"Marute, please, don't play word games with me," Jiuta Erfu said with a smile, "If the crowd tactics were useful, the first one-eyed owl expulsion battle thirteen years ago would not have killed so many people gone."

Hearing the reassuring words of Jiu Duo Erfu, all the superintendents present couldn't help feeling tense.

Marutesai then sneered: "But now is neither thirteen years ago, nor are you a one-eyed owl."

"You're right, I'm really not a one-eyed owl."

Unexpectedly, Jiu Duo Erfu admitted it frankly.

What they didn't even expect was that Jiu Duo Erfu had no intention of fighting them. He rushed out of the encirclement of the special class at an astonishing speed, and jumped from the broken floor-to-ceiling window.

When the special officers rushed to the window, they saw the old Doer Fuli use the hex tail emerging from behind, plunge into the wall to slow down the speed of the fall, and wait until about the same time to put away the hex tail and fall directly to the ground.

The investigator standing guard at the gate of the CCG main office building was shocked to see Jiu Duo Erfu falling from the sky, and was stunned on the spot.

Because even if he wanted to break his head, he couldn't figure out how the new director would jump down from the top, and he still used the way of ghouls to fall.

"Your post is good, keep working hard."

Jiu Duo Erfu pointed at the investigator who was standing guard, and then quickly ran outside, quickly disappearing from everyone's sight.


After leaving the CCG office building, Jiu Duo Erfu stopped a taxi and took a taxi to the [-]th District.

About half an hour later, the old Duo Erfu was standing in front of a bar called "Helter Skelter".

He opened the door and walked in. The waiters and customers in the bar all looked at him strangely.

This bar looks no different from bars large and small in the Tokyo area, but what outsiders don't know is that this bar, like the antique coffee shop, is also a bar opened by ghouls.

The guests who come to this bar are also ghouls.

And here is a small information station, ghouls will come here to exchange information, or sell, buy information.

The ghouls in the bar naturally recognize Jiu Duo Er Fu. After all, they can also surf the Internet and play with mobile phones. Even if they don't, they know that Jiu Duo Er Fu is the director of CCG.

Some ghouls even looked at it maliciously.

Chapter 175


But Jiu Duoerfu ignored them and ran directly to the counter, and asked the proprietress behind the counter who was wiping the transparent wine glass with a cloth, "Is Roma here?"

This bar proprietress has orange-yellow hair, fair complexion, good-looking face, a little bit of charm, and has the feeling of a mature big sister.

If you don't know, you may think it's just an ordinary bar proprietress, but in fact, being a proprietress in a bar full of ghouls is of course not just that simple.

In fact, this woman's name is Itori Shiri, and she is the cadre of the clown.

And this is also the place where ghouls are used to exchanging information.

"Oh, is this CCG Ghoul Investigator an old acquaintance with Roma? My Roma has never met a stranger."

Itori Shiri blinked and joked deliberately.

Of course she knew that the old Duo Erfu was their clown's ally, but she did it on purpose.

Of course, no matter how well-informed she is, she still doesn't know that the fact that Jiu Duo Erfu is a ghoul has been exposed, and she is no longer the director of CCG.

"I don't have time to joke with you, Itori, is Roma here?"

Jiu Duo Erfu did not have such a calm and cynical attitude as before. He slapped the counter heavily with both hands, causing the cups and bottles on the counter to jump.

The ghoul guests in the bar all looked sideways.

At this time, Itori Shili also realized that there was something wrong with the old Taerfu and peacetime, so he put away his joking thoughts and pointed upstairs: "It's in the innermost part of the upstairs..."

Before she could finish her sentence, she saw the old Duoerfu leaving the counter like a gust of wind and disappearing down the stairs.

Itori Shiri stared blankly at the old Toerfu running up the stairs, a thoughtful look appeared on her face, and then she shook her head.

If something really happened, Roma, the leader of the clown, would have to worry about it. She didn't have to think so much at all, she just had to think about how to not be bored.


The old Doerfu kicked open the innermost room upstairs. Roma was lying flat on the only bed in the room, and the old Doerfu was still standing at the door and shouted at Roma.

But Roma seemed to be asleep and didn't move.

The old Duo Erfu went up and struck Roma's stomach with a palm.


Roma bent her body into a bow and covered her stomach, then jumped up and glared at Old Dou Erfu: "What are you doing!"

"The matter has been exposed, you clowns need to act immediately."

At this time, Roma was like a child, lying on the ground and rolling around.

"Don't move, if you want to move, move yourself."

"Are you moving?"

"If you don't move, if you don't move, if you don't move."

"Still motionless is bastard."

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