Tokyo area?Osaka area?


What does this mean?

Tongzi hid the surprise on her face well.

From what the other party said, it can be understood that the place she is in must be Japan, and the timeline should be before and after modern times—well, in fact, she is not sure whether it is modern or not.

Also, what do Tokyo area and Osaka area mean?

"It doesn't matter, have you finished asking your questions? I just want to leave now, can I go?"

"Last question, what are your plans after leaving here?"

"I just want to get out of here right now."

Sheng Tianzi took a deep look at Tongzi.

"Really? I understand, so I won't ask you more. After all, everyone has their own secrets, but if you want to leave, I'm afraid it won't be so easy."

"You do have a lot of guards here, but it's not a problem for me. The real trouble is leaving without being so ostentatious, but to me, it's just trouble."

"You look as if you have a well-thought-out plan and are very confident in your own strength."

"You can think that what I said is a lie, but if I don't have two brushes, how can I get into your bedroom smoothly? Since you are a noble person, there must be a lot of guards."

The Son of Heaven froze for a moment: "You're right, well, I believe you, but if you believe me, I have a way to get you out of the Holy House."


A maid was pushing a small trailer on which were quilts taken from the bedroom of the Holy Son of Heaven.

Just ten minutes ago, she was called to Sheng Tianzi's bedroom, and Sheng Tianzi suddenly asked to throw away a pile of quilts on the trailer.

Japan is a country with a very clear distinction between superiority and inferiority. Those who serve the Holy Son of Heaven naturally have no problem with what the Holy Son of Heaven wants to do.

So the maid dragged the trailer and walked outside.

The holy residence seems to be in trouble today. It is said that some assassins have sneaked in. Now the guards are currently searching the holy residence under the leadership of Assistant Officer Tiantong.

Outside Lord Sheng Tianzi's bedroom, a large number of guards have been placed just in case.

The maid sincerely hoped that the assassin would be caught by the guards as soon as possible, and she did not want another assassination like the previous emperor's.

Shengtianzi is hereditary. The Tokyo area has experienced nine years since the war. There are three Shengtianzi (note ①) in total. In my mind, the voice is the highest, and he is considered to be the most charming and popular Holy Son of Heaven.

Under the leadership of Lord Shotenko, the Tokyo region has become the most prosperous country among the five major regions of Japan, so the maid does not want such a good person to be assassinated.

Pushing the trailer all the way, the maid thought about it all the way, a guard ran past her, but because she recognized the maid, no one questioned her, and no one checked what she was pushing.

So the maid easily pushed the trailer all the way out of the sanctuary, and pushed it outside the sanctuary, into the maids' tool room.

Because Japan's garbage is classified in a very complicated way, divided into many types, the mineral water bottle alone must be divided into three parts: the bottle body, the bottle cap, and the wrapping paper, and it must be washed before it can be thrown away. The time is divided, and if you miss the time to throw out the garbage, you have to put it at home first.

And today is obviously not the day to throw out the quilt, even if it was, the time to throw out the trash has long been missed, so the maid had to put the quilt in the tool room first, and then push it out to throw away when it was time to throw out the trash.

What?Are you saying that Lord Shengtianzi should not have privileges?

It is precisely because Lord Shengtianzi has no privileges and must abide by these rules like everyone else, that's why everyone loves her so much.

After the maid pushed the trailer into the tool room, she locked the door of the tool room and left.

And the quilt was placed on the trailer in the tool room, long after the maid left, and then a hand suddenly stretched out from the quilt.

Afterwards, Tongzi got out from under the quilt.

She looked around, it was a small tool room, there were no people, only tools for cleaning.

Apart from the door, there are only windows on the wall, but the position of the window is very high, and even an ordinary person would normally not be able to touch that window.

Tongzi jumped up, jumped to the edge of the window, and looked out.

What can be seen outside is a row of trees, and the outside of the trees is an iron net. When she played GTA5 before, the rich also liked to decorate their yards like this.

It seemed that he had already left that big house, and now he could go out as long as he crossed the row of trees and the iron fence.




Remark ①: The following words will not be charged.

It is mentioned in the seventh volume of the original novel that in the eight years after the end of the gastrulation war, it was first managed by a prime minister named Zama, and then he was killed by the first emperor to succeed.

However, Zama died in 2029, and the animation started in 2031. The Shengtianzi in the animation is the third generation of Shengtianzi, which means that three generations have changed in two years.

You must know that the Holy Son of Heaven is a hereditary system, and there have been three generations in two years, which is terrible...

By the way, the current time is one year before the anime started.

Chapter 188 I'm Just a Light, Soft Girl Who Can Be Pushed Down


In fact, to be honest, when Sheng Tianzi proposed to her at the beginning, she was not without doubts in her heart.

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