"Not enough...not enough!"

"Killing the Hexiu clan and ending the history of CCG, these are not enough, not enough!"

Hewei behind Jiu Duoerfu was like a flame, and a white air wave erupted from his body, and the air wave spread to the surroundings, and spider web-like cracks appeared on the petri dish on the nearby wall, even There was also a crack in the place where he was standing...

Then he fell.

That's right, the place where he was standing was broken because he couldn't bear his transformation in the second stage, causing him to fall.

Tongzi stood on the edge of the elevator, looking down from the elevator wall that Jiu Duoerfu broke through just now.

She could only see the boundless darkness, and she didn't know how deep the ground was.

With such a high distance, no matter how many witchers came, they all fell to their deaths.

In fact, it's not just demon hunters. In theory, apart from monster hunters, not many can survive a fall from such a high distance.

But in the next second, Tongzi saw the light.

A red dot flashed in the boundless, abyss-like darkness, and then the red dot turned into a red line, rushing straight up from below.

Wherever it passed, it even left a deep dent on the elevator wall.

Tongzi stepped back, and the red light passed through where she was standing just now, smashing the elevator wall above to pieces.

Shards of metal and glass rained down.


The red figure landed heavily in front of Tongzi.


Tongzi frowned, looking at the red figure in front of her.

To be honest, if she hadn't seen the old Duoerfu fall with her own eyes, Tongzi would never have connected the guy in front of her with the man who was crazy and twisted to the extreme, but still attracted fans based on his appearance.

There are no eyes, and there is only a huge white glowing mark on the whole face. The teeth and mouth are much larger than ordinary people, and the hair is like some kind of algae growing in the ocean, floating upward without gravity.

His skin is like obsidian, but there are strange dark red lines on his body.

If it wasn't for the fact that Kazuo behind the back was the same as the old Doerfu, with red eyes, Tongzi would not have believed that this monster was the old Doerfu.

Hezhe form?

Everyone in Hexiu's family is a natural Hexie, and after they become Hexiu, they can still retain their reason.

That's why "Mother of Chaos" Roma lost to He Xiu Changji.

But Jiu Duo Er Fu is not a pure ghoul, but half human, half ghoul. He has undergone acquired transformation.

So when he incarnated into Hezhe form, he became very crazy.

Tongzi also understood why.

From a little fresh meat who can rely on his face to earn traffic and attract fans, to this ghostly appearance, anyone will go crazy if he changes it!

Jiu Duo Erfu roared, controlling Hewei behind him to attack Tongzi, Hewei turned into a red light and swept towards Tongzi viciously.

But in the middle of the journey, the red light was blocked by a pitch-black long sword, Jiu Duoerfu roared wildly, and Hewei behind him turned into a blurry phantom, and dozens of red lights burst out in the air instantly and attacked Tongzi.

And Tongzi also danced the pitch-black long sword into a whirlwind, and the impenetrable sword net collided with the red glow, causing countless air explosions and air waves.

Chapter 180 It's fine to cremate you, but it's almost enough to probate you


The pitch-black sword light broke through the red lights all over the air, and Tongzi cut off all the tails of Jiu Duoerfu with a sword. In his surprised eyes, the sharp blade swung across his waist.

His upper body flew up, and it happened to fly out of the elevator wall where he was hit by the blow before, and hit the same wall again.

This wall was hit once by the old Duo Erfu, and the petri dishes were broken where he hit it. Later, when he transformed into the second stage, he forcibly shook the wall out of a gap, and now he crashed into it. in this gap.

Looking at Jiu Duoerfu lying in a pool of blood, Tongzi put the sword back into the scabbard.

It's over, it's over.

To be precise, when Tongzi came to her door, it was already over.

No matter how strong the recovery ability of the SSS-level ghoul is, and no matter how unreasonable the blood power of the Hexiu clan's blood is, it makes no difference.

With the previous experience, Tongzi will not leave like last time.

She will turn the old Duoerfu into powder with Starburst Airflow Slash.

She didn't believe that no matter how powerful the blood of the Hexiu clan was, it could still recover after being turned into a powder state.

"Why, why did it become like this...you...cough cough...who on earth are you? Why are you stronger than an SSS-level ghoul even though you are only a human being?"

Because of serious injuries, he could no longer maintain the Hezhe transformation. After the Hezhe transformation was lifted, the old Duo Erfu who had returned to his original appearance, a weak voice floated from the gap in the wall.

Kiriko walked to the edge of the elevator wall.

The other party is already a dying person, and she already has the chance to win, so she doesn't care about chatting any more.

The battle on the ground doesn't require her to worry too much, the clown and oggai, even counting V who doesn't know where to hide, so what if they are tied together?

On the side of the Kamen Riders, there are Arima Kisho, Yoshimura Aite, Yoshimura Kozen and Hara Antiques. When these people are added together, no clown, oggai, or V are opponents.

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