Both Tongzi and the pure white girl were startled by the sudden knock on the door.

Then, an old but still strong voice came in from outside the door: "Master Shengtianzi, are you inside?"

The air suddenly became quiet.

Kiriko looked at the pure white girl with a stiff face.

Holy Son? this girl?

Realizing this, Tongzi couldn't help feeling a sudden realization.

I see……

No wonder this girl is here, so she is the owner of this house.

However, this time it's a little more troublesome.

The owner of the house is right in front of me, and there are people outside the door. Although I am not afraid of these people, I just want to use my brain to leave this house, I am afraid it will be impossible...

Is this the legendary "plans are unreliable, everything depends on recklessness"?

However, to Tongzi's surprise, after staring at her closely for a while, the pure white girl seemed to have made a major decision, and she shouted out the door: "Chrysanthemum, what's the matter? "

"We found an assassin sneaking in. We were worried that the assassin would harm you, so we came here quickly."

"Thank you, Chrysanthemum Chancellor, and the others who came with you, I am fine, no assassin has come to me."

"Then I will send someone to guard in front of your bedroom to ensure your safety."

Then Tongzi heard that strong voice giving orders to the people outside the door. About a dozen people were left behind to guard the door, and more people were arranged in the aisle to strengthen their defenses.


Tongzi looked at this pure white girl in surprise, she never thought that such a girl who looked no different from a high school girl was actually the Son of Heaven.

Sheng Tianzi put his hand to his mouth, made a silent gesture, then walked to the bed, opened a door next to the bed, and waved to Tongzi at the same time, signaling her to come in together.

Tongzi followed suspiciously, and found that there was a smaller space inside, probably a study or something. After Tongzi came in, the Son of Heaven closed the door.

"Okay, you can talk now. The sound insulation here is better. If you talk here, you won't be heard by people outside."

"You... are you really the Son of Heaven?"

The Son of Heaven didn't answer, but just nodded.

"Then why are you helping me? Do you really believe I'm innocent?"

"Yes, I believe."


"Because I can feel that you are not malicious?"


Tongzi couldn't help being confused by Sheng Tianzi's words.

Needless to say, this situation in reality, even on the virtual network, "As long as the other party says something that you don't want to hear, or you don't agree with yourself, then immediately label the other party in various ways." "There are not too many people like this.

The current material conditions are getting better and better, but people's hearts are also getting more and more impetuous. It is not easy to be able to bear down and read the words written by others. It is even rarer.

More people only read a few words, then make up what the other party said, and then reply below, while some people may understand what the other party wants to say, but deliberately fan the flames, wanting to see what the other party has reaction.

And in some places, with the injection of a large number of lively new blood, the elderly gradually withdraw, and this is the hardest hit area. The posts on the first page are full of water stickers, provocations, whores, and fishing just by looking at the titles. Wait, these new blood unscrupulously display their youthful vigor, wantonly attack targets they dislike, and list all those who disobey them as enemies until they think they are victorious.

Tongzi, who grew up in such an environment, is really hard to imagine that there are people like Sheng Tianzi in this world.

"Aren't you afraid that I'm really an assassin, and everything before that was a deliberate disguise?"

"No, if you really wanted to kill me, you could have done it a long time ago. Why wait until now? What's more, I think as long as you are honest with each other, even assassins can talk about it. As long as I take If I show my sincerity, the other party will definitely be moved by my sincerity."

Sunlight shone in from the window of the room and sprinkled on the body of the Holy Son of Heaven. At this moment, the girl in the pure white dress was like an awe-inspiring and inviolable goddess.

Even Tongzi, who thought she had seen a lot of the world, was shocked at this moment.

After being silent for a while, the speechless Tongzi could only say: "You are really an idealist."

"Thank you for your compliment. I have indeed been acting for my ideals."

Sheng Tianzi looked at Tongzi.

"Then it's your turn."

"I...well," Tongzi sighed, "My name is Tongzi."

"Tong Jiang? It's really a cute name that fits the appearance." Sheng Tianzi smiled.

Her smile is pure and flawless, like the most beautiful gem, this smile was rarely seen by Tongzi on the face of a girl of her age in her previous life.

"So, Tong-chan, where are you from?"

Fuck, is it really okay to ask such a sensitive question as soon as you open your mouth?

"No, I'm not from this place."

"Are you from the Osaka area? How could that be?" Sheng Tianzi covered his mouth, "Although the Osaka area is the closest to the Tokyo area, how are you going to cross the wilderness full of Gastrea?"

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