But my friends and family members are all ghouls, so I can still convince myself with righteousness, the investigator who forcibly expelled...

It can only be said that he is a ruthless person.

Not only family members of investigators, investigators, Self-Defense Forces, police, bankers, entrepreneurs, presidents, congressmen, etc., are all ghouls because of inhaling poisonous gas. In the face of this virus that can turn people into ghouls, No one will be distinguished because of their status or wealth.

And these upper-class people, after they themselves became ghouls, did not have the slightest awareness of harakiri for the sake of all human beings or righteousness. Instead, they immediately formed alliances with those rich men and councilors who were also ghouls.

Subsequently, the rights and interests of ghouls and related laws were promulgated like mushrooms after rain.

At this point, Japan is finally in line with international standards and includes ghouls among its citizens.




Chapter 185 The Return


one year later.

On a beautiful small island next to Honshu Island, it is full of greenery and lush vegetation as far as the eye can see. There is a house like the White House about a few hundred meters away from the sea.

When the morning sun poured into the room through the window, Dong Xiang opened her eyes.

She got up from the bed and stretched.

Put on your clothes, walk to the next room, open the door and go in without knocking.

Tongzi is still sleeping.

The black windbreaker was neatly folded on the bedside table, and the Dark Sword and Bai Xuejian were also leaning against the wall.

The girl's sleeping position is very honest, that is, lying on her back, with her hands neatly placed on her sides, she can sleep in this way without moving all night.

It's just a quilt covering the body, covered in a strange shape.

Dong Xiang didn't go up to wake Tongzi up, since she lived together for a year, she can be said to know the girl's habits like the palm of her hand, and she couldn't wake her up just by calling.

So Dong Xiang just left the door open and went downstairs.

After about half an hour passed, there was a burst of fragrance from downstairs.

The scent floated in through the open door along the air.

Tongzi, who smelled the fragrance, stood up slowly like a zombie attracted by the smell of a living person, then staggered and staggered, followed the direction of the fragrance, and walked out.

When Tongzi walked downstairs, Dong Xiang was serving the prepared breakfast to the dining table.

"Morning, Tongzi."

"Morning, Dong Xiang."

Tongzi rubbed her eyes sleepily, then subconsciously reached out to grab the French bread baked on the table.

Dong Xiang slapped his hand off before touching it.

"Really, it's like this every time, wash your hands first."


Tongzi obediently went to the kitchen, washed her hands, face, teeth and mouth, and then returned to the dining table to have breakfast with Dong Xiang.

"By the way, Tongzi, when I go out to buy vegetables later, please clean up the house."

"Why are you cleaning again?" Tongzi couldn't help complaining, "Didn't you just do it recently?"

"Recently? When did you say recently? Remind me."


Tongzi thought for a while, but couldn't remember, so she asked the grandson of the sage in her heart.

Soon, the magical Philosopher's Stone gave the answer.

"Explanation: The last time this house was cleaned was one hundred and fourteen days ago."

Tongzi repeated the answer given by the sage's grandson: "Didn't I just scan once more than three months ago."

In the past, when Tongzi lived alone, she only had to clean up once a month.

"It's been more than three months."

"Long time?"

"For a long time."

Tongzi and Dong Xiang looked at each other, and finally Tongzi was defeated.

"Okay, I'll take care of it later, okay?"

"Yes, then please."

Dong Xiang immediately showed a heart-warming smile.

I don't know if it's Tongzi's illusion, but she feels that Dong Xiang has changed a lot this year.

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