Then a set of Starburst Slash chopped Roma into a pile of powder.

"I let you go now, you can go."

A gust of wind blew the powder representing Roma into the air.


Shinohara Yuki watched helplessly as Kiriko chopped Roma into a pile of powder.

His mood was very complicated, and at the same time he was a little embarrassed.

Not only him, but his subordinates also seemed at a loss. They didn't know whether to thank Tongzi now, or to come up and drive Tongzi away (Tongzi was still wearing a card face to beat him, they thought Tongzi was a ghoul).

On the contrary, Tongzi put away the sword and said to him, "Mr. Investigator, why...don't you plan to expel me?"

No matter how thick-skinned Shinohara Yuuki was, he turned his head slightly and did not make eye contact with Tongzi.

If Tongzi hadn't acted and expelled the mother of chaos just now, he and all his subordinates would have died.

To be rescued by a ghoul is simply a shame to the investigator.

The education he received at the Investigator School prompted Shinohara Yuki to not hesitate to continue to expel the "ghouls" in front of him, but his instinct as a human told him that he should say thank you.

Shinohara Yuki's subordinates didn't speak, they just looked at Shinohara Yuki, waiting for their superiors to make up their minds.

"If you don't plan to expel me, then I will leave to support other places where clowns are rampant."

"Wait," Shinohara Yuki finally plucked up the courage to call out to her, "Who the hell are you?"

Tongzi pointed to the face-on uniform on her body: "As you can see, our Kamen Riders is a ghoul organization that hopes that humans and ghouls can coexist peacefully."

Shinohara Yuki fell into deep thought: "A ghoul organization that hopes that humans and ghouls can coexist peacefully? Can humans really coexist peacefully with ghouls?"

Afterwards, Tongzi's departure was not blocked, and after Tongzi left, an investigator couldn't help but asked Shinohara Yuki: "Mr. Shinohara, why did you let that ghoul leave?"

Shinohara Xingji hadn't spoken yet, but another investigator next to him replied, "Even the SSS-level Mother of Chaos is no match for her. What are we investigators who can't even defeat the Mother of Chaos? Take the lead." to fight?"

The investigator who raised the question just now was still very unconvinced: "But, isn't the investigator's duty to expel ghouls? Don't they just do it if they can't be expelled? What kind of investigator is this?"

The other investigator couldn't bear it anymore, and held the collar of the investigator who questioned: "Stupid, why didn't you dare to say that when that ghoul was here just now, and now you are talking nonsense here ? You are so capable, why don't you go after her?"


While his subordinates were arguing endlessly, Shinohara Yukiro spoke.

"Don't worry about it any more."

He pointed to the humans among the clowns rescued by Tongzi earlier.

"Allocate half of the manpower and bring these people back to the CCG headquarters for investigation, and the others will follow me to support the investigator team in other places."


Tongzi didn't know that after she left, there were disputes and internal strife among Shinohara Xingji's subordinates.

Of course, even if she knows, she doesn't care, because this is something that Shinohara Yuki should worry about.

At this time, she was riding a bicycle to the sixth district.

There is a forest on the outskirts of the sixth district, and there is a villa in a clearing deep in the forest of the sixth district.

The walls of the villa are covered with vines, the rusty iron door is opened on one side, and the hinges are hung on the iron grille of the other door.

Tongzi put away the bicycle, then pushed open the iron door and walked in.

A thick layer of fallen leaves and litter piled up in the clearing behind the fence.

The villa is in Western style as a whole, with two floors in total. The building is not high but covers a large area.

The design of the house is very stylish, high-end and elegant, but it is a pity that no one has lived here for a long time, because the white exterior wall is mottled, stained, and covered with green.

Some windows were open, some were closed, some had no glass left but the frame, and some had no frame at all.

What Tongzi didn't know was that this villa actually had an unknown history.

This place used to belong to a person named Anjiu Qisheng. Later, Anjiu Qisheng cooperated with CCG and lent the villa to CCG. CCG built a laboratory under the villa to conduct research on various human experiments.

But later Anjiu Qisheng found out with conscience, collected information and planned to report CCG, but was silenced by V.

Anjiu Qisheng and his wife were killed by V, and their two young daughters were taken to CCG's orphanage.

CCG's Orphan Shelter is dedicated to sheltering children who have become orphans because of ghouls. The children who are taken in here will be indoctrinated with the idea that "you must fight against ghouls", so that when these children grow up, , because of their own hatred and the education they received since they were young, most of them would choose to become investigators and work for CCG.

However, for unknown reasons, this place was abandoned, but the underground laboratory was used by Kanamimbo.

Later, Kaneki Ken, Yongjin Yingliang, and other unsuccessful ghoul transformation operations were all carried out here.


Tongzi pushed away the building of the villa and walked in.

The lobby on the first floor was empty, with spider webs and dust all over the place, as if it had been abandoned for a long time.

It didn't take much effort to find the basement. Tongzi entered the basement, then pulled out a sword, inserted it into the wall of the basement, and walked forward while slashing the wall.

When walking to a certain wall, although the touch is the same as before, it is as easy as a hot knife cutting butter, but the cut wall is no longer a brick surface, but a layer of flesh.

This layer of flesh is red and looks like it is still alive. It is still wriggling after being cut open, which looks disgusting.

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