"Hey, can we discuss it first? You see, I'm just a cute girl. Let me go, okay?"

Although she thought it was impossible to say so, Kiriko still tried to negotiate.

However, the guards were still unconvinced.

They think that their brains are not crazy enough, and they believe that a person who breaks into the holy house with a sword on his back will have no malicious intentions.

"Well, I've tried it," Tongzi closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths, "I didn't want to do it, but you forced me to."

This is the case in many situations in real life. It is difficult to persuade the other party to agree with you by just persuading you, especially if the other party is already based on the premise of being hostile to you...

Seeing Tongzi's appearance, the guards who were slowly approaching suddenly felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

She opened her eyes suddenly and rushed towards the front of the corridor.

"Stop her!"

The guards standing in front of her formed a human wall, and the yelling of the guards came from behind her.

Tongzi lowered her head, dodged the sweeping baton, and then rushed forward into the arms of a guard, using him as a shield to rush forward, and the guard behind him would either be knocked down or hit To fall to the side.

In just a moment, she easily smashed through the human wall formed by the guards.

After rushing out of the encirclement, she threw back the guards in her hand as a shield, knocking those following guards to the ground.

When making the above actions, Tongzi maintained restraint to ensure that she would not let these guards cause serious injuries.

"Quick, get up quickly, get up for Lao Tzu."

Amidst the captain of the guard's furious curses, the guards who had fallen to the ground finally stood up, but Tongzi had long since disappeared.

"You guys, look over there, you go over there."

The captain of the guard assigned his men and pointed to the aisle leading to other forks: "We must not allow the assassination of the Holy Son of Heaven to repeat itself."

After all the guards ran away in a hurry, Tongzi came out from a door beside the corridor.

In a hurry, she opened the door and rushed in after turning the corner of the aisle. Fortunately, there was no one in the door, so she hid inside and waited for everyone outside to leave. , just walked out.

"I seem to have broken into an incredible place."

Tongzi, who was hiding in the door, also heard what the captain of the guard said just now.

She didn't know what the Holy Son of Heaven was. The Son of Heaven is the title of the emperor in Chinese. As for the Holy Son, when most people mention it, they will subconsciously associate it with something sacred or related to religion.

But no matter what, the word Sheng Tianzi sounds like a ruler who is aloft and rules everything like a holy emperor.

Fuck, I shouldn't be so unlucky, I just threw myself to the place where the emperor lives after this time travel?

It's no wonder that the guards are bitter and bitter, seeing that she is such a cute loli, she is not merciful at all.

But having said that, where exactly is this, and which country does the Holy Son of Heaven belong to?

But no matter what, she had to leave here.

What is the crime of trespassing on the palace?If we look at it from ancient times, it should be possible to kill him on the spot. In modern times, even if he surrenders, he will probably be regarded as a spy for the rest of his life, and then locked in a dark prison.

She didn't want to be killed, and she didn't want to be imprisoned in a secret prison. If the other party was willing to listen to her explanation, she would be willing to spend some time explaining it, but it was a pity that the other party obviously would not give her this opportunity.

In fact, if with her strength, she could go out in a swaggering way, no one would be able to stop her.

But she didn't want to do it.

Sometimes, doing too many mindless things will get boring, and it’s actually good to use your brain once in a while.

But she is not wandering around in this big house, she has asked the grandson of the sage to record all the routes she has traveled in this big house, and now she has almost completed all the first floors.

Yes, she is running upstairs now.

Because a large number of guards poured in from the entrance and exit on the first floor, and she ran upstairs, she would naturally attract those guards into the building. When the guards outside were not paying attention, she slipped away with a leap of faith Just slip away.

"Here, she's here..."

"Stop, don't run!"

Two guards from St. Curie appeared in front of Tongzi, this time they were no longer holding batons, but revolvers.

Tongzi's body fell backwards, her back continued to stick to the ground, but her whole body continued to slide forward.

Bang bang bang!

In a panic, the guards quickly fired, but the bullets only hit the clean white tiles, making a few unsightly holes.

And Tongzi's sliding shovel knocked the two guards to the ground, and passed through them.

After she stood up, she immediately ran wildly. After rushing out of the aisle in front, there were two forked roads ahead. She rushed to the right without thinking, and then saw a door on the wall of the aisle. After opening, she rushed Go in and close it.

After closing the door, she stuck to the door and listened to the movement outside the door.

All she could hear were footsteps running down the hallway outside the door, and the sound of their conversation.

"Where did she go?"

"She's so fast, like a ninja."

"Stop chatting, let's search the neighborhood more. She can't run far away. Our people have already surrounded the holy residence. I heard that the assistant officer of Tiantong plans to mobilize the Ground Self-Defense Force."

"Lu Zi? That's okay, if the assassins are caught by those guys on our territory, wouldn't those guys be more proud then?"

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