Just because he was the late Chief Speaker and Xiu Changji's official director (the will was actually forged).

No matter how angry these specials are, as long as they don't know that they are ghouls, then they have no way to dare to do anything to themselves.

Just like that Shinohara Yuki who wanted to beat himself up, he would be firmly stopped by others.

Oh, it's such a pleasant feeling.

No wonder my nephew and Zheng Zheng, even if they sacrificed a large number of investigators, still want to get enough merits, even if they get their hands dirty and step on the pile of corpses, they still want to sit on the throne of the director.

It's a really good feeling, like...

That, that, you (sensitive word) understand...


The glass behind him suddenly exploded, and the glass shards splashed in all directions. A black light penetrated the huge floor-to-ceiling windows and hit the back of Jiu Duoerfu's head directly.

Jiu Duo Erfu didn't have time to react, he flew out and hit a decorative armor next to him, knocking the armor down.

And the long sword erected in the armor's hand just pierced through Jiu Duoerfu's head.


Under the control of the sage's grandson, the crossbow accurately hit the back of Jiu Duo Erfu's head.

Tongzi watched as Jiu Duoerfu's body flew out, knocked down a decorative armor, and the sword held by that armor pierced Jiu Duerfu's body.

Although the Hexiu clan are all ghouls, ghouls are not invincible. If the head is shot through the neck and the neck is also pierced, then they probably won't survive.

Thinking so, Tongzi put away the crossbow, didn't stay any longer, and left from the roof.


The special class who were still furious just now were all stunned.

Ui-gun, the youngest among the special class, quickly took out his mobile phone and was about to contact the medical class, but Marutesai held his hand on the side. strange face.

Kiyoko Anpu, who knew a little about first aid, ran over and quickly shook her head.

"It can't be saved, it can't be cured."

Hoji Xiangsuke and Shinohara Yukiro rushed to the broken floor-to-ceiling windows and looked outside, trying to find the sniper.

But if you look around, where can you see the figure of the sniper?

In a short period of time, CCG has lost two bureau chiefs (He Xiujishi and Jiu Duoerfu) and one chief speaker (He Xiu Changji). Such a blow is tantamount to a huge blow to CCG.

And this time, the director of CCG was assassinated in front of the special officers, which was equivalent to a heavy slap in the face of the special officers.

They couldn't figure out who did it.

Generally speaking, only ghouls have an unforgettable hatred for CCG.

But most of the ghouls only use Hezi instead of hot weapons.

Just when they were puzzled, Jiu Duoerfu, whose head was pierced by a decorative long sword, suddenly opened his eyes.

This startled Kiyoko Anpu, who was checking his situation, and screamed.

All the chiefs who heard Anpu Qingzi's screams all looked over, and they happened to see Jiu Duoerfu opened his eyes and stood up.

"Juduo, you are..."

"Oh, what happened just now, my head is a little dizzy... Hey, what is this?"

Jiu Duoerfu touched his head, touched the sword that pierced his head, and the crossbow bolt on the back of his head, and then subconsciously pulled it out, causing Anpu Qingzi to scream again.

As a special class, Kiyoko Anpu, of course, has never seen such a scene. What really made her scream was the unreasonable thing that she thought "a person who is already dead is still alive".

After pulling out the sword, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Jiu Duo Erfu's pierced head was repaired without bleeding much.

The blood power of the Hexiu clan is already very strong, and after accepting the transformation of Kano Mingbo, the old Duo Erfu, who has the ability to easily kill Aite, already has the strength far surpassing the one-eyed king, but the sword and sword used for decoration The crossbow arrow pierced through the head, and it was impossible to die.

But the director of the CCG came back from the dead, which not only did not make the people present feel lucky, but made them doubt, and then turned into vigilance.

Marutesai narrowed his eyes slightly, with disbelief in his tone.

"Juduo, you are actually a ghoul?"

Kota Erfuku didn't answer Marutesai, but looked in the direction of the unknown thing coming, of course he couldn't see anything.

He was very annoyed.

Because it messed up all his deployments.

"Jiu Duo, you'd better explain everything clearly obediently."

Shinohara Yuuki picked up the decorative sword that was thrown away by the old Tajifuku just now.

In the CCG headquarters building, unless there is a special reason, it is not allowed to walk around with a weapon, let alone come to see the director.

Therefore, the special class did not bring the Quinker weapons they are good at with them.

But fortunately, when the previous director general and Shuji were very fond of weapons, most of the decorations in this office are swords, both Western swords and Japanese swords, and each special class found a handy one, which will make the old one more blessed surrounded.

It's just that only they know how much strength they can exert by using these weapons instead of Quinke.

Marutesai yelled sharply: "Juduo, don't resist, you only have one person, and we have six."

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