And he's not only crazy, he's turning his madness into action.

Seeing Tongzi's expression, Jiu Duo Erfu laughed loudly: "What kind of expression do you have? Are you sympathizing with human beings?"

As if hearing the funniest joke, Jiu Duo Erfu covered his face and laughed out loud.

"Haha, hahaha, hahahahahaha—I'm not mistaken, you actually sympathize with humans, you are obviously a ghoul, but you sympathize with humans, isn't your brain sick? Hahahaha——"

"I'm not like you. I have two blessings, and I can even do things like destroy my own family tree." Tongzi responded sarcastically.

While getting the whereabouts of the old Duo Erfu from Roma, Tongzi also asked the truth about the Hexiu clan's extermination. Under Tongzi's torture, Roma shortened the truth about Hexiu's extermination to less than twenty words.

"Is that for ultra-peace?"

"You call this super peace? You stabbed Hei Panyan, wounded Hei Pan samurai, and planned to execute the innocent Kosaka Yiko. You kidnapped so many people and transformed them into oggai who are neither human nor ghost. And your allies, the clown ghouls are still causing bloodshed and chaos in downtown Tokyo..."

Tong Zi raised a middle finger towards Jiu Duo Erfu.

"You call this ultra-peaceful?"

Jiu Duo Erfu spread his hands helplessly: "There is no way. Since ancient times, the realization of peace has always been accompanied by bloodshed and sacrifice. This is an eternal truth."

Jiu Duoerfu's remarks are as shameless as "European colonists clearly wanted to invade, plunder, oppress, and exploit, but they insisted on bringing civilization to the colonies."

"Okay, okay, it's a shame not to award you the Nobel Peace Prize, but you have no chance to accept it."

"Really? But actually I think I still have a chance."

Old Duoerfu disappeared from the spot and appeared behind Tongzi.

"It's just that you have no chance to see my heroic appearance receiving the award."

After accepting the transformation of Kano Mihiro, the real strength of the old Ta Erfu is already stronger than that of Arima Kisho-well, in fact, the old Ta Erfu has never fought against Arima Kisho, so it does not matter who is stronger and who is weaker. It's hard to say, but what is certain is that at this time, Jiuta Erfu is not weaker than Arima Takasho.

His speed was as fast as lightning, and before the other party could react, he had already slashed her neck with a Japanese knife.

Jiu Duo Erfu believes that Tongzi is very strong, but in the final analysis, he is still not as strong as him.

Unless it's Kisho Arima, even the two SSS-level ghouls, Fangmura Aite or Roma, are not considered by him.

It can be said that the current him is almost unbeatable in the world...

Just as he was thinking this way, the knife in Jiu Duo Erfu's hand suddenly broke in two.

Jiu Duoerfu was stunned.

Although this knife is only a weapon made by the B-rank Quinke, even so, it shouldn't be broken because it was cut on the neck...

What shocked him even more was that Tongzi, who had been cut in the neck, was fine. There was not even a trace of wound on her neck, which was as white as a swan.

what on earth is it?

"Oh, as the director, the weapon you use is too bad. Do you need me to change it for you?"

Tongzi, who looked like a normal person after being slashed, twisted her neck on purpose.

"Do you think you've won?"

Although he didn't know how he did it, Jiu Duo Erfu thought it was just a fluke.

He's tail grows from his back, but it's different from that of ordinary ghouls. The old Duoerfu's tail is covered with bright red eyes, which looks very scary.

Originally, people from separate families like Jiu Duo Erfu were only half-human, half-gut, without He Yan and He Zi.

However, after accepting the transformation of Kano Mingbo, the old Taerfu is no longer half human and half ghoul, but a pure ghoul, so it also has the characteristics of a ghoul.

And after being transformed, he is stronger than SSS-level ghouls!

Jiu Duo Erfu moved, and the tail of Hewei behind him drew a bright red trail, straight for Tongzi's head.

All the ghouls' tails have a hardness comparable to steel, and Jiu Duerfu's tails are harder than ordinary ghouls, even reaching the level of the legendary Olihagang. Even the armor of a battleship can easily pierce a girl's head.


The black long sword intertwined with He's tail, and bright sparks burst out in the air. Jiu Duo Erfu only felt a strong force coming from him, which made him unable to control his body and retreated repeatedly.

It wasn't until he inserted He's tail into the ground that he stopped his retreating figure.

He looked at Tongzi in shock and anger, and couldn't believe that the thin girl in front of him had strength beyond his own.

"Impossible! It's impossible!"

Jiu Duoerfu screamed out in rage, "How can you have more power than me?"

"nothing is impossible."

Tongzi's figure turned into a phantom, leaving only a long, straight afterimage drawn out in Jiu Duoerfu's field of vision. Jiu Duoerfu was startled, and subconsciously blocked several hentail crosses forward.

Only the sound of steel colliding could be heard resounding all around, and when the pitch-black long sword in Tongzi's hand collided with Jiu Duerfu's tail, even the air was shaken into a circle of ripples and scattered in all directions.

Old Duo Erfu flew out again, he first smashed through the transparent elevator wall, and then continued to fly out without weakening, hitting a distant wall.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and the old Duo Erfu was inlaid in the depression of the wall. At this moment, he still didn't have the high-spirited appearance just now, the carefully groomed hair fell messily on his face, and the uniform on his body was also torn here. There was a piece, a piece was cracked there.

"To be honest, as the final boss, your strength has disappointed me a bit," Tongzi plucked her ear gracefully, "or would you be nothing without the help of V and the clown?"

"What stupid words are you talking about? Do you think I'm at a disadvantage? It's ridiculous!"

The old Duoerfu didn't move, but the Hewei behind him pulled him out of the recess in the wall, he stretched out his hand and clenched it tightly into a fist.

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