No wonder, no wonder so unscrupulous...

A hand suddenly reached out to Tongzi. Although she was still thinking about something, her body instinctively moved to the side, and at the same time she raised her leg and kicked upwards.

The boot hit the middle-aged man's chin. He was a little stunned by the kick, and by the time he realized it, he had fallen and lay on the cold floor.

If it was in the past, the person who made this posture should usually be the other party.

In fact, he didn't know, it was because Tongzi kept his hand consciously, otherwise he should be confused now.


The middle-aged man stroked his unconscious chin, his eyes filled with shock, "'s could you..."

His reaction was not slow. From the kick just now, the middle-aged man had already realized that the girl in front of him was a little different from the girls he met before.

"What's the matter? Why didn't you continue to come up?" Tongzi smiled and walked forward, "I'm a light and soft girl who is easy to push down, what's wrong with you?"

"I...I was wrong, you...I will open the door now and let you leave, okay, as long as you don't tell what happened today..."

As if remembering something, the middle-aged man rummaged through his body, and then took out a stack of bills that were about as thick as a book from his wallet: "These money...these money should be given to you by uncle, OK?"

The middle-aged man quickly changed to a kneeling position, holding the banknotes in front of his hands, looking very sincere.

Chapter 18 (Sensitive Words) Chapter 9 These documents and photos are good, they are mine now

Damn, I made a mistake this time.

He thought so in his heart.

Because it has been easy to succeed before, it makes him a little bit swayed.

The entire Tokyo area is so big, only a few girls disappeared. Anyway, there is the big man from the Tendo family covering him. If something happens, he will push it to the gastrula that occasionally come in through the huge stone monument, or those red-eyed monsters. That's fine, take care of everything up and down, and no one will blame me.

Once a person has succeeded a few times, he will easily get carried away. He thought it would be the same this time, but he didn't expect...

However, no matter how good this young girl is, if she pleads so much, she will definitely soften her heart, right?

After all, she was just a teenage girl, she hadn't been beaten by society, and she didn't know the dark side of society.

Although the middle-aged man just said that, he didn't really intend to give up.

No one wants their secrets to be known by others, especially secrets like middle-aged people.

It was also because the middle-aged man dealt with it very cleanly that the big man agreed to turn a blind eye. If it was reported by the media, the big man would probably stand by and watch.

The middle-aged man who knows this very well has already thought about it when he begged.

When she bent down to pick up the money, or walked past him, he suddenly jumped up and hit her on the head.

The human skull is the hardest, but it is also the most fragile. The reason why it is said to be fragile is that if a person's head is hit hard, he will be dizzy, his thinking will be confused, and his reaction will become dull.

A few more times, a straight man made of steel has to be honest.

The middle-aged man who was thinking this way couldn't help raising his head, wanting to see Lori's reaction.

However, what caught his eyes was a very indifferent face.

Although, this delicate face, even with its indifferent expression, is still very cute.

It would be better to say that the cute and beautiful girl put on an indifferent expression, which even hit the preferences of some gentlemen.

" let uncle go, right? Uncle didn't have a choice before, but uncle wants to be a good person now."

"What do you think I was thinking just now?" Tongzi sneered deliberately emphatically, "Uncle."


"You're thinking about farting."

The last thing the middle-aged man saw was the long legs that Tongzi had kicked over.


After kicking the middle-aged man off the dog's head, Tongzi searched in the house, and then on the computer, he found a lot of emails sent by others to the middle-aged man, and there were also emails sent by the middle-aged man to others.

After sorting out these bits and pieces of information, she roughly concluded:

This middle-aged man controls a large company in the Tokyo area.

There is no need to elaborate on the specific business of the company. In short, it is not the kind of good people who do legal business.

People who are struggling in the mall always try their best to expand their network. Although as long as they are social people, they should expand their network, but for businessmen, network is more important than everything else.

Network is equal to their own lifeline.

Through some relationships, the middle-aged man finally leaned on the big tree of Tiantong's house.

To be precise, it was the middle-aged man who made some deals with Tendo and Hikari.

Tendo Kikunojo, the assistant next to Setenko, was the grandfather of Tendo Kazuko, who himself served as the vice minister of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.

The deal between the middle-aged man and Tiantong Heguang is actually very simple. The middle-aged man made an offering to Tiantong Heguang, and Tiantong Heguang used his own energy to make the police department turn a blind eye to the recent missing girl case.

In addition to making a deal, the middle-aged man himself is also very careful. First, he chooses the target to be a very ordinary Tokyo citizen. Secondly, he will deliberately wait for a while after committing a crime before committing a crime. Let Tiantong Heguang and the big shots of the Metropolitan Police Department "make trouble".

In fact, Tendo and Hikari let the middle-aged man change the target of the crime from an ordinary girl to those red-eyed monsters more than once, but the middle-aged man is different from others. He thinks that the red-eyed monster is not a real loli, that kind of thing He felt disgusted just seeing it, let alone acting on it.

After browsing through all the emails, Tongzi thought for a while, walked over to pick up a mobile phone from the dead body of the middle-aged man, then found a name in the address book, and sent him a text message.

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