On the walkie-talkie, the search officer's words suddenly turned into screams, and then there was only rustling on the walkie-talkie.

Marutesai shouted several times in a row, but there was only rustling.

The technicians mobilized the UAV that was still in the CCG main office building to take off urgently, and then everyone in the monitoring room was stunned by the video transmitted by the UAV.

I saw that the ruined street outside the CCG building had turned into a battlefield. People wearing black dome hats, black suits, and Japanese knives were fighting with the investigators deployed outside.

These people... No, it should be said that these ghouls are very powerful. Not only are their strength and speed superior to ordinary people, but they also have rich combat experience.

And they not only know how to use knives, but also use Hezi to cooperate with attacks. Different Hezi have different characteristics:

Yuhe can shoot long-range attacks similar to bullets, and has amazing moving speed and jumping ability;

Jiahe is thick and sharp, with sharp edges. It can be used as a shield or a sharp sword. It has strong defense and attack power. The only disadvantage is that it is relatively bulky;

Linhe and Weihe are the more common types of Hezi, and they all unfold in the shape of tentacles that can be stretched freely.

The investigators had learned how to fight against ghouls, but ghouls generally don't know how to use knives, so when they faced the man in black who could use knives and hezi, they fell directly into a disadvantage.

"They are V, but..." Matt and the others looked at the red light in the eyes of each V in the picture, and He Zi who was not hiding it, "They have indeed become pure ghouls."

Fasi Xiangjie looked at V, who was fighting with the investigator in the video sent by the drone, and asked strangely, "Are they the secret thugs of the Hexiu clan? But why did they attack us?"

There was a hint of anger in Arima Kisho's tone.

"V is a tool of the Hexiu Clan. It is designed to clean up people who know too much of the truth or who may pose a threat to the Hexiu Clan. They are more like cold-blooded and ruthless killing machines than human beings."

"They can take the lives of others without blinking an eye for an order. They can't use common sense to judge. Just remember that they are enemies now."

It can be seen that no matter how you say it, Arima Kisho should still be more nostalgic for the Hexiu family. This is because he wants to break this twisted birdcage with Fangcun Aite, but he does not choose the simpler The direct method can be seen from killing all the Hexiu clan.

Now that it is confirmed that V is the enemy, there is nothing to say next.

Except for Marute Sai, who remained in the monitoring room and was in charge of commanding, the other special officers took the investigator who was resting in the building to fight against V outside.

Arima Kisho and the Zero Division are naturally obliged, and the Kamen Riders will of course help.

With the names of Arima Kisho and Yoshimura Aite, the two without one-eyed kings, but the existence of the one-eyed king, plus the SSS level of the store manager, and the original antique ghouls plus the zero team and the special class, It is only a matter of time before these invading Vs are eliminated.

As for Tongzi, she went directly to the location where the drone had already detected, which was suspected to be a root buried deep in the ground.


The drone was able to detect the location of the root so quickly, mainly because Tongzi wiped out the tentacles.

The technician controlled the drone and flew into the crater that was bombarded by the secondary artillery of the starship Efanggong. What could be seen there were the tentacles that survived just outside the range of the secondary artillery.

So the technician told Tongzi that as long as he followed the direction where the tentacles extended and searched in reverse, he would be able to find the root.

About ten minutes later, Tongzi stood at the place suggested by the technician. In front of her was the big crater that was bombarded by the starship Afanggong.

The radius of this big pit is hundreds of meters, and its depth is even more unfathomable. Standing on the edge of the big pit, Tongzi can easily see that somewhere below the big pit, there are still undestroyed tentacles.

The surface of that tentacle was burnt into a very flat section by the secondary gun of the Efanggong starship, the incision was smooth, and not even a drop of blood flowed out.

These tentacles should be like plants, spreading from the roots, spreading all over the underground of Tokyo, and then growing out of the ground.

In other words, follow the tentacles, and you're sure to find the roots.

Tongzi looked back in the direction of District One.

The explosion and flames are still going on. As the hole card and thug of the Hexiu clan, V should naturally have a lot of power hidden, but Tongzi is still not worried.

How strong can a villain who doesn't even deserve a name be so strong?

Tongzi snapped and snapped her fingers.

Suddenly two balls of golden light appeared in the air, and the two treasures shot towards the remaining tentacles.


Kiriko, who summoned the Noble Phantasm while destroying the tentacles, advanced, and finally arrived at the place where the root was after a while.

The entrance is a purple world, a huge underground cavity stretches endlessly in front of her eyes, Tongzi is like a hobbit who strayed into the kingdom of giants, she stands at the entrance of the cave, looking at this huge underground space.

Huge roots emerged in the purple mist, just like those indescribable existences in the Cthulhu mythology.

The thick tentacles at the root spread all over the surroundings like steel and iron bones, and they also penetrated deeply into the surrounding walls and underground, and it was unknown where they extended.

If someone else came here for such a scene, I am afraid that just looking at it, the spirit will go crazy. Even Tongzi felt that for a moment, someone was saying "Ke Zong Fa Tang Ke Zong Fa Tang" .

Many light yellow eggs are densely packed on the root, and deep in the root, you can see a huge egg.

There is a female, with her knees folded, sitting in an egg.

With her eyes closed, her long purple hair fluttered like the wind was blowing, and she looked strangely beautiful.

Although I already know that the ghouls of the Kazuya clan are not so easy to die, but when Tongzi looked at the god Dai Lishi, his mood was still a little complicated.

If she remembers correctly, she almost split the head of Godarishi in half with a sword, and later called the police.

The main reason is that I felt that the ghouls in this world were not strong at the beginning, so I kept restraint even in the flat cut, otherwise the sword at that time, let alone the god Dai Lishi, even the building behind her would be cut in half.

And even if Jindai Lishi didn't die at that time, the police who came to deal with the aftermath should have disposed of the body.

Looking at it now, it was probably Jiu Duo Erfu who made a move.

I didn't expect that Jiu Duo Erfu was really deep enough to hide.

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