A large number of building fragments kept falling from above, and Tongzi held the black long sword in one hand, no matter how wide or thick the building fragments were, they could be cut with just one sword.

When Tongzi jumped back to the place where she was originally, she found that the place had completely changed.

All the surrounding walls seemed to be swept away by something huge, leaving devastated ravines.

Tongzi fell into one of the gullies that looked solid.

She raised her head and looked up.

In her field of vision, there was a thick... thing about the size of a train.

To be precise, apart from stuff, I really don't know how to describe it accurately.

This thing...no matter what it is, its body surface is black, but it is covered with red lines, more than that, there are red eyes and extremely white teeth at intervals.

The thing Tongzi saw was only part of it. One side of it went deep into the wall where it was located, while the other side extended upwards. I don’t know how long it is. has been extended to the ground.

When seeing this piece of stuff, Tongzi was stunned, and then said in an inaccurate tone.

"……eldest son?"


On the ground, the battle with the clown and oggai is drawing to a close.

Although at the beginning, the investigators in various districts discovered that the clowns they killed were actually coerced humans, which did make them doubt and shake themselves.

However, there are also some investigators who are determined, or have a hard heart. Some investigators even realized that many of the clowns were coerced humans, instead of showing mercy, they continued to slaughter innocent civilians.

Afterwards the Joker's cadres appear.

In all fairness, the cadres of the Clown are not inferior to the Bronze Tree in terms of quality, and are even better than the Bronze Tree in terms of quantity.

But unfortunately, CCG is not all trash, and after Kamen Rider and Zero Team joined the battle, the fate of the clown's demise is doomed.

Yui and Itori Shiri were expelled by Arima Kisho, and died under the siege of the Zero Division, Donetto Prupura was expelled by Amon Kotaro who he had adopted, and the shemale Nick was turned into He Fangcun Aite in the form of the hunter is eaten directly.

However, after knowing that Bai was expelled by Arima Kisho, Sifang Ren said that he planned to avenge him.

Because Sifang Lianshi and Bai are very good friends, they used to be enemies, but later changed from enemies to friends, Sifang Lianshi knew that Bai was a member of Joker, and he also knew what Joker did.

But out of selfishness, Sifang Lianshi still didn't want to kill him.

But I didn't expect that Bai would die at the hands of Kisho Arima.

My friend died, and my sister was also expelled by Arima Kisho. The new enmity and the old hatred made Sifang Renshi lose his mind for a while, and wanted to seek revenge from Arima Kisho.

Sifang Lianshi was very excited, even if the store manager came forward to dissuade Sifang Lianshi, he couldn't persuade Sifang Lianshi to let go of his hatred. There was no way but to knock Sifang Lianshi unconscious in the end.


Second District.

When the last clown was killed, the investigators cheered.

Ujing Jun wiped off the blood on his face, and looked at the cheering subordinates around him, but he didn't feel much joy or excitement in his heart.

This year's investigator is really the worst one he has ever led. There are still ghouls in front of him, and the investigator's duty is to not let go of any ghouls, but he is careless simply because he cooperates to expel the clown .

At this moment, Ui-gun misses the younger generation he once brought up, the girl with the pink doll head who likes pineapple buns.

It's a pity that she died in the expulsion battle of the Yueshan family.

Ui Jun shook his head, and put these distracting thoughts out of his mind. The most important thing now is to drive out the ghouls in front of him.

So Ui-gun took up the Quinque weapon again, and aimed at the Kamen Riders who had just cooperated and fought side by side: "Prepare to expel the ghouls."

The investigators who were still able to move were startled. They looked at Kamen Rider, and the Kamen Rider who heard Ui-gun's words also looked over.

However, the investigators quickly realized that they took up their weapons and aimed at the Kamen Rider, and the other party did the same, aiming at them with their tails.

Obviously they were working together just now to fight against the clown, but now they have become enemies in an instant.

But at this moment, the Zero Division, who had fought with Kamen Rider before, also raised their weapons.

But not to Kamen Rider, but to the investigators.

Because the clown appeared in too many areas at the same time, Kisho Arima, who originally formed a team with the Zero Division, went to support other places alone, leaving only the Zero Division here.

Unexpectedly, the Zero Division actually chose to stand on the side of the Kamen Rider, which made the investigators seem at a loss.

Ui-gun, who was also puzzled and confused, asked a passer-by who was the leader of the Zero Division loudly.

"Senior, I don't understand, Mr. Arima, and why are you on the ghoul's side?"

Even if he was forced to fight with his former colleagues, even if he was questioned loudly by his former colleagues, Ping Zizhang's face remained unchanged.

"Because this is Mr. Arima's order, and the reason why he entrusted this matter to me is because he trusts me and believes that no matter what the situation is, I will fight for Mr. Arima; the reason why Mr. Arima did not entrust You, also because you believe in you, no matter what the situation is, you will fight for justice."

The collective betrayal of Arima Takasho, whom he admired the most, and Team Zero, plus the inexplicable words he said now, made Ui-gun feel inexplicably irritated.

"speak English!"

Ui Gun's hand-axe (European halberd)-shaped Quinker collided heavily with Hirako's Quinker broadsword, sparks crisscrossed and flashed, reflecting the faces of both sides.

Being stared at by Jun Ui with confusion, anger, resentment... and even a little bit of jealousy, Hirako's expression was as calm as ever.

Chapter 181 The eldest son tentacles?


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