On the white skin, there are two black eyes like hollows, and a big mouth like a lamprey, and six strong limbs like hands and feet, propped on the ground.

And Roma is inlaid on the monster's head, which looks very weird.

This is the so-called Hezhe form, which can cover and wrap the whole body with Hezi.

However, Roma, who had completed her transformation, did not rush towards Tongzi, who was massacring the clown and oggai, but instead rushed towards the team of investigators.

The investigators who expected Tongzi and Roma to fight to the death, did not expect that Roma would charge in their direction, but their reaction was not slow. Even if several investigators rushed forward, Planning to expel Roma.

But since Roma is an SSS-level ghoul, it is not in vain. She didn't use any strange abilities, she just controlled the Mother of Chaos who was like a little giant below her, and with a few punches, she punched those All the investigators who came to meet him were sent flying.

The rank of the investigator has moisture, but the rank of the ghoul does not have much moisture.It may not be a perfect match, but it is definitely not based on abilities other than strength.

Shinohara Yuuki wielded the Quink sword, and was able to fight Roma back and forth, but in fact, only Shinohara Yuki knew that although he appeared to be evenly matched on the surface, he was actually at a disadvantage.

The blessing of Quink's armor gave him the strength to barely fight the Mother of Chaos, but every time the Quink sword collided with the fist of the Mother of Chaos, the shock force made his mouth numb, almost It's hard to hold a weapon.

But Roma looked much more relaxed.

So Shinohara Yuki could only try to avoid it as much as possible, not going head-to-head with Roma.

And Roma also saw this, she was cunning, so she shifted the attack from him to the other investigators, she didn't believe that Shinohara Yuki would not ignore his subordinates.

This really worked. Ordinary investigators didn't even have a chance to react. At most, they could only raise the Quink weapon to block, but without the blessing of Quink's armor, they couldn't stop it at all.

Therefore, even though Shinohara Yuki knew it was a trap, he still had to go forward to help the investigators who were attacked.

After repeating this several times, Shinohara Xingji's hands and arms were numb from the shock, and he could no longer hold the Kuink sword, and was knocked down by Roma's punch.

Roma controlled the Mother of Chaos, rushed forward and pinned him down.

"Shinohara special class!"

The subordinates planned to rush up to help Shinohara Yuki, but they were too weak to be Roma's opponent at all. Roma just waved her fist casually like driving away flies, and swept them away.

"Don't shoot at my subordinates!"

Shinohara Yukino shouted angrily, if he had a Quinker weapon in his hand at this time, he could give Roma a cold shoulder, but unfortunately he didn't.

"Oh, oh, I heard that you were once crushed by that guy, Uncle, don't you really like the feeling of being crushed by a cute girl? Ah... so perverted!"

Roma exclaimed pretentiously.

Behind her, a voice suddenly sounded.

"It's good to be under the pressure of a cute girl, but with all due respect, you are no longer a cute girl."


Roma turned her head and saw a long black light.

A large amount of blood splashed out from the Mother of Chaos, and the pale skin like a little giant cracked.

The upper body of the Mother of Chaos, together with Roma embedded in the upper body, flew up together.


Roma looked dazed, completely unaware of what happened.

Until it fell to the ground with a snap.

Roma's lower body was still stuck in the head of the Mother of Chaos, and then she saw a girl holding a black long sword appearing in front of her.

Chapter 178


"Please, don't kill me."

Roma begged pitifully, she looked like a puppy abandoned by its owner, it looked very pitiful.

And Tongzi, who was standing in front of her, seemed to think about it.

It's now!

While Tongzi was thinking, a large number of Kazuko tentacles suddenly stabbed out from the abdomen on Roma's clothes.

The ghoul tails of general ghouls can only protrude from the back, because the ghouls of general ghouls are all distributed on the back.

The Heiwei is formed by the condensation of the Hezi in the Hebao, so it can only be formed from the position where the Hebao is distributed.

But Roma is more special.

In addition to her back, she also has a hemp on her stomach, so she can also gather her sons on the herb on her stomach and pierce her tail.

Ordinary investigators would not think of Roma as an alternative, after all, such ones are too rare.

And she also used this to kill several powerful ghoul investigators.

Of course, with the strength of her SSS-level mother of chaos, as long as it is the investigator she wants to kill, there are very few investigators who cannot be killed head-on.

But she just likes to put on a pitiful appearance, plus she has the appearance of a twenty-year-old girl, so the effect is the best.

Even a straight man of steel would hesitate at that moment.

And she took advantage of this gap of hesitation to kill him back.

Like now...

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