This father out of nothing is okay.

In fact, Tongzi already understood who the other party was. Even if the other party was dressed in sloppy clothes, it was wrong to judge someone by their appearance, but what the other party said made her feel better.

So she shook her head: "My father is gone."

Her biological parents had both died since she was a child, and although her adoptive parents were still alive, they were not in this world, so there was nothing wrong with her words.


The middle-aged man choked, "Oh, I was wrong, in fact, what I saw was your mother, your father is not here, your mother is both father and mother, right? Japanese is really broad and profound, I will guide you Go find mom."

In the end, Tongzi still shook her head: "My mother is long gone."

The reasons are the same as above, and will not be repeated.

Middle-aged man: "..."

He was a gentleman after all, the middle-aged man quickly realized, he knelt down and wanted to touch Tongzi's head, but the latter took a step back just right, avoiding his dirty hands.

"Then uncle will take you home, okay? You must be very hungry. There are a lot of delicious food at uncle's house. Will uncle take you away?"


Tongzi is like a very honest and obedient child, obediently following the middle-aged man.

The home of the middle-aged man happened to be on this street, and the buildings outside seemed to be compared, one was built higher than the other, the middle-aged man led Tongzi into his building, and took the elevator to his apartment Before, take out the key to open.

He signaled Tongzi to go in first, and after Tongzi entered, he locked the door behind him.

Contrary to expectations, the apartment is clean and tidy, and the lighting is good. Generally speaking, it is not cheap to be able to live in this kind of apartment, even in modern Japan with a normal society.

It seems that this middle-aged man is quite rich.

"Hey, little girl, let uncle come and love you well."

After bringing Tongzi back to his home, the middle-aged man couldn't wait to rub his hands, and at the same time, he stopped covering up, tearing off the disguise on his face, and showing a foolish smile.

"Oh, I finally couldn't help it, are you going to show your original shape?"

By the way, after Kiriko left the holy residence, in order to prevent commotion, she put the black long sword into the treasure house.

But now, when she heard the sound of the door being locked, including the voice of the middle-aged man and the laughter of the idiot, Tongzi also turned around.

It's just that the expression on her face was not at all like the panic and panic that a poor girl was locked in a closed room by a middle-aged uncle. On the contrary, she looked very calm and calm.

"Is it because the target is a girl, so I don't think there is any need for drugs, so I just go straight to it?"

The middle-aged man once again felt the strange feeling of being stabbed by Tongzi's eyes before. This strange feeling made him realize that it was not a cute girl who he brought home, but a cute girl. A terrifying existence with the appearance of a girl.

Immediately, he shook his head violently.

Impossible, how is this possible?

This girl, no matter how you look at it, is fifteen years old (the actual age of Tongzi's body is twenty, and the appearance age is fifteen), she is just a child, even if she has practiced karate or kendo, so what, like this The child in question is naturally not as good as an adult in terms of physical fitness, so I can suppress her even with brute force...

Rather, wouldn't it be better to know karate or kendo?

Middle-aged people have played with many women before, but they only cry and cry, and their faces are always flustered.

At the beginning, I thought it was very interesting, but then I gradually felt that it seemed to be no different from watching Wei Wei, at most it was the hero of Wei Wei.

Knowing karate and kendo, she is a very cute girl with a calm face...

The addition of these attributes is incredible.

The confident karate and kendo girl was suppressed by herself in the end, showing a humiliated expression.

Thinking about it, it seems quite touching.

"Hey hey, hey hey hey hey hey..."

The middle-aged man's smile has completely collapsed, his already ordinary face has become distorted, and the corners of his mouth are grinning to the sides, showing a very disgusting and distorted expression.

"It's really interesting, it's really very interesting, I didn't expect to find such high-end goods casually, I really can't wait."

Middle-aged people are not interested in women who are as ripe as ripe fruits, and feel that they are not attractive at all. Instead, they have a strong interest in cute girls who are as immature as green apples.

But middle-aged people are different from most gentlemen who yell that this is my wife. Although gentlemen like women very much, they will even buy one or several hard drives specially to store their wives.

But when they actually face women, they don't know what to do. Even if they are familiar with the steps, they are still trembling, for fear that too much movement will make the other party feel pain.

On the contrary, some honest-looking guys who never talk about this kind of thing have done so many dirty things behind their backs.

"Aren't you afraid of breaking the law if you dare to do such a thing?"

Tongzi doesn't know if there is Skynet in Japan, but it is impossible to say that there are no cameras in the streets and alleys. Even if pedestrians are indifferent, it is impossible for the police to ignore things.

"So you are still afraid? I thought you were really so confident in your kung fu."

A little disappointment appeared on the face of the middle-aged man.

"Do you know Tiantong? I am Tiantong and Guang's senior, with him covering me, who dares to touch me?"


Tongzi remembered that when she was in the holy residence, she seemed to have heard that the assistant officer of the holy emperor was Tiantong, and his name was Tiantong Ju Zhicheng.

If it doesn't happen to have the same surname, then Tiantong Heguang, who is regarded as the backstage by the middle-aged people, probably has something to do with the assistant officer of the Holy Son of Heaven.

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