"Yes, it's that...gum monster, the name is concise and to the point."

When Tongzi was talking with Arima Kisho and Hirakojo, the special officials headed by Marutesai were completely confused.

The amount of information is simply too great.

The Hexiu clan are all ghouls...

So what have they been doing all this time?

Investigators take it as their job to expel ghouls, but they have always fought under the command of ghouls?

So many investigators who died in the line of duty?What are they sacrificing for?

For the first time, this is the first time that the principals have deeply disliked the profession that they used to be honored and proud of.

Looking at the guilt and remorse expressions of the special class, Kisho Arima and Team Zero didn't say anything, Kiriko didn't even bother to comfort them.

It might be better to say that the reaction of the principals was a bit too late.

If they were a little smarter, they should have discovered that the Hexiu family is a ghoul. Among other things, at least when the Hexiu family ordered indiscriminately and forced the search officer to use cold weapons to fight the ghouls, they should have some knowledge. question.

The Hezi of the ghouls is indeed invulnerable, you must use Q Barrett or Quinker to penetrate, but pistol and rifle bullets cannot penetrate, so what about heavy machine guns?

Heavy machine guns, rocket launchers, anti-tank guns, and even aircraft guns and anti-tank missiles, even ordinary people can't say that they can get enough of this set.

That is to say, SSS-level Hectors like Fangcun Aite and Roma may be able to stop them, but so what?

Let warships launch cruise missiles, and if one is not enough, they will launch another one. If necessary, nuclear weapons can also be used.

In this way, even an SSS-level master can only kneel down and call him father.

Obviously there are so many ways to reduce casualties, but they use the most stupid and highest casualties methods, and these special ranks will not question it, just blindly follow the leadership of the Hexiu clan.

So they will feel guilty now, they will feel remorse, they will feel guilty, and these are all as they should be.

They really should.

Ignoring them any more, Tongzi turned to look at Arima Kisho: "No matter what, the old Tajifu is dead now, and all the dragons that came out of the ground have been wiped out by me, so the matter should be considered settled. Alright."

However, Kisho Arima shook his head with a serious face: "No, it hasn't been resolved yet."


In another large underground space hundreds of meters away, in the underground laboratory where Tongzi and the old Doerfu fought.

This large underground space was originally a large laboratory, surrounded by various experimental equipment, but in the center of the laboratory, it was occupied by a huge black object like a tree root.

Countless tentacles protruded from the bottom of this object, piercing deeply into the ground and the surrounding walls, and it was unknown how deep it was.

On the black tree, there were countless pale yellow eggs hanging like fruits. There were so many eggs that they were almost everywhere on the tree.

What can be seen is that in each egg, there is a humanoid creature with no skin and only bright red flesh. These humanoid creatures do not have eyes, noses, or lips, only exposed teeth.

This is also a gum monster.

In addition to the production of oviducts on the surface of the tentacles, there are also ways to produce eggs like this.

Most of the large laboratory is occupied by this black tree root, and the remaining open space is full of people.

These people were not ghoul investigators, they were wearing black bowler hats, black suits, and Japanese knives in their hands. The skin of each of them was very pale, so white that there was no blood.

They are V.

Or V's sweeper, mustard... Anyway, it's just a code name, you can call it whatever you want.

It was they who chose to cooperate with Jiu Duo Er Fu.

All Vs are half-human, half-ghost, and the advantage of being half-human, half-ghost is that they have stronger power, faster speed, and more sensitive nerve response than humans...

But the disadvantage is that the half-human half-ghost does not have Heyan and Hewei, and the life span is only about thirty years old, aging faster than ordinary people.

So the actual age of these people in black is actually only in their twenties, but they look like aging villains on the outside.

Obviously he did all the swearing and tiring work by himself, but he was treated as a tool, he used it if he wanted to use it, and threw it aside if he didn't want to use it.

Unlike Arima Kisho, who is loyal and dedicated to the Hexiu clan (Arima Kisho once agreed with Yoshimura Aite to change the world, so he is an insider), V has always been dissatisfied with the Wazua clan.

So when Jiu Duo Erfu found them, he proposed to cooperate with them, and he also gave them a reason that they could not refuse-to use the gods to turn the world into a dragon, and then let the dragon produce "children", and let the "children" produce 喰A virus that transforms them into pure ghouls.

As long as he becomes a pure ghoul, the defects of the half-human, half-ghoul body (aging earlier than ordinary people, life expectancy is only about thirty years old, etc.) will naturally disappear.

So they chose to betray without hesitation, and eliminated those colleagues in V who were unwilling to betray.

Under the instruction of the old Duo Erfu, they mixed the Rc inhibitor into the body of the search officer sent to the White Court during the battle on Liudao, and waited helplessly until the Rc inhibitor took effect, and then led the clown into the White Court, Everyone in the day court was killed.

Afterwards, Jiu Duo Erfu originally planned to wait until the time was right to transform Shendai Lishi into a dragon, but he was attacked by some young boy, which exposed the fact that he was a ghoul.

As a result, Jiu Duo Er Fu had to advance the plan.

The purpose of the clown's disturbance was to divert CCG's attention to the clown. Jiu Duoerfu told Roma the information about himself in the underground laboratory in advance, just because he was worried that if the clown didn't delay enough, he could fight for it again.

The original plan of the old Tajifu did not include sacrificing himself. After all, after receiving the ghoul transformation surgery by Kana Akihiro, theoretically speaking, he should be stronger than Kisho Arima (he thought), and it was impossible to be killed by others. down.

Who knew that it was the B (bug) Tongzi who came.

Then, the old duoerfu is gone.

Since the clown rebellion, none of the members of V participated in the battle. Instead, in this laboratory a few hundred meters away from the laboratory where the old Toerfu is located, together with Kano Mihiro, he transformed the god Dai Lishi into a dragon. experiment.

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