I had never heard of the name Jiu Duo Erfu before this. This guy seemed to jump out of nowhere and be designated as a villain.

When Tongzi fell into thinking, Gen also had a movement.

It seemed to sense the presence of an intruder, and the densely packed pale yellow eggs on the roots all began to crack.

A large number of gum monsters fell from the egg, falling off like dumplings.

Not only the eggs, but also on the surface of the root, like the tentacles that Tongzi saw at first, lumps of kichiko were condensed, and then these kichiko were shot out and fell to the ground to form a large number of gum monsters.

Ordinary people might be caught off guard by this sudden attack.

But Tongzi is not an ordinary person.

With a wave of her long sword, all the gummies that landed beside her were cut in half. She held the sword in both hands, and swung forward again, cutting a deep ravine. Ashes to ashes.

With a strong step on the ground, the ground exploded, and the whole person flew out like a cannonball.

Tongzi has only one goal, and that is the god Dai Lishi who is the core.

A tentacle condensed on the surface of the root and stabbed over.

Kiriko swung her sword and cut off the tentacles.

But on the surface of the roots, more tentacles condensed.

Tongzi snapped her fingers, and dozens of golden lights appeared in the air.


The projected Noble Phantasm and the pierced tentacles intersected in the air, and then there was an explosion, and the smoke filled the air.

Then, a figure flew out from the smoke screen, holding a black long sword in his right hand, and pulled out a pure white long sword from the treasure house with his left hand, and then the whole person turned into a whirlwind like a soldier commander.

The whirlwind of black and white has performed a root cutting operation on the root from top to bottom.

The roots let out a miserable howl.

Tongzi fell to the ground, turned around and looked at the roots that had been cut in half, especially the completely shattered Godai Rishi in the roots.

This time she didn't show mercy, so God Dai Li Shi became Li Shi Jiang.

It's just that what Tongzi didn't expect was that when Jindai Lishi became Lishijiang, the root that was cut in half suddenly melted.

In fact, the so-called dragon itself is composed of Hezi. The tentacles and roots are part of the dragon, so the tentacles and roots are naturally composed of Hezi. When the core god Dai Lishi is eliminated, Hezi can no longer be maintained. , it turned into its original form, and became a tide engulfing the surrounding area.


When night fell, the fighting in downtown Tokyo finally stopped.

Most of the Vs were killed, and the streets in downtown Tokyo, which are almost indistinguishable from ruins, are covered with thick corpses. Most of them are Vs wearing bowler hats and black suits, but there are also some The search officer in the white trench coat, and the Self-Defense Force soldier in the dark green military uniform.

Many people among the Kamen Riders were injured, but the number of killed was zero.

One of the reasons for this is that the physical fitness of ghouls is stronger than that of humans, and the other reason is that the Kamen Riders sent to face V are at least at S-rank and above, and the S-rank in Kamen Rider is The real S-rank is not like the investigators in CCG, some of them got mixed up by other than their strength.

Flames were still burning in the ruins, and black smoke drifted into the sky.

The whole of Tokyo has turned into a battlefield, and no place is safe. Among them, the area where the clown attacked and the dragon incarnated by Jindai Lishi appeared was the worst-hit place. Traffic was blocked, roads were blocked, and ambulances and rescuers were not at all Can't get in.

Just as rescuers were walking anxiously outside Tokyo, waiting for the construction team to clear the road, they heard a commotion ahead.

However, dozens of ghouls emerged from the ruins. They used He Zituo to lift up a dozen buses, and the one lying in the bus was the most seriously injured investigator.

The ambulance personnel watched the ghouls put the bus in front of them. They didn't know that CCG and Kamen Rider had reached a cooperation. They only knew that Tokyo would become what it is now, and it was all from the ghoul organization "clown" masterpiece.

In the eyes of the uninformed, there is no difference between the ghoul organization "Joker" and the ghoul organization "Kamen Rider".

So when the ghouls of Kamen Rider appeared, the rescuers didn't come up to carry the wounded down, but scattered and fled.

It wasn't until the investigators who were lagging behind arrived and shouted to stop the chaotic crowd because their physical fitness was not as good as the ghouls, that the rescuers looked at the ghouls with suspicious eyes.

And after seeing that these ghouls did not attack them, and even turned around and returned to the ruins after getting off the bus, they fearfully lifted the injured investigators out of the bus and into the ambulance.

This is what Tongzi saw when she returned to the ground in Tokyo.

——Roots and tentacles did not cause her much trouble, but after the destruction of Shen Dai Lishi, the Hezi formed by the roots formed a flood, which caused her a lot of trouble.

It took her a few seconds to break free from the torrent of Hezi.

When Tongzi returned to the ground in Tokyo, what she saw were ghouls and investigators tending to the wounded and disposing of the corpses.

If it's the corpse of a ghoul or investigator, then put it away and wait for the follow-up processing. If it's V's corpse, drag them all together, take out the gasoline from the car, pour it on it and burn it directly.

Tongzi saw Arima Kisho, who was sitting on the corpse of a man in black, his iconic white trench coat was stained red with blood.

But even if you think about it with Tongzi's Shenzhou tablet-like Naiko, you can guess that these must belong to the enemy.

"you succeeded?"

Arima Kisho raised his head and glanced at Kiriko.

"How are you?"

Kiriko looked at Arima Kisho's almost unchanged expression.

"It's okay, it's been a long time since I exercised well, and I'm a little tired."

"But you don't look like it."

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