Jiu Duo Erfu crossed Erlang's legs, put them on the desk, and held a comic book in his hand.

At this time, the door suddenly opened, and a group of people suddenly filed in from outside the door.

Seeing these people pouring into the director's office, Jiu Duoerfu was taken aback for a moment, then put down the manga and said.

"Guys, if I remember correctly, I didn't seem to ask you to come to my office, did I?"

The person who came in was none other than the current special class of CCG—Marutesai, Shinohara Yuki, Hoji Xiangsuke, Ui Gun, Tanaka Maru Momomoto, Yasura Kiyoko.

"Jiu Duo, what happened on Liudao Island is true?"

The one who questioned him as soon as he came in was Marutesai, who was most dissatisfied with the old Tajifuku as the director.

"A lot of things happened on Liudao, but I just don't know, which one are you talking about?"

Jiu Duo Erfu smiled slightly, and picked up the manga again.

Faced with so many special and cold gazes, it would have been like sitting on pins and needles for other people, but Jiu Duoer Fu didn't seem to care at all.

"Stop pretending to be stupid, you know what we're referring to about Hei Pan!"

Koji Shinohara, who is a partner with Kuro Panyan and has the best friendship in private, roared angrily.

Shinohara Yuki's appearance is somewhat similar to Hei Panyan. If someone does not know him, they may think that Shinohara Yuki and Hei Panyan are brothers.

"Oh, it's about the Heipan special class."

Jiu Duoerfu put down the manga, put down his legs from the desk at the same time, and stood up.

"Why, do you want to talk about the rebellion of Hei Pan's first class (Hei Panyan) and Hei Pan's first class (Hei Pan military official) and taking refuge in ghouls?"

Ui-gun accused:

"What betrayal? Pay attention to your tone, even if you are the director, you can't convict people at will."

"I didn't convict people at will," Jiu Daerfu said briskly, "Look, Kuroiwaichi's fiancée Kosaka Yiko is a ghoul collaborator, which is really hard to believe. Hei Pante and others didn't participate, and when the ghouls appeared later, when they took Kosaka Yoshiko away, they also took them away."

Jiu Duo Erfu showed a smile on his face: "You say, if Hei Pan and his son are not cooperators of the ghouls, why did the ghouls take them and escape together?"


The officers who came aggressively were all suffocated upon hearing the words.

Even Yukino Shinohara, who has the best relationship with Hei Panyan in the special class, is speechless at the moment.

Indeed, there is a great contradiction between humans and ghouls, or more accurately, there is a great contradiction between investigators and ghouls.

Among most of the investigators, there must be people they knew who were killed by the ghouls, and people the ghouls knew were expelled by the investigators.

Even leaving aside the cannibalism, the two sides still have an undying hatred.

And as a special class of Hei Panyan, the number of ghouls expelled is only a lot. According to common sense, he should want to get rid of the ghouls quickly.

But the ghouls chose to take Heipan and his son away...not only the Heipan father and son, but also Kosaka Yiko, which makes people think of their relationship with the ghouls.

In fact, before coming here, it’s not that the special class didn’t think about this problem, but everyone subconsciously ignored it, because compared to this, Jiu Duoerfu’s stabbing of Hei Panyan was much worse. In the past, the director of CCG, Or no matter how much the chief speaker went too far, at most he would just reprimand him, and he would not hit people at will.

And if Jiu Duo Erfu is allowed to start here, then he can hit whoever he wants in the future, so that's okay?

That's why the special class came here hand in hand, hoping that Jiu Duo Er Fu can reflect on his behavior.

But they didn't expect that Jiu Duo Er Fu didn't reflect on his behavior at all, but beat him up instead.

"It's so old, don't change the subject."

"It's you who changed the subject, isn't it, Mr. Shinohara? The evidence that Hei Pan and his son are traitors is undeniable, and there are all the witnesses and evidence. I know that you have a good relationship with Mr. Hei Pan in private. It seems that you have been partners. It takes less time, but that shouldn't be an excuse for you to forget about public affairs."

"You... are old, don't spout blood."

"I didn't spout blood, everything I said was true."


"Forget it, Shinohara."

Marutesai stopped Shinohara Yuki who was so angry that he wanted to rush up and punch Jiu Ta Erfuku, he turned his head and said to Jiu Ta Erfuku.

"Whether Hei Pan and Hei Pan are traitors, it's hard to say at the moment, maybe the ghouls are going to take them to their lair to torture them. If you don't know the specific circumstances, you can unilaterally identify them as traitors." , this is too hasty."

"Well, what you said is indeed reasonable." To the surprise of Marutesai and the others, Kota Erfuku generously admitted his rashness, "then they are indeed not traitors, but incompetent."


Everyone else was stunned.

"The person caught by the ghouls is not an incompetent person or something? The special class should be the top existence of the search officer. If the special class cannot be defeated by the ghouls, then there is no value in living..."

Jiu Duo Erfu suddenly covered his mouth, waved his hands and laughed.

"Sorry, sorry, I accidentally told the truth."

Yu Jingjun said angrily: "Juduo, you guy, even if you are the director, you can't slander a special class like this."

"But I've already done that, what's the matter?"

Jiu Duo Erfu showed a very unbeaten expression.

He expected that these people would not dare to do anything to him.

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