But what surprised her was that she found that there were towering tentacles protruding from the ground in other directions.

Could it be that there is more than one thing?

Tongzi took out her mobile phone and planned to call Dong Xiang (later in the underground shelter, she asked Dong Xiang for a new number), but after she took out her mobile phone, she found that the mobile phone had no signal.

If she remembered correctly, Dong Xiang formed a team with Yuan Antique's people.

Although there is the most powerful Fangcun Gongshan, but there are thick, long and big tentacles, and he can shoot monsters that can change into people... Still Tongzi can't help but worry.

So after she recognized where she was, she immediately rushed to the second district where Dong Xiang's team was scheduled to go.

On the way towards the second district, artillery fire suddenly roared in a distant direction. Tongzi turned his head and saw that the tentacles in the area next to the second district were blasted into flames.

Those who can use such heavy firepower are either the Self-Defense Forces or the M Army, but the Self-Defense Forces are more likely.

Because the headquarters of the Eastern Front in the Ground Self-Defense Force is stationed in the Nerima district of Tokyo.

Tongzi hesitated for a second in her heart, and finally rushed towards the tentacles of the bombardment.

Although it is urgent to find Dong Xiang, if these threatening tentacles are eliminated, Dong Xiang will naturally be safe.


In response to CCG's request for support, the Eastern Front of the Ground Self-Defense Force from Nerima District arrived in Tokyo and found that the clown had been expelled and replaced by tentacles like Optimus Prime.

Although I don't know what it is, what is certain is that it must not be allowed to wreak havoc in Tokyo.

Fortunately, when the clown appeared, the evacuation alert issued by the CCG had already been sent to the mobile phones of every Tokyo citizen, and the police from the Metropolitan Police Department were also dispatched urgently to help guide the flow of evacuated people.

Therefore, when this tentacle appeared, the area where the clowns were rampant and the citizens in the nearby area had been dispersed, allowing the Ground Self-Defense Force to attack.

The first to arrive was an infantry wing and an armored wing of the Eastern Front. Under the command of their respective wing leaders, they launched troops to attack the tentacles.

The anti-tank squad and mortar squad in the infantry wing took the lead in attacking. Rockets and mortar shells hit the tentacles, blasting clusters of bright flames on the tentacles.

The Type 10 tanks of the Armored Wing also lined up and launched a fierce attack on the tentacles.

Under such a ferocious heavy firepower bombardment from humans, the tentacles immediately turned to the sky and roared in pain.

The infantry's anti-tank weapons and mortars, as well as the tank guns of the Type 10 tank, can cause damage to the tentacles, but they are not fatal. It recovers at a speed visible to the naked eye in a second.

Therefore, although the tentacles were beaten and roared again and again, they did not suffer substantial damage, and they flicked in the air before smashing down.

The train-sized tentacles slammed heavily on the ground. Amid the loud bang, the ground was shaken. The Type 10 tank that was swept down by the tentacles turned into a scrap of iron.

If the tentacles sweep to the side, ordinary people can't avoid it at all.

With this sweep, the soldiers of the mortar squad couldn't dodge in time, and they were swept into a pulp in one fell swoop, leaving a dark red patch on the surface of the tentacles.

Flesh and blood fly!

The soldiers who managed to escape because they were outside the attack range were stunned.

They were all trained soldiers, but they never imagined that one day they would be forced to fight such a monster!

That huge monster even wiped out a mortar squad just by sweeping it as if it was moving its body, it can't help but make people frightened.

At this moment, the sound of booming rotors came from above, and everyone looked up. It was the helicopter of the Ground Self-Defense Force arriving.

Two anti-tank helicopters approached from the west, and fired a series of anti-tank missiles. The shells fired by the cannon also formed a light whip in the air, and swept the tentacles fiercely.

Seeing the arrival of reinforcements, the soldiers who were still in a state of shock on the ground immediately regained their courage.

"Keep attacking!"

The soldiers dispersed and hid behind the collapsed buildings. Anti-tank weapons and heavy mortars roared again. As for the ordinary soldiers, they also knew that the power of their rifles could only scratch the itch, so they replaced them with grenades.

For a moment, that tentacle didn't know how many attacks it received, and the explosion on its body didn't stop for a second.

In the sky, the aerial guns of anti-tank helicopters were firing, and on the ground, countless bullets and shells were fired at the tentacles from all directions. There were also brave infantrymen who threw grenades at the tentacles after running out of grenades.

Although the scene of an ant colony shaking an elephant is spectacular, it is limited after all. The tentacles that appeared for unknown reasons are really too terrifying. It stands to reason that such a dense firepower attack would be in jeopardy if replaced by a human defense line.

However, there has never been any substantial damage to the tentacles, whether it is infantry anti-tank weapons, heavy mortars, tank guns of Type 10 tanks, or anti-tank helicopter guns and anti-tank missiles. You can't really kill that tentacle, you can't even seriously injure it.

And that tentacle waved it casually, or swept it on the ground... The anti-tank helicopter could at least rely on its own flexibility to evade, while the infantry and tanks on the ground could not even leave a complete corpse when the tentacle swept over.

Less than five minutes into the battle, two more infantry squads and several tanks were completely wiped out. Even the anti-tank helicopters in the air could not escape bad luck. When evading, he hit a half-collapsed building, and the occupants inside did not know whether they were alive or dead.

"Leave it to me here, you guys retreat!"

The regiment leader of the infantry regiment, whose eyes were all red, picked up an anti-tank gun and was about to charge forward, but was held back by two soldiers.

"Lieutenant Captain, let's go together!"

"Get out, it's too late if you don't leave, you all get out of here!"

The regiment leader was tugging with the soldiers, but he also attracted the attention of the mighty tentacle. With a shake of its head, it gnawed at the three people on the ground.

Not to mention the big mouth like the chrysanthemum monster, even if it didn't have that bloody mouth, if it was hit by such a big thing, it would definitely be smashed to pieces, and even the corpse would not be left behind.

The three of them were stunned for a moment, but they forgot to run away for a while, they just watched the tentacles coming towards them.

At this moment, a figure suddenly slammed into it from the air.

The man was wearing a card-faced uniform and was holding a black long sword in his hand. The man rushed over from the side, hitting the left side of the tentacle's head like a shell, hitting the tentacle Next to a half-collapsed building.

There was only a bang, and the already half-collapsed building was hit with stones flying horizontally and smoke and dust everywhere.

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