To be precise, it was inside a certain large house.

Where the eye catches the eye, what can be seen is the white tile floor that has been wiped spotless and clean enough to be used as a mirror, and the walls are painted in a not very dazzling white.

The place she was in was a corridor, above which hung a very gorgeous decorative chandelier, and on her left and right, there were several closed doors, between the doors. There are still some framed photos hanging on the wall of the room.

From the layout of this corridor alone, Tongzi can tell that she must have come to a world with a modern background similar to the previous world.

Because this kind of decoration and layout is not like ancient times, as for the future, it should be more sci-fi.

Tongzi looked carefully at the photos hanging on the wall, all the characters in the photos were wearing suits, and it was obvious at a glance that it was a very formal occasion, but of course none of the characters on it knew each other.

It seems that the place I teleported to should be in the mansion of some important person, or in a place like a company, and this kind of photo would not be hung in the homes of ordinary people.

Tongzi turned her head and took a look. Behind her was a corner, and when she walked to the corner, there was another aisle in front of her.

If she walked through the corridor, she wasn't sure that she would be able to leave the mansion while avoiding everyone.

As for another way of sneaking in, it is Kang Shuaibo's kind of sneaking in.

However, that way of infiltrating is not suitable for all occasions. It is best not to use that way of infiltrating before you know what kind of people are in this house.

After all, she, Tongzi, is a peace-loving person who just wants to live an ordinary life.

She returned to the corridor where she had just arrived, and looked around, but the door was still closed.She hesitated a little, and decided it would be better not to open these doors.

In any case, let's continue to move forward and have a look.

However, just as she was walking through the corridor, one of the doors on the right side of the corridor was opened.

She subconsciously turned her head and looked over.

The one who opened the door was a woman holding several documents in her arms and wearing a professional OL outfit. Under the skirt that tightly wrapped her buttocks were flesh-colored stockings. The stockings were attractive on a pair of long legs. reverie.

And behind her, there is a larger office, which is a very common place for government agencies to work, and there are a few men and women in it who are either browsing materials or making phone calls.

The OL girl who opened the door couldn't help being stunned the moment she saw Tongzi.

Her eyes looked at Tongzi from the top to the bottom, and finally fell on the black long sword stuck on her back.

"Hey, what are you still doing standing there stupidly? Why don't you hurry up and do what you told me?"

A bald man in his forties in the room couldn't help scolding the OL girl standing there without moving.


The OL girl was reprimanded by the bald man, subconsciously shrunk her shoulders, turned around and looked at the bald man: "Director..."

Then she couldn't help but look in Tongzi's direction again.

And because of her action, everyone in the room also looked over subconsciously, they all saw Tongzi.

All of a sudden, the voices in the room that were originally flipping through materials, making phone calls, or discussing, all fell silent.

All eyes fell on Tongzi.

To be precise, it focused on the sword on her back.

It may be the person in charge of managing these people, the bald man known as the director, may have thought of something, his face suddenly changed: "There are assassins!"

Tongzi never knew that a big man could make such a scream like a woman's.

But no matter which world it is, "Assassin" doesn't sound very good.

What's more, it can be seen from the other party's reaction.

So she turned around and ran quickly down the corridor, leaving the screams and noise far behind her.

The bald man didn't pant heavily until after Tongzi ran away, because he only now came to his senses, what exactly he did just now.

A person next to him said subconsciously: "Director, should we..."

Before the man finished speaking, the bald man jumped up as if his butt was on fire, rushed to the phone, picked up the phone and dialed a few numbers: "Hello, is this the security class? An assassin has sneaked in, I Repeat again, there are assassins sneaking into the Holy House!"


Footsteps sounded in the passage.

Several guards in black uniforms followed Tongzi closely with batons in their hands.


Several guards with batons also turned out in front, blocking the way.

Tongzi made a "cut" sound, and was forced to stop, leaning her back against the wall of the corridor, her eyes turned to the front and back of the corridor (that is, she scanned her left and right sides).

The guards on both sides slowly approached.

"Don't move around, you are already surrounded, just raise your hands and surrender."

Although they were only facing a young girl, a very cute girl, they didn't show any carelessness at all.

Without anyone noticing, who broke into the holy house with a sword on his back, what else can he say?

It can't possibly fall from the sky.

Therefore, this girl must have come to assassinate the Holy Son of Heaven!

The eyes of the guards were all fixed on the sword on Tongzi's back.

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