This is something made by using ghoul's Kazuko. Through multiple steps such as stimulation, separation, and regeneration of Kazuko, this kind of wall is finally formed.

The biggest advantage of this kind of meat wall is that it has the hardness of steel, and at the same time, the ghouls recognized by the wall can also pass through, and after painting with paint, it can be disguised as an ordinary wall.

According to Roma's information, the old Duo Erfu is hiding in the laboratory deep below the basement.

As for what Jiu Duo Erfu is going to do here, Roma doesn't know.

But no matter what Jiu Duo Erfu wants to do, it doesn't matter, as long as he is killed, it is enough.

Tongzi didn't waste any time, directly cut through the meat wall and entered it.

Behind the meat wall is a wide passage, the ground, the walls on both sides, and the ceiling are all made of concrete, and on the ceiling, a lamp is hung every once in a while to provide illumination.

Probably out of the consideration that the enemy might also invade the underground, this underground passage was designed like a maze, with many fork roads, and each fork road looked similar, without any hint at all.

If it were an ordinary person, they would definitely be confused.

But from Roma's mouth, Tongzi knew how to enter the laboratory.

Chapter 179


Speaking of it, there is actually no special principle, that is, at each fork, the lights leading to the right road are slightly behind the lights leading to the wrong road.

Every light in the passage is arranged according to the spacing that satisfies the obsessive-compulsive disorder, even if it is a fork in the road.

But there is a slight difference in the spacing between the lights that lead to the right road and the wrong road on the fork.

Of course, such a small difference is actually difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, and special measuring tools must be used.

Tongzi doesn't have special measuring tools at hand, and she doesn't need them.

She directly asked the grandson of the sage to measure.

This is more accurate than any measuring tool, and there is no error.

After relying on the grandson of the sage, Tongzi quickly discerned the right path.

I don't know how long I walked underground, and finally Tongzi finally arrived in the underground laboratory.

It is said to be a laboratory, but it is more accurate to say that it has arrived in a huge hall.

This is a closed and white space, a bit like Kizuna Ai's white space, and the person Tongzi wants to find is sitting on the only chair in this white hall.

Jiu Duo Erfu crossed his legs, put one hand against his face, and spread out a manga with the other hand, as if he was reading it with relish.

The sound of Tongzi's footsteps entering the hall startled him, and he raised his head to look at Tongzi.

"It's you, I thought the first ones to find me would be the special class who wanted to peel off my skin, or Jinmu Jun and Yongjin Jun who Aite placed high hopes on."

Jiu Duoerfu's face was full of disappointment.

"Do you know me?"

Listening to Jiu Duo Er Fu's tone, it seems that he knows himself.

"Of course, the Kamen Riders—a ghoul organization dedicated to 'humans and ghouls can coexist peacefully', and you are the leader of that organization, am I wrong?"

Tongzi was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that Jiu Duo Erfu had made a mistake.

Because Tongzi is still wearing the uniform of the card face, so the old Duo Erfu misunderstood Tongzi as Dong Xiang.

But it was also for this reason that she didn't change into her original set of clothes - the more humans saved by the ghouls, the more support they won after the war, Tongzi thought so.

While Tongzi was thinking, Jiu Duo Erfu spoke again on his own.

"It's okay, although I didn't invite you, I'm just as happy that the 'Kamen Knight Leader' came uninvited."

Jiu Duoerfu took out something like a remote control and pressed a button on it.

Immediately, the ground suddenly shook.

The rumbling sound kept ringing, and the feeling of weightlessness suddenly came. Tongzi was surprised to find that she was actually falling.

Not only her, but also them... To be precise, the entire hall is falling.

Unexpectedly, this lobby is actually an oversized elevator.

When the hall stopped from falling, it was no longer known how far it had fallen, nor how far it was from the ground.

The elevator wall is made of transparent glass, Tongzi looks out through the transparent elevator wall.

Then, she was stunned.

The hall descended into a huge spherical space. Looking around, on the surrounding walls hundreds of meters away, there were densely packed petri dishes in the shape of cylinders.

At a glance, there are at least [-] petri dishes on the wall, and this is just one of the walls.

Of course, all the petri dishes here are empty and there is no one there, but as long as you think about it with your brain, you will know that these petri dishes cannot remain empty forever.

But even so, it was enough to shock Tongzi, followed by a chill down her back.

Tongzi has seen many crazy people, as long as you surf the Internet, you will always meet them.

But those lunatics on the Internet are at most just talking about it, trying to instill you with their crazy ideas.

But now was the first time she had met someone who turned crazy thoughts into action.

Old Duo Erfu, this guy is definitely a complete lunatic.

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