, there were no windows on the other walls and ceiling, but there was a vent in the ceiling, but the vent was so small that even a child couldn't get in. .

Tongzi was not angry at being framed.

Instead, she said with a half-smile: "You don't think this can trap me, do you?"

At this time, Tongzi still had a helmet with a card face on her head, so Nishio Nishiki couldn't see Tongzi's expression, let alone her true face.

"This interrogation room was originally built according to the standards of ghouls. It can trap any ghouls below the SS level. It is also equipped with an alarm device. As long as you destroy the walls, floors, and ceilings, even just a little bit, the entire base will be destroyed." Everyone here will know..."

Nishio Nishiki explained calmly.

"I know you are very strong, but there are people out there, there are people out there, and we have not only SSS-level ghouls, but also Team Zero."

"Team Zero?" Tongzi didn't care about what he said before, but when he heard "Team Zero", Tongzi was stunned.

It is naturally impossible for her to be unfamiliar with Team Zero.

Team Zero is an ace unit led by Arima Kisho, the white god of death of CCG. For such an ace, CCG naturally does its utmost to boast.

Kiriko didn't remember much of those bragging words, but she also knew that Team Zero is to CCG what Chibei is to the Takeda family, and it is a very powerful existence.

However, why did the Zero Division, which was supposed to take on the heavy task of expelling the ghouls, appear here?

And don't ghoul investigators and ghouls have an endless relationship?

If it is at least possible for ordinary humans to reconcile with the ghouls, then it should be difficult for the ghoul investigators and the ghouls to reach a reconciliation.

Because between killing and being killed, there are ghoul investigators or ghouls who die at the hands of each other, and the accumulated hatred between the two parties cannot be easily put down with a few words.

When the ghoul investigators saw the ghouls, they were restrained if they didn't step forward to expel them immediately.

How could it be possible to stand on the side of ghouls?

And Tongzi's silence was misunderstood by Nishio Nishiki for something else.

"Since you also know Team Zero, it's easy to handle, so you'd better be honest, it's for your own good."

Kiriko ignored Nishio Nishiki's threat and just asked.

"Is Kisho Arima here too?"

"That's right, the white god of death from CCG is also here."

Tongzi couldn't help suspecting that it was fake.

How can this be?

Who would have thought that Arima Kisho, who had been killing ghouls all his life, would actually stay with ghouls.

Tongzi took a look at Nishio Jin, thinking that Shi Jin was lying to herself, right?

But she thought about it again, and felt that it was impossible, the other party had no need to deceive herself.


Now that she has mixed in, and there is no one else here except Nishio Nishiki, an acquaintance, Tongzi is too lazy to continue playing charades with Nishio Nishiki.

So she simply reached out and took off the helmet she wore around her neck.

Now it was the turn of Nishio Nishiki, who was proud of having tricked Kiriko into this room full of alarms just now, was stunned.

"You are……"

Nishio Nishiki's eyes widened, his face full of surprise.

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