The surviving soldiers below were stunned when they saw this scene.

Not to mention people, even if a tank hits it, it may not be able to knock down the tentacles.

In the smoke and dust that filled the air, there were black lights flashing again and again. I couldn't see what happened in the smoke and dust, but I could hear the tentacles howling in pain.

Immediately afterwards, a black shadow flew out from the smoke and dust, but it was the same figure just now. She snapped her fingers, and a treasure gun appeared out of nowhere in the air. She adjusted her posture in the air, stepped on the treasure gun, and the whole body The person's head and feet turned into a stream of black light, which quickly fell downward.

And the tentacles below seemed to sense the crisis, and many small but human-sized tentacles emerged from its body. These tentacles looked like small tentacles, and they rushed towards the black figure falling in the air.

With a sweep of the pitch-black long sword, those tentacles shattered inch by inch, but the black figure didn't slow down, and went straight into the open mouth of the tentacles.

The next moment, a golden light suddenly burst out from the tentacles. It was not obvious at first, but then it became brighter and brighter. After hearing a loud bang, the dazzling golden light occupied everything in the field of vision. The tentacles exploded directly from the inside, and countless Flesh and flesh turned into blood rain, pattering down from the air.

In this rain of blood, a figure walked out slowly. For a while, all the surviving soldiers were stunned.

Chapter 182 Is it fun, can you play it, have you never played it?


After Tongzi rescued the Self-Defense Force here, she rushed to other areas without stopping.

She doesn't know what these tentacles are, nor how they are produced, but these things seriously endanger the safety and life of human beings, so they must all be destroyed.

So Tongzi held two swords and chopped all the way from Nantianmen to Penglai East Road.

Along the way, I encountered a lot of monsters born from the tentacles—let’s name them gum monsters, because these monsters have no advantages in the whole body except for the characteristic of teeth—after these monsters are separated from the tentacles, they can’t be separated. Humans and ghouls are attacking everywhere.

However, the strength of these gum monsters is not too strong, only Q Barrett can easily penetrate them, but after being blown up, the blown parts of the gum monsters will swell up, and then explode themselves.

After the self-explosion, the air will be filled with purple smoke, and all human beings who inhale the purple smoke will fall to the ground, even ghouls will feel strange in their bodies.

But Tongzi didn't feel anything, so she could kill all the gum monsters she encountered on the road without any worries.

The strength of these gum monsters is very weak, probably about the strength of A-level ghouls, and they don't have any special abilities, and they will only rush forward monotonously when they see people.

Tongzi killed them as easily as killing pigs.

Kill the gummies along the way, then head towards the nearest tentacles.

The closer you are to the tentacles, the more gummies you will encounter. The tentacles seem to be bursting with blood, producing a large number of gums. When Tongzi arrives near the tentacles, you can see them on the ground of the ruins near the tentacles. Look over All densely packed are gum monsters.

Since this is the case, then instead of using the Starburst Airflow Slash, you can directly summon the secondary gun of the Afanggong starship to solve all your worries with one shot.

In this way, he rushed to the next place, and in the next time, Tongzi spent the boring rushing, killing monsters, and zooming in like this.

——Until all the tentacles on the ground are wiped out.

Tongzi put away the sword, and moved her body a bit.

Although the body is not tired, it is still quite tiring to rush the road and kill monsters so boringly.

This made her couldn't help but think back to the time when she played Octopath Traveler (Forked Road Traveler)...

If you can't beat the BOSS, or need money to buy equipment, but don't want to open modifiers, then you can only farm monsters and level up honestly.

Just when she was about to rush to the second district, a drone flew over from a distance. Tongzi took a closer look and found that a walkie-talkie was firmly hung on the drone.

The drone circled around Tongzi twice, and then flew up and down for a while, Tongzi still didn't understand what was going on in the drone, until a man's voice came from the walkie-talkie hanging on the drone:

"Drones are fun, right? Can you play? Have you ever played? My sister, do you still want to use a drone to fly a heart-shaped trajectory or something? You can just press this button and talk. ?"

This voice sounded very familiar, and Tongzi thought for a while, isn't this the voice of Marutesai who has dated several times?

Afterwards, Dong Xiang's voice, which was a bit awkward, came out from the walkie-talkie.

"...It's me, I'm Dong Xiang."

Tongzi was taken aback.

"Dong Xiang? Are you okay? Are you injured? Where are you now?"

"No, I'm fine, everyone in the Kamen Riders and I are in the CCG main office be precise, in the monitoring room of the CCG main office building."

"The CCG headquarters building?"

Tongzi was startled. The first thing she thought of was, could it be that those grandchildren in the Sichuan restaurant were unreasonable and started to attack the Kamen Riders after the threat of the clown and oggai was removed?

But then she thought that this should be impossible, even if Arima Kisho did not stand up to speak for them, they would not allow the CCG investigators to imprison them.

And that's not the case right now.

Later in the conversation with Dong Xiang, Tongzi also learned why they were in the CCG office building...

It turned out that at the end of the battle with the clown in each district, the investigators of each district had indeed planned to expel the Kamen Riders on the spot, but the tentacles that suddenly appeared, and the gum monsters that grew out of the tentacles and attacked regardless of whether they were friends or foes, dispelled the idea. Thoughts of the investigators.

The tentacles that appeared in several areas at the same time destroyed the power supply system and communication system, causing a large-scale power outage in Tokyo and making mobile phones unusable.

Fortunately, the walkie-talkies used inside the CCG are not hindered by this.

So Arima Kisho issued an order to all investigators "no action against the Kamen Riders" through the walkie-talkie.

The investigators naturally couldn't understand it, but Kisho Arima's status and popularity in CCG were indistinguishable for a while, not to mention that the Hexiu clan was brutally exterminated, and Jiu Taerfu was proved to be a ghoul in full view. Even if Arima Kisho says now that he will be the head, the CCG will definitely approve it unanimously.

Therefore, even if it is incomprehensible, the investigators really did not attack the Kamen Riders.

So the investigators and the Kamen Riders reached a temporary cooperation and returned to the CCG headquarters building together.

After returning to the CCG main office building, Dong Xiang found out that Tongzi hadn't come, so she went to ask Shinohara Yuki from District [-].

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