But looking at the eyes of those investigators who relieved their hatred and satisfaction, Tongzi knew that the investigators would definitely not call 120 on these ghouls.

As for the human beings who subconsciously fell down after hearing Tongzi's yell just now, and trembling after seeing the miserable conditions of those ghouls...

Tongzi put away her sword.

"Mr. Shinohara, I'll leave these people to you. Of course, there must be some of them who volunteered to join the clown. It depends on your investigation. As for how to do it, I believe you can do it well."

Speaking of Tongzi, she was about to leave.

Shinohara Yukino's face was a bit weird, he hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Wait."

"Why, the ghoul investigator is not so useless that he can't even do such a simple thing as evacuating the citizens?" Tongzi seemed surprised that he was stopped.

"Since you still know our identities, that's good. Do you think we will let you go? Don't forget, you are also a ghoul."

As Shinohara Yuki's voice fell, the ghoul investigators around him all pointed the Quink weapon at Kiriko.

Tongzi sighed: "...Sure enough, the brains of the special class are not easy to use. I said... Are your brains broken? Clowns don't only appear in the second district, there are also clowns in other areas. Even if you don't go to other areas Help, it will take time and energy to find out whether there are clowns among these human beings, are you sure you have the time to deal with me?"

"The clowns in other places will naturally be dealt with by other ghoul investigators, and our task is to expel the ghouls. You should stop wasting your tongue and just catch them obediently. Through your performance just now, I can decide not to expel you, but I want all of you to enter Kukulia (Ghoul Prison)."

Ghoul investigators have the right to dispose of the ghouls they catch by themselves.

In other words, not all ghouls will be expelled, and some ghouls will be arrested and locked up in Kuikulia.

For example, the cadre of the clown, Donetto Prupura, was captured alive by the Guajianggan people and Hei Panyan because he had information about a large number of ghouls.

Of course, this right does not necessarily ensure the safety of the ghouls.

If the senior management of the CCG decides to execute a certain ghoul in Kukulia, then the investigator who caught this ghoul will not be able to save it even if he wants to.

When Shinohara Yuki and other investigators planned to expel the "ghoul" Tongzi, the situation outside the venue suddenly changed again.

From the street in the distance, a group of people appeared again.

But besides the clown, this group also has an oggai in black.

Not only in the second district, but also in other areas where clowns are rampant, a new coalition of clowns and oggais has also appeared, and the cadres of the clowns - Itori Shiri, Bai, Shikan, Donetto Prupra, Shemale Nick followed.

And what appeared in the second district was...

On the left of the crowd is the clown, and on the right is the oggai. The main color of the clown's clothing is white, while the main color of oggai's clothing is black, one white and one black. From a distance, it looks like a slowly moving square with distinct black and white.

When the crowd came close, the crowd stopped suddenly, and then like a tide, the white clown and the black oggai separated from the two sides, and a petite woman came out of it.

"Good day, everyone."

This petite girl is full of vigor and seems to be full of vitality. She is very cutely dressed, and even the mask on her face is also very cute.

But in fact, this girl is not an ordinary ghoul, but the leader of the clown, code-named "Mother of Chaos".

She has many names, and she can change them as quickly as a book. The name she uses now is "Roma".

Although he looks only in his twenties, he is actually in his early fifties.

Facing Roma's greeting, Tongzi didn't say anything, while Shinohara Yukiro and other investigators became vigilant.

Although she is a girl who looks full of vitality, she should not be judged by her appearance, let alone a ghoul.

Seeing that no one responded to her greeting, Roma said in frustration, "You guys are really rude."

But the next moment, she happily raised her hand again.

"Question: What is the common enemy of humans and ghouls?"

Still no one cared about her.

"The answer is 'boring'."

Roma asked herself and answered.

"The world is a circus, everything is interesting but meaningless."

Tongzi half-closed her eyes and looked at Roma.

"Then what do you think makes sense?"

"Of course it's destruction." Roma raised her hands high, "Destroy, kill, create chaos, and look at other people's panicked and desperate eyes, don't you think it's interesting?"

Tongzi nodded: "Hmm, what you said does make sense."

"Right, of course I'm right, huh?"

Roma looked Tongzi up and down.

"You are dressed like this, are you also a ghoul? Then why don't you join the ghouls? Let's destroy together as much as we want."

"Joining ghouls? That's not necessary, but it's good to destroy."

As soon as the voice fell, Tongzi's figure suddenly disappeared from the spot, and then the crowd behind Roma suddenly let out screams.

Tongzi, who appeared there at some unknown time, brandished a jet-black long sword and carried out a massacre.


Roma didn't expect Tongzi to hit her as soon as she said it, and she was still under her skin, so she also showed her Hezhe form.

She exudes red light all over her body, and these lights are like electric currents, wrapping around her body, and then turning into substance, a monster composed of a large number of Hezi appears under her body.

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