The experiment finally succeeded, and Kamdai Rise became a dragon.

After that, Kana Mingbo left, and after finishing all the work of helping the old Duo Erfu, he went to the tombstone of Kana's family and committed suicide with a gun.

They are waiting here, waiting for the "child" to be born.

There are slight cracks on the pale yellow eggs hanging on the tree, and the cracks gradually become larger.

Seeing this changing scene, the old and pale faces of the people in black on the ground below showed uncontrollable excitement.

The egg finally broke, and the thing wrapped inside the egg fell out.

Falling from such a high place, the thing was not injured at all, but stood up blankly.

This is a humanoid creature with no skin and only bright red flesh. These humanoid creatures do not have eyes, noses, or lips, only exposed teeth.

This is the "child"...or the gum monster.

When the gum monster was still looking blankly at the surrounding environment like a newborn baby, the man in black standing at the front laughed and pulled out his long knife, and slashed at the gum monster fiercely.

This knife was not sloppy at all, and with a flash of cold light, it had already chopped the gum monster's head.

The gum monster's head was almost split in half, but then the almost split head suddenly swelled up, like an inflated balloon, and then...


The gum monster blew itself up, and the pink smoke drifted away.

clack clack...

At this time, the other eggs also broke, and more gummies fell from the eggs.

The other people in black didn't hesitate, drew their knives and rushed forward, fighting with the gum monster.

Every V has first-class and quasi-special strengths, and some of them have special strengths. These gum monsters are not enough to look at in front of V.

But when the gum monster is stabbed or chopped, the part that was stabbed or chopped will swell like the first gum monster that was killed, and then expand to an exaggerated degree, and finally explode.

The explosions of the gum monsters one after another filled the air with purple smoke, which at first glance represented an ominous smoke, but the people in black did not hide or dodge, but stood there, as if enjoying themselves, taking a bath In the purple smoke, let the smoke be inhaled by them.

When they opened their eyes again, their eyes turned into the form of the ghoul's Nahe eyes, with red light blooming in their eyes.




Chapter 184


In the CCG headquarters building, the conversation between Kisho Arima and Kiriko was still going on.

"Before you destroyed only the tentacles on the ground and the roots buried deep in the ground, but as long as you don't destroy the roots for a day, the dragon will still be alive."

"In other words, as long as the root is also removed, it will be enough, right?"

"That's right, but how do you plan to solve it?"

"That's it."

While speaking, Tongzi also made a chopping movement.

"I've been wanting to ask before, how did you disappear the tentacles?"

Arima Kisho couldn't help asking.

When they controlled the drone to look for Tongzi before, they did not see the scene of Tongzi cutting the tentacles into slag with their own eyes. At most, they saw the starship Afanggong firing the secondary gun from a distance. The light of time, so they are completely incomprehensible.

"It's nothing, it's actually very simple, and it would be the same if Saitama did it."

Feeling that Kiriko's tone seemed to be perfunctory, Arima Kisho was helpless, so he continued.

"...Actually, the best way is to find and smash the core."


"As I said just now, only the ghouls of the Hexiu clan can become dragons, so somewhere in the root, there must be a certain ghoul of the Hexiu clan. , but since you said that the dragon was not transformed by the old duoerfu, then it may be someone else..."

Arima Kisho adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose and continued.

"But no matter what, you need to find the core. As long as the core is smashed, the dragon will naturally die."

"Although I don't think it's necessary to ask, I still want to ask, if I don't show up, how do you plan to find the core?"

This time it was not Kisho Arima who answered Kiriko, but Marutesai.

"Actually, whether we have you or not, we will first use drones to determine the location of the root. As long as we find the root, it will be much easier to find the core, and then we only need to form a commando team..."


Before Marutesai could speak, there was a huge explosion sounding from a distance.

"What happened?"

Marutesai picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted to the investigators stationed outside the CCG headquarters building.

"It's an enemy, an enemy I've never seen before... It's a human, no, it's a ghoul... Ugh!"

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