Is not it good?

But look at what Fangcun Aite and Arima Kisho did?

Obviously have the power to change the world, but do not change the world, have to wait for the so-called one-eyed king to appear like some outdated silly web articles, and then slowly cultivate a person who is still shouting on the previous page To protect everyone, the next page was cut into the king of sticks.


After talking with Yoshimura Aite and Arima Kisho, Kiriko felt that she should do something.

Whether it is for Dong Xiang or human beings, CCG must be disbanded or reorganized.

But the old man has two blessings and must die.

Why do you say for human beings?

This is easy to understand.

The old duoerfu who ruled CCG was born in Bai Riting, so he is also a peace cultivator.

There is no doubt that the Hexiu clan are all ghouls.

Before Jiu Duo Erfu came to power, the Hexiu family manipulated human minds, let humans and ghouls fight, and at the same time reduced the number of humans and ghouls to maintain a balance.

Not only that, even the corpses of the investigators who died in battle were their food.

After Jiu Duo Erfu came to power, the situation of CCG not only did not improve, but worsened.

Jiu Duo Erfu seemed to think that his father and brother hadn't done enough, so he even openly raised ghouls to serve as ghoul investigators.


The ghouls let the ghouls act as ghoul investigators to drive out the ghouls

That being the case, what qualifications does the old Taerfu have to say that Yoshiko Kosaka is a cooperator of the ghouls?

What qualifications does he have to execute Kosaka Yiko?

What qualifications does such a person have to continue to lead (sensitive word) mankind?

This world is like this. It is better for some people to die than to live. It is better for everyone.


Since it was decided to kill Jiu Duo Erfu, there was no need to waste time.

So on the second day, Tongzi rode a bicycle and went alone to District 1 where the CCG Bureau is located.

But she didn't sneak in directly like Master Kong did, but observed nearby first.

The CCG office is located in the center of District 1. Except for the CCG office building, it is completely an ordinary foreign company. Of course, there will be no guards with guns standing guard and patrolling at the entrance of ordinary foreign companies. .

There are ghoul investigators and CCG staff rushing in and out at the door. They go to work during the day and leave one after another until midnight, but sometimes they stay up all night.

And the ghoul investigators will leave the bureau building from time to time, go to District 1 or other areas to hunt down and expel ghouls.

Tongzi stayed near the CCG building for two days. She kept staring in the direction of the door, but she never noticed the old Duoerfu appearing from the door.

Originally, Tongzi's plan was to follow him to a remote place after he left the CCG's main office building, and then attack him.

Because no matter what, this is better than directly breaking into the CCG building to kill people.

But this guy didn't know if he was vigilant, or for some other reason, but he didn't leave the CCG building for two whole days.

If this guy can't hide, then there's nothing he can do.

Had to change a way.

She found that the old Duo Erfu especially liked to stay in the director's office, but the director's office had windows—to be precise, most floors and rooms in the CCG building had windows.

So Tongzi, who thought of a way, entered a nearby building and climbed to the roof of that building.

She closed the corridor door, and took out a chain and tied it to the corridor door, so that even if someone who didn't know came up, she couldn't get up.

According to her previous observation, this is a very suitable sniping point.

She took out the crossbow she bought earlier.

In this country, gun control is very strict, and it is almost impossible to buy a firearm.

Even in countries on the other side of the ocean, there is almost no way for ordinary people to legally purchase military-style sniper rifles.

But crossbows are different.

As long as you find a shooting club and pay to become a VIP, you can buy crossbows.

And it's not a toy with an arrowhead like a toilet plug, it's a real one that can be shot out and kill people.

The one in Tongzi's hand was custom-made at a high price. Not to mention that an arrow hit the little devil's sniper from [-] miles away, but it still failed to shoot Jiu Duo Erfu's dog's head within [-] meters (sensitive word) questionable.

So Tongzi lay down on the ground, and then aimed at the director's office of the CCG headquarters building in the distance. In the sight, the old Duo Erfu seemed to be talking to the investigators who came to see him.

So she put the figure of Jiu Duo Erfu in the sight firmly into the crosshairs, and pulled the trigger.

The crossbow shot away immediately, and instantly attacked the unsuspecting Jiu Duo Erfu.

Chapter 174 Exposure


A few minutes ago, in the director's office of the CCG.

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