It is also possible that the other party deliberately pretended to be very innocent, and then tricked himself, and then asked the guards to set fire after he got inside and was pushed outside.

But after Tongzi hesitated again and again, he still believed the other party's words.

Because no matter what, she wanted to trust the other party once.

Even if it is possible to be deceived, but...

She admitted that she was moved by the sincerity of the other party.

In her last life, she had seen too many powerful girls who opened their mouths to buy a house but closed their mouths to buy a car. When talking about men, they always put money first. looking at you...

It's been a long time since I saw a girl with such a clean smile, so she was willing to give it a try.

Fortunately, she was not disappointed.

The door of the tool room was locked from the outside, but Tongzi was not troubled by this. She reached out and stabbed her finger directly into the lock, so that the lock opened (physically).

She opened the door of the tool room, peeked outside, and found a large bungalow in the distance. It was probably the big house she was in before. There were many guards in black uniforms outside the house, but who Did not look in this direction.

Without further ado, she quickly came out of the door, then went around to the back of the tool room, used the tool room to block her sight, and jumped over the trees and iron fences, jumping directly outside.

The street outside the holy residence was very spacious and clean, but there were no pedestrians on the road, not even vehicles passing by. She looked around and found that no one noticed her, so she chose a direction and left quickly.


Tongzi didn't know whether she was going in the right direction, in fact, she didn't know which direction she should go, but anyway, it was right to stay away from the place called Holy House.

She was walking at the normal speed of ordinary people walking quickly. When the afternoon sun shone directly on the top of her head, the things in front of her eyes also changed.

The buildings on both sides of the clean and tidy street have changed from a large villa area to a lively street full of buildings, from an empty street to a bustling street.

The clerk in a suit carried a briefcase, hiding in the shade of a tree and walking forward with indifference...

The hem of the miniskirt is just a high school girl who can wrap her buttocks, talking and laughing on the sidewalk in twos and threes...

The greasy middle-aged man, whose dirty white shirt was still soaked in sweat, was sitting on a bench outside a store, staring at the backs of the female high school students. The expression on his face was undisguised. From his heart, even on the pants under his crotch, a small tent was propped up...

Office workers, female high school students, greasy middle-aged uncles, and all kinds of people, etc., all of which make Tongzi have an illusion, as if he has traveled to modern Japan.

However, when Tongzi looked through the dense buildings and looked into the distance, he suddenly felt unreal.

The sky above the head is blue sky and white clouds. Today's weather is fine, and you can see far away, especially Tongzi's eyesight is higher than that of ordinary people. She can clearly see that in the far distance, there are many huge black Something like a wall stands in the distance.

That thing is about a thousand meters high and a thousand meters wide, and there are more than one piece, arranged around them at the same intervals, forming a circle as if to protect the city.

The tall black wall, like a stone tablet, stands on the ground. There is a sense of disharmony, but it will make people feel awe.


On the road, the male high school student with a shabby face grabbed the clothes of the male high school student wearing glasses. Seeing this scene, the pedestrians who were walking on the sidewalk distanced themselves from them one after another, bowed their heads quickly step by step.

The male student with a shabby face said angrily: "You bastard, did you deceive Yuko?"

"Yuko, who are you referring to?" The man with glasses ignored the grabbed collar, but adjusted his glasses.


The male student with a shabby face was so angry that his blood flowed backwards.

But just before he was going to do anything, the man with glasses said with a strong desire to survive: "Oh, I remembered, Yuko, right, yes, I remembered, what's wrong? You can't be her boyfriend?"

"I'm Yuko's boyfriend!"

The male student with a shabby face said angrily.

"Oh, so it turns out that the person Yuko was talking about was you, then... that..."

The man with glasses was very angry when he saw the male student with a shabby face, and seemed to panic a little. It seemed that he was not as calm as he appeared on the surface, and he showed his true colors when he was forced like this.

"What, what, Yuko and I are childhood sweethearts, I have been to her since we were young...but you dare you...I watched it for more than ten years without daring to do anything, sometimes I couldn't bear it anymore , masturbating in the middle of the night, even masturbating bleeding...but how dare you..."

Although the male student with a shabby face was trembling all over due to his panic attack, and he couldn't even complete the sentence, but anyone could hear what he was referring to.

"I'm really sorry that I took the first blood, but it's okay, anyway, I don't plan to marry her, so I'll let it to you. From now on, we will be cave brothers."

"You bastard!"

Tongzi glanced at the two high school students huddled together on the street, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart, it's nice to be young.

When I was still young in my teens, I was very energetic and full of energy no matter what I did.

But after the past ten years, maybe it will become...

"Hey, little sister, why are you here alone?"

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded from the side.

Tongzi turned around and saw a middle-aged man standing beside her.

The middle-aged man's dress is very serious, that is, the dress of a person who seems to be meticulous no matter what he does.

Tongzi didn't speak, but looked up at him with her neck raised.


The middle-aged man was stabbed by Tongzi's eyes. For some reason, he felt a little flustered, but he looked around and looked at Tongzi again, thinking that it might be his own illusion just now.

So he showed what he thought was a smile again: "Little sister, did you get lost with your family? I saw your father over there just now, how about I take you there?"

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