However, after the catastrophe in Tokyo ended, the store manager revealed his heart to Aite for the first time, and revealed his past - working as a sweeper in V, knowing Aite's mother was probated, in order to protect Aite's mother after her death. Aite had to send her as a baby to the [-]th District, and entrusted her old friend Noro to take care of her.

The store manager told Aite all his past, and did not beg Aite's forgiveness, because no matter what the reason was, it was a fact that he abandoned Aite and failed to protect Aite's mother.

After listening to the store manager's narration, Aite did not make any representations, and left Japan by plane the next day, went abroad, and has not returned yet.

But after that, the style of Takatsuki Izumi's works changed a lot.

It is no longer the previous style of opening with tragedy and ending with tragedy, but has transformed into a blend and extension of tragedy and comedy, with both tragedy and comedy elements, and usually has a happy ending of comedy.

Regarding Takatsuki Izumi's transformation, some fans thought it was a sign that Takatsuki Izumi was exhausted, and chose to lose fans, but it also attracted another group of readers who didn't like abuse.

The book brought by the store manager is Aite's third work after the transformation.

As for Xiwei Jin, what Tongzi didn't expect was that this guy went to Shenzhou to learn cooking skills.

So for lunch, Xiweijin was the cook, and Xiweijin did not disappoint everyone. The dishes he made were indeed at the level of a year of learning cooking in New Oriental.

Such a lively atmosphere lasted until night. After dinner, everyone had to leave early because they had something to do the next day.

Dong Xiang silently tidied up, but in fact there was nothing to tidy up. Everyone who visited had cleaned their own bowls before leaving. All Dong Xiang had to do was put the bowls into the disinfection cabinet.

"Tongzi, will you take a bath first or I will take a bath first?"

Dong Xiang was surprised by the lack of response, she turned her head and found that there was no sign of Tongzi in the room.

Dong Xiang walked around inside and outside the house, but she didn't see anyone, and finally she found Tongzi outside.


Tongzi stood on the beach outside, watching the ebb and flow of the tide in a daze.

She has been in this world for a long time, she has never stayed in any world for more than a year, but now she broke this record.

She likes this kind of life very much, especially like today, when friends come to gather from time to time.

In her previous life, she didn't have many friends she could talk to, so she cherished this kind of life very much.

It made her feel nostalgic.

But no matter how much she misses her, she knows that she will definitely leave one day.

If she leaves, Dong Xiang will be most worried.

As early as a year ago, she opened a Swiss bank account in the name of Dong Xiang, and deposited all her money in this world in it. The card and password were placed under her pillow. Once she had One day disappears, Dong Xiang will definitely not miss it if he searches the house for clues.

"what happened?"

A voice sounded from behind her.

Without turning her head, she felt Dong Xiang approaching from behind her.

"Dong Xiang," Tongzi hesitated for a long time, and finally said, "In a while, I may go to a place far, far away, and it may take a long time before I come back, so..."

"Can you take me?"

Dong Xiang's head rested on Tong Zi's shoulder.

Tongzi shook his head lightly.

"May I ask why?"

"The situation here is very complicated, and it is difficult for me to explain it to you."



"Since that's the case, then I'll wait for you here." Dong Xiang hugged Tongzi, "This time, I won't leave again."

Tongzi patted Dong Xiang's head lightly: "I will come back, I promise."

Tongzi has never been so eager to stay in a world and not leave like she is now.

When his strength is enough to pose a threat to the so-called god, he ordered him to send him back to the world he had been to, and it was the time he had just separated.

If he doesn't agree, then just like the oldest mouth-smelling king, blow his dog's head off.




This chapter is 5K.

Chapter 186


When Tongzi opened her eyes again, a strange scene appeared in her field of vision.

Once again, she was teleported by the gods and set foot on the land of another world.

Only this time, it seemed a little different from before.

Except for the first World of Shield Brave, the subsequent World of One Punch and the World of Tokyo Ghoul were all teleported to the street, but this time it was different.

This time, I was in a house.

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