Ui-gun's subordinates were about to rush to help, and when the Kamen Riders were also preparing to fight, the ground suddenly shook.

A thing as thick and thin as a train drilled out of the ground and pierced through the high-rise buildings just above. Dozens of high-rise buildings collapsed with a roar, glass and broken stones flew everywhere, and dust filled the air.

The ones who collapsed in the tall building happened to be the investigators who were planning to outflank the Kamen Riders just now. They were planning to expel these ghouls who had fought side by side a moment ago. At this moment, they could only flee.

But fortunately, they were only on the edge of the collapse range of tall buildings, so they escaped the collapse range easily.

Yu Jingjun, who was originally in a state of anger, stared blankly at the Optimus Prime that drilled out of the ground.

The tentacle waved in the air, seemingly aimlessly, but the buildings it hit shattered and collapsed, sending pieces flying.

Among them was a piece of building debris the size of a basketball, flying towards Ujing County like a meteor.

But Yujing Jun was shocked by the sudden appearance of the tentacles and forgot to dodge.

Ping Zizhang wielded the Kuink sword and easily chopped off the piece of building debris.

The building fragments that were cut in half hit other places in the ruins, setting off a cloud of smoke and dust.


"Leave here first."

So Ping Zizhang and Yu Jingjun gathered investigators and ghouls, and ran away from this thing.

In fact, they don't need to order them, and the two sides have no intention of fighting anymore. In front of this thing that I don't know what to call, the conflict between humans and ghouls is as ridiculous as the conflict between children.



Tongzi stared blankly at the train-sized thing.

"eldest son?"

It's not that Tongzi insists on deliberately playing tricks at this time...

It's the round, thick, long and hard thing in front of me, which is so similar to the eldest son in Big Eyeball's pen... to be precise, the tentacles of the eldest son.

She felt that the world was less and less like a normal world.

Originally, ghouls are not something that should exist in the normal world, but ghouls can barely fool with science, but how to fool this thing in front of us...

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a product that should exist in the real world, does it?

Seemingly noticing that Tongzi was standing in front of it and commenting on it, the tentacles suddenly moved and flung them fiercely.

Kiriko jumped to the side, and jumped into the dent left by the side.


Amidst the shaking of the ground, the place where she had just stood was smashed to pieces.

Stone chips and glass flew across, and smoke and dust were everywhere.

The tentacles flicked again and again, and the surrounding walls were smashed into "empty spaces" one after another by it, and Tongzi used these "empty spaces" to avoid.

After smashing around, but it was useless, after realizing this, the tentacles stopped moving, and then there was something agglomerating on its surface, and then it shot out those agglomerated things .

Tongzi's figure flickered, and she dodged far away.

Although she was confident that those attacks would not cause any harm to herself, she really didn't want to touch such a disgusting thing.

The things that were shot out were like lumps of viscous liquid. After falling to the ground, the lump of viscous liquid began to change and condense, and then, in a blur, finally formed a human shape.

This humanoid creature looks like its whole body has been skinned, its flesh and blood exposed to the air, and it looks terrifying. There are no facial features on its face, only its pale and frighteningly white teeth are exposed.

After these humanoid creatures had just condensed into a human form, they seemed to be still at a loss when they were just "born". They stood there, looking around in confusion.

But soon, after noticing the situation, they locked on Tongzi, the enemy, and rushed forward with roars.

Of course, in less than a minute, they turned into a pile of minced meat again.

However, after turning into minced meat, it suddenly swelled, and then exploded with a bang.

The purple smoke quickly spread away.

Tongzi inadvertently took a breath.

I don't feel anything.

It may be that his magic resistance or poison resistance is too high, so this thing that is obviously poisonous smoke has no effect on him.

After finishing off these humanoid creatures, Tongzi set her sights on the tentacles.

Although I don't know what this thing is, and I don't know what consequences this thing will cause.

But anyway, cut it first.

Tongzi pulled out the pure white sword from the treasury, with both hands in hand, it was a set of Starburst Airflow Slash.

After raising an unknown number of levels, and an unknown number of EX+ in skill proficiency, a set of starburst airflow cut down, directly cutting the tentacles into a molecular state.


After destroying the tentacle, Tongzi returned to the ground through the hole drilled by the tentacle.

After returning to the ground, Tongzi found that she was not in the forest, but in a city.

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