Looking at the chiefs who were all looking at him, Kisho Arima truthfully told everyone that he became a pure ghoul after inhaling the ghoul virus, and there was nothing to hide about this.

Rather, it's better to say it now.

After listening to Arima Kisho's words, all the special officers were so excited that tears filled their eyes. They made up their own brains that Arima Kishou became a ghoul for righteousness, so their expressions were very sad.

This is really ironic, obviously before, he still wanted to fight and kill ghouls, but now that the person he admires has become a ghoul, he has this expression.

After being moved for a while, Tongzi, who didn't feel the slightest, was the first to break the silence.

"By the way, why did you ask me to come here? It can't be to award me a medal, right?"

"No, actually the crisis has not been resolved."

Arima Kisho adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"Before explaining, let me explain. Do you know the situation of the Hezu clan?"

Tongzi said dryly: "I only know that they are all ghouls."

The special class who were kept in the dark and didn't know anything were stunned after hearing Tongzi's words.

"What? The Hezu clan are all ghouls? Isn't it only Jiu Duo Erfu who are ghouls?"

"Why do you know so much?"

"It's fake, even the entire Hezu clan are ghouls?"

Chapter 183 You Call This Thing a Dragon?


It happened so suddenly, from the old Duo Erfu being found to be a ghoul, to the clown riot, less than a day has passed, CCG has not lost the director from top to bottom, and the director turned out to be a ghoul recovering from it.

Therefore, even if you want to investigate, you will not have enough time and energy.

Kisho Arima nodded and continued.

"That's true, but the Hexiu clan is not the ghouls of this country, but the ghouls who came to this country from the Middle East."

As a noble general of Arima who was born in Bai Riting and also worked for the Hexiu clan, he naturally knew the inside story of the Hexiu clan.

To be precise, any investigator who came from Bai Ri Ting knew about these inside stories, but they dared not speak out.

If you reveal even the slightest bit of news, you will be hunted down by V.

"The Hexiu clan has always had the characteristic of sharing ghouls. It is well known that sharing ghouls can make the ghouls stronger. It is for this reason that the Hexiu clan was the first one-eyed king more than a hundred years ago. Born in the Hexiu clan...of course this is not the point, the point is...the Hexiu clan can become a 'dragon'."

The corner of Tongzi's mouth twitched.

"Wait, what does it mean to be a dragon?"

Arima Kisho still had the same face that didn't change much: "That's what it means literally."

"No, no, what does it mean literally? Since it is explained, don't make it so ambiguous."

"The things that you eliminated are the tentacles of the dragon, and all those things added together are the dragon."

"You call this thing a dragon?" Tongzi's eyes widened, with the same expression as Captain Wang Lei's when he saw the firing pin, "It's better to call it the eldest son's tentacles."

"It's just a name. It can also be called the firstborn's tentacles if you want."

Arima Kisho continued to speak.

"In short, because of the special potential of the Hezu clan, plus a large amount of commonality will lead to a surge in the number of Rc cells, dragons can be created..."

When Kisho Arima was speaking, Marutesai couldn't help but interrupt.

"There is Matt and others, wait a minute... You said that the Hexiu clan is a ghoul, and there are people who can turn into dragons. Are these all true?"

He smiled wryly, and exchanged glances with the other specials, who also had expressions of disbelief on their faces.

"It's not that we don't believe you, it's just that even if you say so, it's really hard for us to believe."

"This is true, and I still have information to prove it, but let's put it later. The most important thing now is not to verify this point. You can do it whenever you want to verify this point."

Kiriko looked at Kisho Arima.

"But what's the use of this thing called 'Dragon'? It doesn't seem to obey the orders of Jiu Duo Erfu. I saw Jiu Duo Erfu being eaten by this thing with my own eyes."

Arima Kisho and Hirakojo standing behind him exchanged a look, and they both saw each other's surprise.

Finally, Ping Zizhang stood up and asked, "Can you be sure that Jiu Duoerfu was eaten by a dragon, and that Jiu Duoerfu did not become a dragon?"

Originally, in Arima Kisho's prediction, it should be Jiuta Erfuku who turned into a dragon by himself, how could he be eaten by a dragon?

If so, then who is it that turns into a dragon?Wasn't the Hexiu clan wiped out?Besides Jiu Duo Er Fu, who is qualified to become a dragon?

Tongzi fell silent and recalled carefully that the old Duoerfu was in front of him at that time, and the eldest son... the dragon came out of the wall behind him, so it is obvious that the old Duoerfu must not be the so-called dragon, and even more so. Not to mention that when I fell down, I saw Jiu Duo Erfu being eaten by a dragon.

So Tongzi said with certainty: "Yes, I can be sure that Jiu Duo Erfu was eaten by the dragon. What's the matter? What's the problem?"

Ping Zizhang said: "When we saw the dragon appear, we still thought that Jiu Duo Erfu had become a dragon. Now it seems that the host who became a dragon is someone else."

"Didn't you just want to ask what is the use of this thing, right? The biggest use of this dragon, besides destruction, is that it can give birth to 'children'."


"That is to say, the monsters made of Hezi born from the egg tube of the dragon. These Hezi monsters will not be very powerful, but when they are attacked, they will release poisonous gas...the poisonous gas that can turn people into ghouls. "

"Are you talking about the gum monster? It means that the whole body has been skinned, only the most conspicuous teeth?"

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