To be precise, she already felt Dong Xiang's changes when she traveled to this world for the second time.

You must know that Dong Xiang is only twenty years old this year.

But Tongzi feels that Dong Xiang's wife power is getting higher and higher recently.

But she also likes this set.

After Dong Xiang left, Tongzi started to wash the dishes.

The method of washing dishes is very simple, that is, gather the dishes that need to be washed, put them in the sink, and then use the "decomposition" skill on the sink.

Then those bowls will become materials.

Next, you can remake the material into a bowl.

After doing this, not only the bowl is clean, but also as new as the one just left the factory.

But I’m so awesome, let’s cross my waist for a while.JPG

After akimbo, Tongzi looked at the big house and felt a little apprehensive.

Because the house is too big, you can't use the "disintegration" skill.

But soon, Tongzi's clever little brain thought of a new idea.

She took out the VR glasses, put them on her head, and then plugged in her mobile phone. The mobile phone called up the large-scale inspirational and touching series "The Inspirational Life of a Slave A Fei" that had been cached in advance.

Then he turned on the automatic agent mode, and the grandson of the sage went online to control his body, and cleaned the floor, walls, ceiling, tables, chairs, and so on of the house.

After finally cleaning everything, Tongzi took off the VR glasses, and just lying on the sofa, before her buttocks warmed up, the doorbell suddenly rang again.

She thought it was Dong Xiang who came back, but when she went to open the door, she was surprised to find that it was...

"Miss Tong, long time no see."

Ken Kaneki, who was wearing a white investigator-style long trench coat, waved at Kiriko. Next to him was Yongjin Hideyoshi, who was also wearing the investigator's uniform, and was holding a gift box in his hand.

"Why are you here?" Tongzi hurriedly let them in.

Yongjin Hideyoshi followed Kaneki Ken into the house, then took off his shoes and put them on the shoe cabinet at the door.

"Because we were performing a mission nearby, we thought of stopping by to have a look."

Kaneki Ken and Yongjin Yingliang are still working as investigators, and they are now quasi-specials.

Even though a year has passed since the Tokyo catastrophe, humans and ghouls have basically reached a settlement, but there are still quite a few ghouls who are unwilling to be good people.

They just don't like to eat artificial alternative foods, and they just want to attack humans.

In addition to ghouls, some human beings also engage in terrorist attacks because they oppose treating ghouls as citizens.

Because of the above two reasons, the current CCG is as busy as the previous CCG.

"It's all here, what else do you bring? Really, no one in our family eats this."

Tongzi glanced at the gift box of a famous health care brand that Yongjin Yingliang was holding.

The two looked at each other, somewhat embarrassed.

Tongzi invited the two to sit down on the sofa in the living room, and then Tongzi took out a cake from the refrigerator.

This cake is the latest research result of human and ghoul scientists. The taste of this dessert for ghouls is not too different from that of humans.

While eating the cake, Kiriko talked with Kaneki Ken and Nagahito Hideyoshi about the current situation.

According to the two people, the work at CCG is not much different from before, but there are still some things to say.

Because it is no longer the Hexiu clan that rules the CCG, so it does not follow the previous practice of "sacrificing for victory". The former chief researcher of the CCG, Dixing A and B, is now in the weapon development department, and research can replace the cold weapon library. Ink's weapon.

In addition, many investigators of the former CCG chose to retire.

Among them is Mado Wuxu, a workaholic who hates ghouls and almost regards work as his life. He chose to retire a few months ago.

"What, Master Mado has retired?"

Tongzi almost spit the cake out of her mouth when she heard Kaneki Ken say that Mado Wuxu chose to retire.

What to say?

It was really hard for her to imagine what Mado Wuxu's retirement life would be like.

This guy probably thinks that if he breaks away from the CCG and works alone, he will have more means to expel ghouls without any scruples, right?

Tongzi thinks it is very possible.

Seeing what Tongzi was thinking, Kaneki Ken explained: "No, Madoka is really retiring and completely quit."

Then Yongjin Hideyoshi recounted what Wu Xu Mado said before leaving CCG.

Mado Wuxu said in himself that after the death of his wife Mado, he once fell into the abyss of revenge.

He spent a lot of time and energy on work and expelling ghouls. During that time, only ghouls could motivate him, and he didn't care about everything else except ghouls.

He neglected his daughter's growth and his responsibilities as a father. When he noticed, he realized that his daughter had grown up so much.

What moved him even more was that even though he was negligent in managing his daughter, her daughter still grew into an excellent woman like her mother.

That's why Mado Wu Xu decided to retire.

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