Kisho Arima smiled.

"I'm already twenty-nine years old this year," he thought for a while, and added, "Twenty-nine years old, half human, half ghoul, is almost equivalent to ninety-two years old for normal humans or pure ghouls."

"That was really hard work."

Kisho Arima took off his glasses, took out a tissue, wiped the glasses, put them on again, looked at Tongzi, and seemed a little puzzled, "You don't look like you're hurt too much."

"I was lucky. There were no obstacles on the road. I just walked over and pierced the core of Shen Dai Lishi with a sword, and it was over."

"It's easy to say, but I know it will never be that simple."

Tongzi simply sat down next to Arima Kisho in a place that was barely clean. Anyway, the battle was over, and she was not in a hurry to find Dong Xiang.

Compared to this, she now has something she wants to ask the person in front of her.

"What do you think it will become in the future?"

Kisho Arima was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Kiriko was asking him.

"Are you asking me?"

"Is there anyone else here?"

"Why are you asking me this question?"

"Well...Actually, I don't know very well. It may be because you are the first person I met after returning to the ground...It may also be because, among the investigators, you are the first person who intends to reverse the situation. The man who twisted the world."

Kisho Arima thought about it carefully.

"The Hexiu clan who ruled the CCG turned out to be ghouls. There is no doubt that this will greatly shake the position of the CCG in people's hearts. Everyone will start to think about the meaning of the existence of the Investigator, and even the Investigator himself will be shaken."

"Well, what you think is similar to what I think. I also think that the conflict between humans and ghouls will be eased, but it will not be completely eliminated. After all, such things as hatred cannot be eliminated simply in one generation. Maybe Hundreds of years later, humans can live with ghouls, humans won't be arrested for having a ghoul friend, and ghouls don't have to worry about being expelled."

Kisho Arima glanced at Tongzi, as if surprised that Tongzi would have such an opinion.

"You are right. At least at this stage, it is unrealistic for humans and ghouls to completely let go of their mutual hatred. Unless there is a common enemy between humans and ghouls..."

Arima Kisho stopped suddenly after saying this.

Tongzi gave him a strange look: "What's wrong?"

"No, I just suddenly thought of some confidential files I've seen before." Kisho Arima had a strange expression on his face, "Perhaps, the time for humans and ghouls to reach a settlement will be longer than what you and I estimated just now." It will come even faster."

Kirito had a puzzled look on his face.

But soon, she knew what Kisho Arima was referring to.


The battle raging in Tokyo is finally over.

Take a huge toll on Tokyo after battling the Joker, oggai, V and Dragon.

Although the evacuation alarm was sent to everyone's mobile phone when the clown attacked, not everyone obeyed the alarm's instructions and fled Tokyo.

There are naive and stubborn people who feel that hiding at home is safer than evacuating; there are usually idle and malicious people who plan to rob jewelry stores or gold stores while everyone is evacuating; there are also people who play games until they faint People in the dark, didn't pay attention to the information on the phone...

When they realized that the coming disaster was far more serious than what they expected, it was too late to escape.

Fortunately, there were not many people like this, and most of them followed the instructions of the alarm and escaped from Tokyo, so the casualties were not very large.

What is really serious is the economic loss.

As one of the four traditional world-class cities in the world, the economic losses caused by the disaster here are immeasurable, not to mention that this is the capital of a country, and the blow to the country's prestige is also quite huge.

However, for ordinary people, these are not very intuitive feelings. Compared with this, they are more concerned about the fact that all the high-level members of CCG are actually ghouls.

The Hezu clan are ghouls, and they also have a dark history of eating the corpses of investigators, etc. They were put on the Internet by anonymous people, causing an uproar.

Not only citizens, but even ordinary investigators cannot accept it.

A large number of investigators resigned from CCG, and orphanages and schools under CCG were forced to close down.

The CCG continues to exist, but almost all the personnel within the CCG have changed their blood.

Except for Kisho Arima and Team Zero, Marutesai and Ui-gun's chief executives chose to stay, but Shinohara Yuki, Kuro Panyan and several other chief executives chose to leave.

And many people in the Kamen Riders joined the CCG and became the investigators of the CCG.

It sounds ridiculous for a ghoul to be an investigator, but it actually makes sense once you think about it.

Today, after the invention of artificial food substitutes, ghouls no longer need to attack humans, and ghouls that continue to attack humans will be regarded as criminals and expelled; similarly, humans cannot attack moderate ghouls at will.

Tongzi once thought that it would take a long time to eliminate the hatred between humans and ghouls, but Kisho Arima said it would not take too long. At that time, Tongzi didn't understand what it meant, but soon she knew what it meant.

On the second day after the end of the battle in Tokyo, a large number of citizens had strange reactions, their eyes turned into herringbone tails, and protrusions grew out of their bodies.

After testing, it was found that these protrusions were actually Rc cells.

A large number of Tokyo citizens have become ghouls, not only citizens, but also investigators, self-defense forces, police, and even many upper-class people have also become ghouls.

The most famous scientific team in Japan was urgently transferred to Tokyo for research and analysis, and finally came to a conclusion after collecting various samples:

Because of the appearance of the dragon, the air is filled with poisonous gas that can turn humans into ghouls. Although the dragon is quickly defeated, the poisonous gas is still in the sky above Tokyo, and has not been discharged and evacuated in time.

Thanks to artificial food substitutes, these ghouls can survive without cannibalism.

If a stranger turned into a ghoul, then the investigator could still persuade himself with righteousness and forcibly expel him.

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