"Who says it's not? Those Lu Zi red deer are better at taking credit than anyone else."

Saying so, the voices of conversation and the sound of footsteps gradually faded away.

After confirming that everyone outside the door had gone far away, Tongzi had the opportunity to turn her head and re-observe the environment inside the room.

Here is a western style bedroom, the whole bedroom presents the main color of white.

Against the wall on the left is a large bed, covered with a brand new white soft quilt, the quilt is made of high-quality materials, and the grandson of the sage can recognize it as a high-end brand at a glance.

Next to the bed is a white bedside table with a delicate lamp on it. In the corner of the room, there is also a large bookshelf full of books.

Directly in front of him is a glass door that falls to the ground, and outside the glass door is a protruding balcony.

A young girl stood on the balcony with her back to Kiriko.

Judging from her back view, she is not very old, probably in her teens. The girl has short light blue hair, and she is covered with several layers of white gauze as thin as washi paper. With a hat as delicate as a sun visor, the costume looks like a wedding dress covered in a lot of snow.

She might have something on her mind, so she didn't hear Tongzi's movement when she came in.

Since this girl can appear here, and this is a bedroom, she must be different from a "smuggler" like Tongzi.

But judging from her age, it's hard to imagine that she is a staff member here, maybe she is engaged in the kind of...

But from the back, it seems to be very pure.

However, people should not be judged by their appearance. Indeed, many people cannot judge people by their appearance.

But no matter what, it's best for you to leave as soon as possible before the other party finds you...

Just thinking about it, the girl who turned her back to Kiriko suddenly turned around.

Chapter 187 You Are Really An Idealist


This allowed Tongzi to see her appearance clearly.

The girl's face is exquisite, with a little immaturity, like a green apple, but it is said that some men don't like mature women, but like this type.

"You... who are you?"

Tongzi could tell that although she pretended to be calm, she was actually very scared.

"Well, don't get excited, calm down, take a deep breath, take a deep breath, okay?" Tongzi spread her hands, indicating that she didn't hold a weapon, "I don't know who you are, and I don't intend to hurt you. Pretend not to see you, let's just pretend nothing happened, okay?"

"You...you are..."

Although the girl in pure white dress was scared, she opened the window and walked in.

However, there is still some distance from Tongzi.

"Just stand there and don't move. I'm leaving now. I'm sorry to disturb you."

Tongzi was about to leave, but was stopped by the other party.

"Wait, who the hell are you? Why are you here?"

Hearing the other party's question, Tongzi had no choice but to stop.

"Miss, I don't want to know who you are, but please don't ask me, okay?"

"Why, is there any special reason? Or is there a reason you don't want people to know?"

"Miss, if a woman is too persistent, she will be abandoned by a man."

To Tongzi's surprise, when she said this, the pure white girl's face turned red.

WTF? ? ?

The man blushed just after saying a few words, did he think it wrong in the first place?She's not actually in that profession...

If not, then why is the other party here at such a young age?She can't be the owner of this house, can she?

No, no, this is not Japanese animation, how is it possible?

I'm still a high school student saving the world...

Does not exist does not exist.

The pure white girl looked very calm. Although this calmness was the result of her efforts to calm down, many people who were older than her might not be half as calm as she was in this situation.

"Then how did you get here?"

"As I said, this is a misunderstanding. I don't know where this place is. You have seen it. If I wanted to kill you, I would have done it long ago. I have no malicious intentions."

Tongzi really wanted to just open the door and rush out, but her intuition made her stay. She believed in her intuition. Although this intuition was useless during the exam, it felt like any answer was right, but in Sometimes it works surprisingly well.

"I saw your sincerity, you didn't pull out your sword, but I still want to ask," the pure white girl seemed to muster up a lot of courage, stared into Tongzi's eyes, and then asked, "You Didn’t he really come to assassinate the Holy Son of Heaven?”

"I've only heard this word twice in total, and it's all in this house. It sounds like a big shot." Tongzi shook his head, "But I don't know such a big shot, as I said before, I I don't know where this place is, and I don't know who the Holy Son of Heaven is, and I don't intend to kill anyone."

"is it?"

The pure white girl nodded, looking relieved.

"Now, may I go, miss?"


Just when the pure white girl was about to say something, there was a sudden knock on the door.

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